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Tiger Berry... Sopposed Chinese Landrace

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Anybody else running Veganics? Just wondering on any experiences.

My stuff is alot "cleaner" than when i used alot of animal products. I think the only animal products im using now are Earthworm castings, and some guano. (which i didn't realize was in a bag of mana mix from vital earth), which i used as base with Ecoscraps veggie compost for my soil.


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Does bison poo discount me in veganics? o_O

I never thought about it before, but perhaps I am growing veganically...


Active member
Pics with NO blue would be nice , ..but a good post am subbed

just be aware of the risk of growing in China ? ...lol
This is some of the last of what i think was a P deficiency on the older growth


Now here are the plants
Yes i know they are a bit small, the growth was slowed down quite a bit for over a week because of the overwatering. Now things are looking better again. The newer growth is quite healthy and a better color is returning to the plants from how they looked last week.

Tigerberry #1


Tigerberry #2


Tigerberry #3



#4 is still the smallest, looks like a runt, but it has been praying hard and returning to health since i applied the tea. We will see what she does!
microbeorganics.com and gardeningwithmicrobes.com has everything you need to bone up on tea :)

Sounds like your helpful friend has never used smart pots before...

I think if there is poo in it, it is not veganic

Im getting excited to see how the plants benefit from these microbes i've been giving them! My soil is virtually veganic because the guano was from reused soil, so i would expect low npk like with veganics, but plant matter, and some other organic amendments become bio-available quicker than most animal products so that provides the plants with quicker nutrients when the microbes fix the soil. The idea with Veganics is that animal products take too long to break down, and that may leave more residues behind as some of the soil is still breaking down and providing nutrients til the end. With veganics microbes + a quicker release and naturally lower npk could be ideal for a "cleaner" end product.

veganics is something i like the idea of and have been screwing with a bit for the past couple years. I have seen an improvement in the cleanliness and sometimes potential of my plants since i've been messing around with it and similar philosophies. For me i Try and steer clear of any poop, but i don't think a little every hurt, so long as the soil breaks down in time for harvest and provides clean meds. :)

Im always open to new things, and adopting new ideas from other forms of gardening then from just vegan organic practice.
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Hey guys, been a while and admittedly the Tiger Berrys were still growing relatively slowly. However i am seeing improvments. The Ph has lowered to just around 7.5. Still relying on the microbes to continue the process in regulating my medium. I have seen a bit of vigor return to the plants lately.

I have the Tiger Berries on 1 Teaspoon of Liquid Karma, 1 Teaspoon of Cal-Mag, 1 teaspoon of Sweet Berry, 8-9 Teaspoons of Extreme Tea + Azos + 1 tablespoon of Mother Nutrient A+B in tea mixed into 2 gallons and 1 teaspoon each of dry Mycos to soil. so more then 10 oz each of liquid during drench.
The plants are in 1 Gallon airpots. They are maturing and have switched to mature nodal growth. It Appears we may have some females but i will update soon to verify whats happening.
So the Tiger Berrys pretty much reached the point of lockout before the ph level was regulated.

I just mixed in a few ounces of vinegar between a couple gallons 2 or 3 days ago, then gave them a nice spray of liquid Karma + seltzer water mixed with regular water for c02 to the underside of the leaves. Ladies are bouncing back but it has been a slow grow because the ph was so out of whack.

The red is subsiding and the green is coming back. If the plants look healthy by next watering i will kill two birds with one stone, and top them, while saving them as cuts. It looks like we have 2 males and two females. but i still can't be positive yet.

#1 and #4 the runt appear to be female. The runt just mutated and did something weird. It's apical stem ended turning into a 5 prong leaf. Basically it oddly self topped as soon as the the nodes began to alternate. And the runt has the most nodal growth now because of this reason. I will post some pics when i water the plants again before topping.
Hey everyone sorry i kinda dropped the ball again witht the thread. I just lost some interest in the strain.

Anyways i ended up with 1 perfect female #3

That one mutant #4 ended up being a lady but half of the tops ended themselves with banana peal leaf nub ends hahaha.

Tigerberry #1 i believed was a female. It original had a few female pistils, however a month or so down the road now as she is flowering... Its a he! and not a Hermie either!. now about 3 or so weeks into flowering and looks like nothing but a perfect boy with many small tight dense very nuggety sacs.

Tigerberry #2 ended up being a male...but three weeks in it hermied! I believe it was an environmental factor that attributed to this as well as general plant stress that allowed these traits to show in the plants. Ill post some pics soon of the remaining three plants.

Tigerberry #2 is no longer with us... Damn shame too. The hermies always look promising until the is revealed. It was the largest and perhaps most vigours of the group.

Anyway the more stable plants the #1 and the #3 are the only ones im doing something with right now. The Tigerberry #3 has beans from one of my selected Ak47s from several bagseeds.
The Ak47 male i chose smelled like fruity cereal and it grow biggest leaves and the thickest stems. Closest internodes. The clone is growing taller and more vigorously than the other counterparts.

As for the Tigerberry #1 it is going to be likely used in some sort of breeding.
Although the tigerberrys weren't quite what i expected i am still dedicated to atleast preserving some of its genes for now. Maybe if its something worth while i can eventually bring the Tigerberry back into the hybrid and hopefully breed away from any hermaphroditic tendencies


TC Nursery est 2020
Great u hear the #3 is your perfect female :) you got really luck that you found something holdable :)
This was the female i ended up polinating with a male i selected from 4 ak47 bagseeds. Nice Purple, good smell and some nice resin on him.





Heres a pic of the Ak male

Tigerberry Male i used to pollinate a ACDC cutting, a clone of a Tahoe OG from bagseed of DJ short grown Tahoe OG that a friend popped, and a Diablo OG cutting.


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