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Tin Toker/Foil bowl


Sometimes when no fellow stoners are around to lend a bowl, and all out of dutches, you have to resort to the tin toker.
I guess its kind of a college thing but as a connoisseur myself, i find myself using one in a pinch.
If you have no idea what I am speaking of, its when you take aluminum foil (for cooking) and wrap it around two pencils, and use the pencils to bend the cylinder of aluminum foil into a pipe.

Some believe it is harmful to smoke with a Tin Toker because the heating frees aluminum ions which are subsequently inhaled. Anyone have any info? I dont use them much but if they do cause harm it would be great to know.

thanks in advance!

Raistlin Majere

did that when i was a teen a bunch
now there are always one of several glass pieces always near at hand
i don't know if its bad or not
but i would never smoke my nugs in tin foil EVER

i seen a guy on TV smoking crack that way :fsu: lol


i used to smoke out of the "foiler boiler" back in the day.
im sure it's not the best thing to do.
i think after a certain temp aluminum emits toxic fumes.
which causes alzheimer's....aluminum deposits in your brain...

get some rolling papers.


natural medicator
Its supposed to cause alzheimers.

Buy some papers and keep them with ya. If you're worried about getting charged with paraphenalia for having any kind of smoking device, just get a pounch of american spirit tobacco and keep it around (though i don't endorse smoking baccy either).

You can get a decent little glass bowl for $10-15 at most headshops though.

Even if you can't roll and are too lazy to learn, you can just wrap your paper around a pencil lick it and let it dry, then stuff it with your herb. I used to do that when i didn't smoke much, though its much better to just learn to roll.


aluminum melts at 1220°F, can the vapors come off before that?


"It has been suggested that aluminium is a cause of Alzheimer's disease, as some brain plaques have been found to contain the metal. Research in this area has been inconclusive; aluminium accumulation may be a consequence of the Alzheimer's damage, not the cause. In any event, if there is any toxicity of aluminium it must be via a very specific mechanism, since total human exposure to the element in the form of naturally occurring clay in soil and dust is enormously large over a lifetime." -National Institute of Environmental health Services Oct '05

oh yeah, I didnt mean to imply that i dont have any pieces or access to papers n L's. I was just wondering how bad it is, for the rare occasions I have no choice but a tinny. :smoke:
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Sneak attack critical
The last time I hit a bowl made from tinfoil I think I wasn't old enough to drive...
Safe to say, I'd never consider doing it again.

I subscribe to the aluminum particle theory. Even if it's not true, smoking through foil is way too close to freebasing for my tastes.

Aluminum EASILY gives up ions. Even more easily then copper.

Smoking from tin foil=stupid move. You might as well use a vaporizer made out of a CLF and suck on the mercury vapour too.


look at your deoderant,if you use one.
it may contain aluminum.

i try to avoid these types.

but hey,thats me...


Mr.Botanical said:

Aluminum EASILY gives up ions. Even more easily then copper.

Smoking from tin foil=stupid move. You might as well use a vaporizer made out of a CLF and suck on the mercury vapour too.
break it down for me homie. does it emit carcinogens or something harmful?

in the quote i posted, further studies prove aluminum has no link to Alzheimers.


cant stop wont stop
yeah i havent done that for frikkin years!
i wouldnt risk it..
how bout a home made vap?
you all ever do that?
smokin weed out a light bulb, maybe some say its too close to meth use but it actually works and at least its glass..
either way i prefer a glass pipe


holy hell
no.. there is no way you could heat Aluminum hot enough with a lighter

That data that pointed to the correlation with Alzheimer's was taken from Aluminum smelters- aluminum by itself is fine of a pipe.

The BIG DEAL though is to NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT NOT use an aluminum can as a pipe


the plastic inside of the can is very dangerous, especially if inhaled
I used to make poke holes and make foil screens all the time to go with my crappy plastic pieces with home depot tubing. Now I've moved on to homemade glass and screens.

I wonder what the health hazards with regular screens compared to aluminum foil. When I was in SE asia I had to resort to buying little drinks with foil caps to make screens out of after a shitty attempt of trying to make a joint out of a receipt.