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Time change question


I would really like to reset my timer to be correct with the current time change because I will be gone for work in the morning before the lights come on now. And I always water in the morning after lights come on.

I have 2 plants 4 weeks into flower.

Will the time change hurt them or slow them down?


Active member
we'll find out since i just did the same thing, by accident. but i think as long as the same hours of light and dark are in effect it should be ok. i dont think the plant knows when the light is coming on, just knows that its getting this percentage of light and thi percentage of dark in a cycle. imma do an experiment with 1on and 1 off vs 8 on and 8 off, 12 on and 12 off, and finally 24 on 24 off. see if my hypothesis is correct.


Active member
I have been told that if you switch, to make sure you make the adjustment to the light hour that first day. You must always have at least 12 hours of dark.


^Yeah the way I figure they just got an extra hour of dark on the first day and 12 hours was reinforced today so hopefully all is well. Thanks

I changed the time yesterday so I will see if any adverse effects happen.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
A one time glitch will do no harm. I screw up the lights 2-3 times a grow. Not intentionally but, life happens.

I pull the ON pin out of the timer after lights on. After they've had their normal day AND a full nights sleep, I pick my new "sunrise", open the door, turn on the lights, reset the timer, voìla.
A one time glitch will do no harm. I screw up the lights 2-3 times a grow. Not intentionally but, life happens.

FreezerBoy - How on earth does someone as experienced as you manage to screw up the lights? LOL ;)

Lobster - Just like the others say, as long as you extend the period of darkness to adjust the timing of the "day" you'll be fine. I've often swapped night and day completely during flower to accommodate the needs of work or family.
I've never suffered any ill effects from this other than not being able to look in on my ladies for a full 24hrs....


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
FreezerBoy - How on earth does someone as experienced as you manage to screw up the lights? LOL ;)

Thanks for the kind words. But, my "experience is kind of the point I wanted to make. All of us screw the pooch once in a while. The best laid plans of mice and men... life is what happens while you're making other plans... and who can forget the immortal word's of Homer Simpson, "D'OH!"

Sometimes you leave the cab door open with the room light on. Sometimes, lamp, ballast, or ignitor go belly up. Power outages. Bum timers. Pulled plugs. Flipped breakers or GFI interruptions go unnoticed. Senior moments. Bone headed mistakes. DST. Dumb luck... I got a million of 'em.

I just want lobster to know: he's not alone, he'll be fine. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to clean some pie off my face :badday:
Yep, pretty much, shorter days and longer nights are okay, once in flower... never the other way around. If you need to move the lights on period, do it by shortening an hour a day, 11 hrs light, 12 hrs dark, until you get where you want to be.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Cold turkey is the better way to go. Messing with lights on a daily basis for extended periods is far more dangerous than it's worth.
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Active member
my 1st grow i got seeds in my girls cause i took them out of the dark one time to work on something in the room for about a half an hour...Also during the 1st weak of flowering i kept on switching the time the lights came on at night by an hour here and there...
Also genetics were not too good to start off with...

So betweeenn all that stressing them they went hermie on me...
I let them finish though and ended up with some pretty good bud, but it had seeds in it...

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