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Time for Some Fun… some Anti-Gravity Fun… the HUVr Board!! Posted on 2014/03/11


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
This video was created by Will Ferrell's Funny or Die company, the same outfit responsible for the previous year's fake video featuring NASCAR's Jeff Gordon supposedly pranking an unsuspecting car salesman. Of the HUVr video, TechCrunch wrote:
If you're looking for a well-crafted but ultimately very fake video about hoverboard technology featuring Moby, Terrell Owens, Tony Hawk and Dr. Emmett Brown himself, today is your lucky day. The video above is exactly what I've described, featuring a weird cast of cameos and what appears to be a fake tech team powering everything, plus a soundtrack with Chromeo and Best Coast. Also there's a Mark Cuban endorsement to complete the strange assembly.

The tagline is that the "Future Has Arrived," when in fact it hasn’t. Aside from being a clear (though still technically impressive) fake, the website for this demo and fake company also shows a counter with December 2014 as the projected "destination time" for whatever's going on here. That could just be part of the artificial HUVr product dressing, but it could also be when whatever's being promoted here breaks cover.

Read more at http://www.snopes.com/movies/films/hoverboard.asp#G3YDk0tXqJ27MRYw.99


As soon as I saw the physical reactions of people when balancing on it made me think "fake as hell", also the acting is a bit of a give away. Who would talk so monotonely about true and tested anti-gravity tech?? And sure the board might keep you in balance like a Steinway does but no way it's going to make you stand in an angle without hurting your ancles...

Luther Burbank

It's a comedy video. Idiit you must be one of those people who left your mind so far open your brain fell out if "video might be bogus" is your response to being told that's a comedy video made by a very popular comedy site.


Active member
Idiit you must be one of those people who left your mind so far open your brain fell out

^^ i like that one. i'm open minded as to this being the case. :)

ok, first off the video is probably a well done special effects spoof.

second, i stated in my opening that "you won't f****** believe... as a tongue in side of the mouth comment. i was correct.

i do believe that this technology is possible. i do believe that the "dark cabal" aka "shadow government" has probably suppressed technology to the masses.

i was aware that a lot of articles have painted this video as a hoax before i posted it.

point is; i really believe that this kind of stuff very possibly exists today and is being denied us. just because this particular video is suspect does not prove that this kind of tech. doesn't already exist and being kept hidden from us. the video if it is the hoax it probably is (not certain yet) it could be just another ploy to keep us in the dark.

Luther Burbank

IT'S A COMEDY VIDEO. There is ZERO debate about this and you acting like some zen roshi by being open to every potential doesn't change that. You just sound foolish, not wise.

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