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Timo Haara's where-about?


Well-known member
To my understanding the Cops have set a trap for Timo and he seems to be imprisoned now.

Previously I had some contact with him, and I would like to sent him some support letters.

Does anybody know the prison adress where they keep him atm ?

I would like to dedicate this song to Timo:



Well-known member
Hard to explain Piel and I forgot some detaills, but he told me previously on how such a criminal way they were after him, and later I heared from an other source that they made him go somewhere so they could arrest him.
From an other source I heared that Finnish Cops had made a deal with Estonian cops to kinda criminally and by using inner circle connections get him to become extradited.
Maybe someone else with more precise info could explain it better as I can...

Or hopefully you are more capable of understanding this recently made radio interview with him as I can:


If link does not work check "Timo Haara vankilassa" on youtube.


New member
Things have changed. Timo has been moved to hospital for the criminal insane in Turku.

Few days after arrest Timo gave an interview to a radio channel, Radio Rock. After this 15 minute interview where he was defencing himself and accusing our police of unauthorized action during investigations he was forced to take some drugs. No-one knows since he has been unable to contact anyone outside. Rumors says drugs for some mental disease, maybe skitzofrenia.

About the trap. One of our high-officials, oikeusasiamies, held proofs against police which Timo came to get from Finland. Hes trial of growing cannabis is at next week i think. When he was going back to Estonia police identified him as Interpol wanted criminal. Quite wierd since between us and estonia there is literally no border control when you are using a ship or a raft.


Well-known member
Thanks for this importend update Maks.

I suppose we better wait sending our post cards & letters then untill his where-abouts become more clear.

Am in no mood for swearing at the system atm, but I could!

There's a reason why good & couragious ppl always get the biggest pile of shit to digest.

Keep it up Tim. Hang in there. ^^


Well-known member
Similar shit also have happened to me BT , You can bet your ass on it that it is all true.

Sad shit just, but that's how this country operates. Forced medication and without "Costumers" consent.

At some point I at least got them to apologise for it, but yeh, the harm had been done already.

That's like someone brings you a shit load of rotten tomatoes that you never ordered, but they'll say you payed in to it so now it's all yours :D

I have always wondered how these things would work out in Finland > creditorsincommerce.com


Well-known member
If we take to light to this, Then BT is right as hell and underwritten story could become our childrens and relatives possible future too.

" Maybe try caring about others in need, as much as we would like others to care about us (...) That perfect little world is anyways not in our hands... or is it? "

Vietnam Using Drug Takers as Slave Labor
By Phillip Smith, Stop the Drug War - Thursday, September 8 2011
Headline News


labor camps





Vietnamese drug users detained by the police are held for years without due process, subjected to torture and physical violence, and forced to work as low- or no-wage labor in camps that are supposed to be drug treatment centers, according to an explosive new report released Wednesday by Human Rights Watch, which called for the camps to be closed and the prisoners released.

The report, The Rehab Archipelago: Forced Labor and Other Abuses in Drug Detention Centers in Southern Vietnam, documents the experience of people confined in 14 detention centers controlled by the government of Ho Chi Minh City. It found that the camps, which are mandated to treat and rehabilitate drug users are instead little more than forced labor camps where prisoners work six days a week processing cashew nuts, sewing clothes, and manufacturing other items.

Those who refuse to work or who violate camp rules are subject to punishments that Human Rights Watch said in some cases amounts to torture. It cited the experience of Quynh Luu, a former detainee who was caught trying to escape.

"First they beat my legs so that I couldn't run off again," Quynh said. "Then they shocked me with an electric baton and kept me in the punishment room for a month."

Quynh's case is hardly an exception, said the human rights monitoring organization, which talked to numerous current and former prisoners.

"People did refuse to work but they were sent to the disciplinary room. There they worked longer hours with more strenuous work, and if they balked at that work then they were beaten. No one refused to work completely," said Ly Nhan, who was detained in Nhi Xuan center in Ho Chi Minh City for four years.

"Work was compulsory," said Luc Ngan, who was a minor when he began more than three years in detention at Youth Center No. 2 in Ho Chi Minh City. "We produced bamboo furniture, bamboo products, and plastic drinking straws. We were paid by the hour for work -- eight-hour days, six days a week."

While workers were paid, they never saw the money, said Quynh, who spent five years at Center No. 3 in Binh Duong province. "On paper I earned 120,000 Vietnamese dollars a month, but they took it. The center staff said it paid for our food and clothes."

