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Tinctures vs Edibles



Just trying to get the low-down on tinctures and if they are comprable with edibles as far as potency is concerned.

What can I expect from a month-brewed tincture?

Barn Owl

Active member
No comparison in potency. If you are into edibles heavily like me, you will feel a tincture, but it is more of a light buzz than anything.

If you are not an edibles person, a tincture is a good functional, wake and bake buzz.


Shitty... well at least I won't have huge expectations now.

Thanks for the insight.

What is the best way to achive maximum potency in your edibles, if I may ask?

I usually make my butter with 1oz buds per 1lb of butter. I'll add enough water to boil, about 4 cups, then I boil for about two hours and simmer for thirteen hours. After that I cool it down enough to handle, strain it w/ a cheesecloth and put it in the fridge to harden. Then I drain the water leaving the budder on top...

All that and I'm still not getting the results I'm after... The high is mediocre at best. I'm using heavy narcotic-like indicas for my cooking and can only seem to catch a warm couchlock buzz...

I figured tinctures would be a more potent delivery system, but I guess not.

Any help would be awesome!


Hey creep, do you decarboxylate your bud before making butter? This will result in a stronger end product, as will reducing the amount of butter you start with. Also, i don't think you need to boil for two hours before simmering. One hour of simmering should be plenty if you decarb first. Also, tinctures can be just as strong as cannabutter and hit faster, as long as you decarb first and use high-proof ethanol (151 proof or more). Also, I find that edibles work best on an empty stomach and generally don't work as well after dinner.
Shitty... well at least I won't have huge expectations now.

Thanks for the insight.

What is the best way to achive maximum potency in your edibles, if I may ask?

I usually make my butter with 1oz buds per 1lb of butter. I'll add enough water to boil, about 4 cups, then I boil for about two hours and simmer for thirteen hours. After that I cool it down enough to handle, strain it w/ a cheesecloth and put it in the fridge to harden. Then I drain the water leaving the budder on top...

All that and I'm still not getting the results I'm after... The high is mediocre at best. I'm using heavy narcotic-like indicas for my cooking and can only seem to catch a warm couchlock buzz...

I figured tinctures would be a more potent delivery system, but I guess not.

Any help would be awesome!

hey..try a crock pot. I think i read it on here somewhere. I tried it for the first time a few months ago and it made a huge difference in potency. Use a good crock pot, most of the cheap ones will simmer the butter/water too hot, even on he "keep warm" setting


Yeah.... I m ade some cannamilk last night and I drank 6oz like twenty minutes ago.

I think I drank too much. Really creepy high rightn ow.

Wow... Yeah cannamilk is the way to go