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Time for Vape?

ooo .. yea if your vapor hits aren't the sweetest, fruitiest, tasting dank hits you've ever experienced than your doing it wrong. burnt pop corn means your combusting or getting close to it..vapor taste 10 times better than smoke period. no way sour d smoke taste better than sour d vapor.


Active member
^ really? whats the right temp? every time i have smoked out of a vape i didnt notice any real difference in taste it always tastes the same....i get best taste out of a tough bong hit or the first half of a dutchmaster...


Active member
try the verdamper or vaporhighzer i think it is called in hamburgerland.

it's like a bong and the best vape i tried but i wont buy it cuz it is made from glass :D i alos have a volcano but the verdamper gives a much cleaner taste



Cigarettes make you hack up black phlegm and mucus. All of my friends who smoke weed and smoke cigarettes gripe about it, but I don't smoke cigs, just weed, and I never hack up any black shit :D

make the switch today! that sounds gross D:

I don't agree. Well, it's true to a certain point. But when you smoke long enough you will start to cough up some green/black phlegm. Been there, done that.
I don't smoke cigs and never was a tobacco smoker but I used to smoke a LOT of ganja by different methods.
Smoking is bad for you, no matter what you are smoking. Get that vapo man!

These days I use only Volcano. And one of the best ways to get stoned/high is by eating some canna edibles! No need to smoke anymore.


Active member
I don't agree. Well, it's true to a certain point. But when you smoke long enough you will start to cough up some green/black phlegm. Been there, done that.

i totally agree no form of smoking is good and they all fuck up your lungs

vape or eat , even too much vaping can have negative effects (every day from dusk till dawn)


Active member
I roll tiny QWISO balls around in some shake, and drop them in the vape.. whipped in no time.

no doubt about that....i mix a nice pile of thc powder/hardened oil into the shake and....yeah thats whats up....another nice thing is it keeps goin and goin and goin


The right temps for me on the extreme q is between 195c-220c. You can go higher than that but not as good imo. The lower temps for daytime use and higher for that couchlock, getting ready to go to sleep high. Sorry the temps are in C and not F. Its easier for me to remember the temps in C even though I'm in the US. The taste on the first few hits are addicting!
You can hook any whip style vaporizer up to a water chamber and bubble it through. The problem with your volcano is that it doesn't do whips. That's why I suggest the Extreme vaporizer to my friends. It does bags and whips, and it does them both very well, and for about half the price.

You should know that you lose THC by running ur vape thru a bubbler tho, which is why I don't use one. The temperatures, relative to the temps when you combust, aren't really that high anyhow.


Now in technicolor
Vaping will help a lot. My vape gets me higher than smoking joints but my tolerance is also shot. The only thing that really fucks me up these days are edibles or taking a week off smoking/vaping. Set and setting also play a big part in how high I get.

Most of your issues are likely from tobacco. Perhaps cut off 25% of your cigarettes every time you buy a pack. Raise this until you're only smoking about half a cigarette at a time (so you're smoking "1 pack a day" which consists of 50% the amount of tobacco you'd normally get from that pack.)

Get your friends in college to pick up nicotine gum for you, and perhaps consider getting on Wellbutrin. It pretty much KILLS the craving and makes cigarettes disgusting (you feel sick if you smoke and you will opt not to even if there is a cig in front of you) but I find the small doses Zyban comes in to not be enough. 200mg SR twice a day works well.. preferably non generic. You need an Rx.

Amazing thing about tobacco is, yes the nicotine causes physical withdrawal, but it's the psychological effect of handling/smoking a cig that's really addicting.

I smoke maybe a few packs a year, but any time I'm not smoking, I'm thinking about smoking. If somebody is smoking or mentions cigs, a flood of dopamine is released and a feeling that a cig right now would make the world right comes upon me. I can easily shrug the feeling off, but it's there, and if I have a pack I'll smoke a cig. Esp now that I found a supplier for very cheap tobacco ("at this price, I'd be stupid NOT to smoke!") Of course after I finish the cig I feel like trash.

I want to mention that if you continue to smoke cigs, and you have papers/bongs out, you'll likely vape AND smoke weed instead of just vape. It's very psychological and nobody here can help you with this addiction. You need to intellectually realize that it's bad for you, and that in the heat of the moment, your intellect needs to outweigh your emotions else you'll get back on.

I suggest doing a 21 day challenge. Wear a rubber band on your wrist, and buy yourself a vape and and e-cig or gum. ONLY use these and don't smoke AT ALL. Don't smoke "on occasion" even if your entire family dies. Anyone can "quit" smoking but only some can quit in times where smoking is the only thing on your mind (after a tragedy, major stressful event etc.) Keep this in mind.

If you smoke even 1 joint/cig, then take the band off your wrist and put it on the other hand and start from day 0. After 21 days it becomes normal not to smoke and you don't need the band.

I consider my will power very powerful and I can use and abuse opiates and every other drug without a problem, but nicotine just destroys me. I will go out of my way to find a reason to smoke. You can give me statistics and all, and I'll sit down and find studies and philosophize and think for days on end to try to destroy your reasoning of why I shouldn't smoke. And if I can't destroy it, I'll "give up" and "punish myself" by smoking. It's ridiculous!

Most people can't quit smoking because they're depressed or anxious. This is extremely important to realize.. there's an underlying problem and if you fix it, then you would NOT want to smoke even if I gave you free "healthier" cigs.


Now in technicolor
You can hook any whip style vaporizer up to a water chamber and bubble it through. The problem with your volcano is that it doesn't do whips. That's why I suggest the Extreme vaporizer to my friends. It does bags and whips, and it does them both very well, and for about half the price.

You should know that you lose THC by running ur vape thru a bubbler tho, which is why I don't use one. The temperatures, relative to the temps when you combust, aren't really that high anyhow.

Volcano has a whip accessory.

Don Dump

the man doctors said would never moonwalk again
I can't seem find much about that volcano whip accessory. maybe I am too high. got a link?

to me, balloons usually taste like a fresh hit mixed with the last hit. you can combat this a bit by using more weed, the first bag will be pretty tasty, but then your still left with the subsequent bags of not so good. [if you are growing enough, you can just dump it after the 2nd bag (or 1st ;)) and not sweat it]

best thing about a whip is the first hit or more is pure ridiculous tastiness (depending on strain of course), then it gets more bland, then popcorny (if the temp is high). the whip is more efficient, in that it delivers more, fresher, tastier hits per amount of weed. I dump it when it gets bland.

I would think the Extreme Q is the obvious choice for someone new to vaping. probably costs just a little more than the other good whips, plus it does balloons. you can find some sweet deals on ebay ($170), but Arizer won't honour the warranty if it isn't a real authorized seller. I am confident in it not breaking though, as my original E is still running strong.

Mr Pink

You could try making hash out of your weed and smoke that, you'll end up smoking a lot less material and if you enjoy weed hits you'll love hash hits.


If you can't live without your bong, get the Vripmaster. I have been vaping since 2000. With the vrip, basically you trade your bic lighter for a hot air gun and a special bowl. Wicked vapor hits and all the satisfaction of a bong.

I have a volcano that gets used every night, by my wife. I prefer the vripmaster, to me it's a better bong-like high. I wrote one of the first testimonials on the vrip website. If you can find a cheap heat gun (makita, 70.00) you are good to go.


Now in technicolor
I can't seem find much about that volcano whip accessory. maybe I am too high. got a link?

my mistake. I can't find it either. Not sure why I thought there was one. Thought I saw a pic of it once. Musta been a DIY project or maybe I was too stoned to pay attention.

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