"If we opposed the staff they beat us with a one-meter, six-sided wooden truncheon. Detainees had the bones in their arms and legs broken. This was normal life inside," said Dong Ban, who was imprisoned for more than four years in Center No. 5 in Dak Nong province.

"Tens of thousands of men, women and children are being held against their will in government-run forced labor centers in Vietnam," said Joe Amon, health and human rights director at Human Rights Watch. "This is not drug treatment, the centers should be closed, and these people should be released."

The Vietnamese embassy in Washington did not return a call for comment Wednesday.

- Read the entire article at Stop the Drug War


Tää alkaa olemaan aika uskomatonta paskaa! Ja olipa surkeita nuo radion haastattelijat :moon:

Oikeusvaltio, what a joke!


ØG T®ipL3 ØG³
Oli kyllä typerää läppää noilta "toimittajilta". Antais miehen puhua, kun kerran ovat eetteriin kutsuneet.

Tuota mä oon jo vuosia sanonu, että jos haluavat Suomen nousuun ja veromassit omaan taskuun, niin laillistakaa budi ja aletaan myymään sitä venukeille ja swenssoneille. Ai että sitä turistirallia, kun sais pohjolan Amsterdamista hyvää budaa :)

Siihen asti: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JU9TouRnO84


Noi toimittajanpaskat ovat kuitenki melkein ainoita jotka ovat päästäneet Haaran ääneen..jo 4 vuoden ajan. On se ihme ettei mikään kelpaa. Alkaa muistuttaa kiihkouskovaisuutta. "Näistä asioista ei saa puhua kuin "oikein".."
Vittu! Parempi kai että kuitenkin puhutaan..


Well-known member
For some reason I got angry like hell over this, and even tho I calmed down meanwhile , I maybe would still like to write some of my recent thoughts on it.

Note they are just thoughts, But I also know myself when I get angry about someting, and then it'll become real difficult to not feel strongly about it and make me wanting to go and do the right thing.


So They nailed me over what they would call "distribution of illegal substances" whereas in the courtroom I could n't help but internally laughing my ass off when time after time the whole thing was just beeing articulated in terms of FLOWERS!
So they nicely put me on probation over a lovely thing called a FLOWER, and several times they even stressed on how GOOD QUALITY FLOWERS in fact they realy were. (confusing shit those courtrooms, honest :D)

The only way for me to cover up the immensely huge fine they gave me for "in their terms" selling FLOWERS, would be for me to actually go out and realy try to sell my FLOWERS in exchange for THEIR money in order to cover up for my imaginary debt.

I'm a flower farmer, and that's my trade, and if it comes to terms of money, well, then that would be the only godgiven tool I got to cover up for their imaginary expenses if have to.

(I'm usually not big on quoting Jezus, but thisone I like to keep in since it resonates rather well with me > Return to Ceasar what belongs to Ceasar! Money was his trade, and Flowers are mines. dot!

So so , well well...So in order to cover up their imaginary debt I would have to start selling Flowers, wich as a matter of fact is a good thing according to my objective > Getting as much Flowers as possible to thrive in this world.

Even tho it maybe might be contradicting with their objective wich is; To scare the shit out of me and make me submit to THEIR money trade.

Now they miscalculated something... I just don't happen to become much impressed by their intimidation and spending time in jail over such thing as a FLOWER I happen to see as an honour and a good opportunity to come in contact with soulmates having a rough time overthere, and to who I maybe could bring a little sunshine in their lives and make our sores somewhat easyer by trying to have a good time, have fun, get real and understand that it is all not such a big deal.

OK, now my situation is that I got a wife and kids, A shit load of farm animals and a whole village to take care off in terms of social devellopment, but the thought has risen to my head to go to their highest police officer in town, offer him my FLOWERS, and exchange this for the beautifull opportunity to go and get to see Timo Haara in their institution for the Criminal Insane.

Beats sending letters and post cards wha?

Fuck I'm angry again.

TY for reading.

Edit: Yeh I know, it's just all a silly game we are returning. Wished some Police officer or "higher" (duh) official could read this and smarten the fuck up.

Maybe they should tune in to Alex Jones his radio show every ones a while @ infowars.com

This guy is for real and allthough I disagree with him on some petty issues, he for sure has a good and large understanding of what's happening in the world right now.
Guy is also just human, give him a break.

And no, I am not to fearfull of the Elite allowing his broadcast for sake of pinpointing our location and hunting us all down at some point in time.

It is in everyone of us to secure our future for the better, and that's my holy believe.