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Tinnitus - Ringing in the ears

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Many a night I've jumped up ready to return what is perceived as incoming fire only to have her laugh and say "its just the tv...." Damn it woman, one day that fucking tv is going to take a very bad case of terminal lead poisoning....

Lol, SC

If you ever do kill your TV with the shotgun in the middle of the night, right next to your missy, please be sure to film it, and post the tape for us to see.

And don't cut out the part when she starts whacking you on the head with the bedside lamp...


hi guys
what a bummer-i've got it too.

i think that it is a common reaction to freak out abit when it first comes on. I did. For a year or so i thought that it might drive me crackers-6 years on and i have sort of got used to it.
Mine was caused by decades of loud music and the only thing that seems to work for me is distraction. The busier i am the less that i notice it. And then i notice that i am not aware of it.......then beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. It's back.



Domesticator of Cannabis
I remember the earlier thread on this. I had comps for a white snake show & was in front by the towers. My jeans pant legs were vibrating. The ears rang for a day, although I understand the damage is done, I don't have any ringing. It reminds me of working in heavy winds really makes it hard to concentrate at the tasks at hand. I hope you all can alleviate the problem.


I've been to several concerts, some with ear plugs and some without. I would get the loud ringing in my ears that would last a day or so after. But for as long as I can remember, I've always had a small ringing in my ears. Its only really heard when there is no noise going on.

I always thought everyone had some ringing. Like dead space in your ears or something. I've never had any traumas to my ears, and I can hear a lot of noises that people can't. The ringing I get in my ears is very faint, but it is there. I sometimes wonder if people just don't pay attention unless its really loud like when coming out of a concert. I know I usually don't even think about it and thus don't even notice it.

It would drive me crazy though if my ears rang like they do after loud noises.


Sound pressure has an effect also. Loud headphones and loud music in a car with the windows rolled up are worse for your ears than equally loud music outside because of the increased sound pressure . I hate the ringing in my ears , but I find it easy to ignore.




:mad:KILLED MY HEARING!. I remember having tenitis so bad in High school, when they came around with those heraing tests that "BEEP" and you raise your hand. Well my ringing was so bad I was embarassed to take the test coz i would raise my hand anyway coz i had such bad ringing! So now 20 yrs later , it's terrible and just got worse form some asshole screaming in my ear cpl months ago. damnit.:wallbash: