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It can perfectly grown indoors under LEDs if that's what you mean @Stephensplinter (y)

of the 7 strains i have going, it is the only one i have to offset and keep out from under the lights. at just 120w, about 250ppfd, week 4/5 of veg it droops after 8 to 10 hours. at 300 it looks baked. the durban next to it is directly under the light and prays all day. I am hoping that I find it to be something else, but the DLI requirements seem very different from the others.


Well-known member
Hi friends, it's sad to me to announce that after 20 years being continuously in stock, Tikal regular and feminized versions are completely sold out here at the source and they won't make a come back in short term. You may still find latest packs available through our official retailers still offering physical stock.
Thanks for the heads-up, Dubi. I probably can't even imagine the time and resources it takes to preserve and produce seeds for all the strains in your stable.

Two packs are coming my way (10 regs + 5 fems)! :smoke:
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ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks @Onboard for your support and for getting some of the last Tikal packs available, much appreciated.
I'm sure you will find great parent plants from your 2 packs, hopefully to reproduce and preserve Tikal line.


hi folks. thanks for all the encouragement. Tikal sitting at day 67 of flower after a 44 day veg. not my best work as I started with a bad ph meter and the replacement had a bad calibration. So, I wasn't settled until about week 2 of flower. Still, the buds look good. They are a bit bigger around than i am used to and has very soft pink hairs. There was almost no stretch and I am looking at a day 75 harvest. Perhaps i got a strong indica influence in this one?


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Well-known member
hi folks. thanks for all the encouragement. i am sitting at day 67 of flower after a 44 day veg. not my best work as I started with a bad ph meter and the replacement had a bad calibration. So, I wasn't settled until about week 2 of flower. Still, the buds look good. They are a bit bigger around than i am used to and has very soft pink hairs. There was almost no stretch and I am looking at a day 75 harvest. Perhaps i got a strong indica influence in this one?

Ive seen plants have little to no stretch … that typically do stretch …. When there’s ph issues and they are experiencing lockout even if it’s mild. Judging by the leaves it’s possible that might be what you’re seeing. You’ll likely get some nice smoke anyway though and if you took a backup clone you can just repeat after getting things dialed in 👍👍👍


Ive seen plants have little to no stretch … that typically do stretch …. When there’s ph issues and they are experiencing lockout even if it’s mild. Judging by the leaves it’s possible that might be what you’re seeing. You’ll likely get some nice smoke anyway though and if you took a backup clone you can just repeat after getting things dialed in 👍👍👍

yes, i had a magnesium lockout that went on into the first couple weeks of flowe due to too low a ph level. I ran this with 6 other strains, but none really stretched. btw, not all strains were sensitive to low ph. durban poison and red hot cookies got the same treatment and showed no signs of lockout. The tikal was the first to show signs and by that perhaps is very sensitive to low ph which in this case was about 5.3 for a while. i plan to attempt a reveg, clone, then repeat. if i have the faster flowering one, that might be a good one to keep around. i wasn't sure if there was a big difference in high/terps between shorter and longer flowering ones.


Well-known member
yes, i had a magnesium lockout that went on into the first couple weeks of flowe due to too low a ph level. I ran this with 6 other strains, but none really stretched. btw, not all strains were sensitive to low ph. durban poison and red hot cookies got the same treatment and showed no signs of lockout. The tikal was the first to show signs and by that perhaps is very sensitive to low ph which in this case was about 5.3 for a while. i plan to attempt a reveg, clone, then repeat. if i have the faster flowering one, that might be a good one to keep around. i wasn't sure if there was a big difference in high/terps between shorter and longer flowering ones.

For sure. I’ve definitely seen situations in my own grows where some plants start locking out at a certain ph value and others do not, and remain completely unaffected. Good news is it sounds like you understand what the issue was and can correct it on subsequent runs. Best of luck! 👍👍👍


ACE Seeds Breeder
Welcome to our room on ICMag @Stephensplinter :) and thanks for choosing Tikal genetics for your grow.
As @OZZ_ correctly pointed out, the ph imbalance may have affected the vigor during stretching and ripening times. To be able to evaluate the phenotype i need to check more traits like growing structure, leaf traits, effects, terpenes ... how are her scents now in late flowering ?


Welcome to our room on ICMag @Stephensplinter :) and thanks for choosing Tikal genetics for your grow.
As @OZZ_ correctly pointed out, the ph imbalance may have affected the vigor during stretching and ripening times. To be able to evaluate the phenotype i need to check more traits like growing structure, leaf traits, effects, terpenes ... how are her scents now in late flowering ?

Here are some ugly photos. f51. i can put up more later today once the lights are on again. It has been fimmed and bent over with a little more lst on a few branches. This was the leafiest of all my strains this run (and other runs). If yield is like other plants i am pulling down at the moment, this will be just over an ounce dried. The smell is sour and maybe a bit like an early nectarine. I thought it was more like canned peaches early on, but it seems to have shifted some. So, probably a sour peach pheno? And, yes, I added a new protocol for the ph meter...it has to be tested in a solution vial every watering now.


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Well-known member
Some folks are mentioning kush phenos? I definitely never saw that with mine. They got as tall as the honduras did


Not ICMag Donor
Oh well that explains it. i grew the feminized. Did they have an indica effect?
Not at all. Maybe just a little bit more physical but the effect is surprisingly consistent through the different phenotypes. Very bright warm clean and positive. I had some that stretched 50% at the onset of flowering, while some tripled or quadrupled in size. I noticed more variation in shape and structure than in the taste or effect.


Well-known member
Not at all. Maybe just a little bit more physical but the effect is surprisingly consistent through the different phenotypes. Very bright warm clean and positive. I had some that stretched 50% at the onset of flowering, while some tripled or quadrupled in size. I noticed more variation in shape and structure than in the taste or effect.
Thats the effect i got too. Its pretty much the only sativa my wife can smoke without getting paranoid. Very special strain