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Three pounds from five plants?


Smoke weed and prosper
thanks silverback for pointing out exactly which my affirmations were wrong...k+...not!


Thanks for all the feedback. There's a lots of good information here and it sounds like three pounds from five plants in 15 gallon buckets might be underestimating.

So here's the plan:

I'm going to use the firefox moonshine mix, feeding with nothing but reverse osmosis purified water. Last year I used half/half fire fox ocean forest and kellog compost with bat guano. This year I'm going to try the moonshine mix, because that sounds like some good stuff.

I'm a backyard grower, not guerilla because I live in a medical tolerant state so I give each plant loving attention everyday. A lot of friends last year commented that I had the best tasting and best high from all the weed during harvest season. I think that has less to do with my nutrients and more to do with my attention and time spent talking to and nurturing my girls.

Unfortunately, I think that i only get 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day because the neighbors have a row of huge trees that mess up the direct sunlight. I hope that's not extremely detrimental to my yields.

My disappointing harvest last year, I theorized, was due to starting plants out small in May and June and a couple of plants getting rootbound way early in the season. I didn't have the money for ferts at the time so the yield was very dissapointing.

This year I've got a few different strains I'm working with. One is a Dutch Dragon X Arjan's Super Silver Haze. It was gifted to me from an oldhippy I met. Great guy.

Two Purple Urkels, One Lavender, and a few mystery seeds.

They will all be vegging indoors from now until May. The Urkels and Lavender are all 6 inches tall right now and have been rooting for a month. I don't think it's unreasonable to think they might get to about two-three feet tall by May.

Let me know if I have a good plan and I might just turn this thread into my personal grow journal.


Active member
ill tell u right now, dont expect big yields from the urkles. iv grown urkle a few times and it is not a big yielder. its great smoke, but the yield is low. thats y Grandaddy Purple was created (urkle x big bud)
lavender will yield better, but still not massive. if ur in ur backyard, and legal (as am i), go with as big of a pot as u can. hell get 30gal pots. run them on a drip system (to make a drip system it will cost u like $10. and hook it to a water timer and water them every day.
and im not sure, but did u mean Fox Farm ocean forest? Fire fox is a web browser, last i heard ne way :p
5 hours direct sunlight WILL impact ur overall yield and growth. but plant ur clones outside May 10th.. No earlier or they will start flowering.
i personally like short fat bushes. but in ur case, tall plants might help compete for sun with those big trees. wider the pot, wider the plant. taller the pot, taller the plant.
just my .02


I was able to get 1.5 ounces in a 2 gallon last year with my urkels. If I can duplicate that with a bigger pot, I would be happy. So how much of an impact do you think the sunlight will play? I have to stick with the 15 gallons because I can't really have trees. I'm legal, but I still dont want to worry about neighbors. My next door neighbor to the left is cool. Plants were right by their fence and they weren't trippin at all last year. The ones to the right are new and they have teenagers so that can be a problem.


Joint Date: Today.
Mr Celsius said:
I believe why WAMEN says this is a silly thread is because so many variables come into play. Growing pot usually isn't as easy as saying, I'll grow 3 pounds from 5 plants.

It tends to be as complicated as factoring in sunlight, temps, humidity, nutrients, pot size/in ground, when they were put outside, when they were harvested, weather, latitude... I think that covers all the aspects. With 10 variables there you have so many combinations that it isn't possible to have a straight answer. I could tell you the ideal conditions.

Direct sun light, temps in the 70-80s, RH 40-60%, Nutrients... thats subjective (I like organics), 15 gallon pots or in the ground (amended), put them out early May, make sure they get at least 8 hours of direct sunlight. You'll yield 3 pounds for sure.

I put 3 plants out early july once, they got about 3' tall when finished and I got a lb. They were in direct sunlight the entire day and the temps were good.

Sorry I don't have more info about the Pot 40 statement...

Exactly. The other silly thing was asking what strain yelds this or that.. At this point there isnt a special strain that is suitable for your purpose.. there are bigger and smaller yielders for sure.. and the planet is full of nice varieties and most of them arent from commercial seedbanks.
Anyways, look for a good indica/sativa mix would be a good general advice to give - since a pure sativa would grow huge but starts flowering too late in many locations (most of them) , and a pure indica would be weak against high humidity levels and such.
-Note: Also a indica dominant strain could grow Huge within 3-6 months of veg time.
If you have a particular grow season , for example in UK, you MUST grow OD varieties that are ready for harvest within the first days of october before the heavy rains start kickin in.. you will look for An early outdoor strain.. im sure they gave you enough advice about what's available on the market..

anyways i would be worried more about giving them the right grow conditions and protection from all the dangers they gonna run through instead of looking for the big yielder which doesnt mean anything if you didnt make sure the grow conditions are optimal. Capish? :D
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Joint Date: Today.
Wamen is wrong, because Gantz is wrong. (Please don't take offense fellows, you're usually right and I'm certainly not questioning your skills. You're just wrong on this point). It sounds logical that big plants produce big and they do, but in a bucket that huge root system can cause you real problems come august, the very time you don't need problems. Smaller statured heavy producers are much better strains than the big strains. Northern lights is a good bucket strain. KC36 is a small structured plant that will produce a pound in a bucket. Skunk X NL varieties yield big. Critical mass, Hashberry. I could and will if asked, put together a list of smaller statured plants that produce heavily.
Big strains such as KC33, Jack Herrer, Hollands hope will grow up big initially with lots of vegatative growth that the bucket size cant support during flowering. Yield gets reduced to below the level you would have achieved had you grown smaller, denser strains.

both youguys are right. Gantz simply answered the question on how to get the Max out of a few plants.. of course as you said there are pros and cons.. it is really hard to keep up such a huge plant when it comes to those dry hot days thats for sure.
Silverback gave some kind of smart advice taking you away from your original idea and he's proposing an alternative tecnique which is good for those who have the problem of making big waterings to big big plants (most of us) and i agree about how bad it can be for a big plant to suffer hot days in the container when the roots get boiled. you get a big plant that produces half of its potential.

