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Time to Boycott Heineken?



I would agree heniken will change policys. This isnt dog fighting. I looked up a video and the dogs look like there playing and having a blast. This is a very respectable sport imo.

Don't forget that all those people sitting around watching are betting on the outcome, that is which dog "wins".
Do you think they would be betting on dogs "playing and having a blast?".
No because there would be no winner.
They are betting on which dog dies the first.


Ps. And if you look at the ring, or pit I think they call it, you will see that it is covered in bloodstains and patches of blood.


I am a huge dog lover, and volunteer at the local humane society. If you think for a second i would condone dog fighting then your crazy. This is wrestling, and i think its very cool that these dogs are i quote "not trained to draw blood or even growl". I didnt know such a sport existed, its pretty cool that an event like this can draw a crowd, without bloodshed.


Pit bulls are bread for dog fighting (or were). Tosa Inu have been bread over centurys to do what you see in the pic, the dogs that got to excited and caused damage to there opponents were not bred.


Bullshit bro, do some reasearch

Well I have actually.
A came across a site where the society for the protection of animals raided a dog fight.
There was a photo of one dog, a black dog, but it had a white head.
I thought that's strange, I have never seen a black dog with a white head before.
Then I looked closer and saw that the dog had all the skin ripped off it's head, and it's head was just bone, and that's why it was white. And the dog was still alive.
Any you call that "just playing and having a blast"?


I didnt know such a sport existed, its pretty cool that an event like this can draw a crowd, without bloodshed.

Huh? Where did all the blood in the ring come from then?


so this isnt what was happening?

"Tosa fighting is very similar to Sumo wrestling, and follows similar rules. Led to the fight by silk ropes, the Tosas wear embroidered ceremonial robes which can cost $30,000 or more. The two dogs are placed (robe-free) in a gazebo-shaped ring ten feet in diameter in the presence of a chief judge, two assistant judges, and three or more examiners. The dogs lock heads and attempt to push each other out of the fighting area. No sanctioned Tosa-Ken fight is to the finish. The time limit is 30 minutes and typically the fights last no longer than ten minutes. Any barking or growling disqualifies the dog."

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