What i considered silly is all that talking about which strain is the best yielder.. first of all pay attention to How you will grow it.. and as long as you arent growing a pure thai or some mexi or some very late bloomin haze you will get a good yield out of it.
Just my 2cents ..
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Cannabis Connoisseur
ICMag Donor
its all about getting them alll they light they can handle, i had three mighty might donky dicks all yeild a pound each but that was cause nothin blocked the sun.


Active member
in the middle of the nite, sneak up ur neighbors trees wit a saw, and top them a good 5+ feet. and hope they dont notice it :D
im legal, and many of my friends are. and when the law says 3 plants (or wutever ur perticular area says), i like to think they mean "grow this many plants but do it as BIG as possible" :D ok maybe not cuz u have neighbor wit kids, nothin a nice pitbull or something cant fix.
as far as the debate others are having in regards to "variables". i personally have to say most of the Technique variables are a-wash due to the fact i was able to get good numbers first off, as well as seen people get good numbers without doing much of anything. the one variable that i swear by is drip irrigation. if u have the water to water massive ammounts every day, ur good. liquid ferts inline with ur drip system, doing all the work (esp for med patients, easy on the body if ur already broken like me)
water, water, feed, feed. let them do there thing in the sun, thats my moto :D


Active member
So what else do ya know about growin in buckets silverback?? I wanted to do my entire grow in buckets this year because I thought it would be easier but now I am second guessing that idea.

Tom Hill

Well-known member

Never trust a grower that gets down outdoors with "buckets". They are indoor folks, & aren't quite ready to accept what's going on outside. Build a plant from downlow folks, & do not skip over a dollar to save a dime.....

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
Tom, those are amazing... speechless

Edit: ok, now that I'm not speechless I have a few questions.

1) Organics or synthetics?

2) What size "pots" are those and how are they constructed?

3) I have to assume they're your genetics, which ones?

Thanks :wave:
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Hi everyone,

Tom Hill's got it goin on now. I like the big girls.

Hey Rudolf, I know just enough to be able to know how little I really know!

Ive been working with containers for some time. I use them for 2 purposes. First, to insure that I harvest enough smoke to make it for a while. I do that by planting in areas you couldn't normally plant in and where people don't really look.

The second reason for pots is breeding. Any breeding I do is in a pot in the back yard. It allows me to control everything.

Generally, pots arent needed. I would always recommend that a grower modify the existing soil if possible. Sometimes because of rock or heavy clay, you don't have a choice but my first intent will always be to find out what the soil is lacking and fix it. The guy in that "Browndirtwarrior" clip would have saved himself tons of hard work had he taken a sample of his soil in the fall and then adjusted it over the winter and spring.

Jon your'e a lucky man. If I could legally grow 3 plants in my back yard, Id be taken 3 pounds each off of them. What a dream.


mr celsius ill answer the question about the containers with a quote from tom in another thread..

TomHill said:
They are in homemade containers out of heavy gaged wire & ground cover, they go about 500 gallons & are 6 feet in diameter. From clones, vegged inside through April & most of May then set out. Added to the soil & perlite is 5 cubic ft composted chicken shit, 50 lbs steamed bone meal, & 15 lbs gypsum. Then I use field meters to try & hover around perfect ( PH 6.5, ergs 500, na + 2.5, ORP 125-150) as best I can with Earth Juice products mostly. They should get pretty big, though I only get about 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Here's a couple of old pics a bit further along in the season with the Salmon Creek clone. My apologies, for these pics are old news to many of these guys.


Active member
Generally, pots arent needed. I would always recommend that a grower modify the existing soil if possible. Sometimes because of rock or heavy clay, you don't have a choice but my first intent will always be to find out what the soil is lacking and fix it. The guy in that "Browndirtwarrior" clip would have saved himself tons of hard work had he taken a sample of his soil in the fall and then adjusted it over the winter and spring.
Aye, well one of the reason I do want to grow in buckets is because of all the red clay around here. I'm afraid if I try to amend the soil ahead of time it'll still kill my plants and with pots controlling the soil will be easier. I could be wrong though. I'll probably end up doing 5 gallon bucks in a guerrilla grow. I figured also if I grew in pots it would reduce the size of the plant thus making it harder to spot. Am I wrong?


I kinda feel insulted that TomHill says that I'm an inside gardener. Sure, I use pots but not everyone can put plants in the ground. I like to be able to move them around so that I can give them more sun while I'm home and it's impractical for me as a medical grower to and home renter to put my plants in the ground. Especially with the unstable home economy. If my landlord has to foreclose mid-season, I have to dig up all my girls and move them. It's much easier to do that if they're in pots, buckets, or wine barrels.

Furthermore, just like any other outdoor grower, I pay attention to photoperiods, I find ways to camoflauge my girls, and I provide a lot of foliage in my garden period so that the grow isn't so obvious.

I'm just as outdoor as anyone else in this forum.

The Iceman

Active member
Jon said:
I'm just as outdoor as anyone else in this forum.

LOL!!! come on now Tom has forgotting more then you know bro and thats just going on the little bit from this thread but as George Castanza said "Jerry, its not a lie if YOU believe it"....lol


The Iceman said:
LOL!!! come on now Tom has forgotting more then you know bro and thats just going on the little bit from this thread but as George Castanza said "Jerry, its not a lie if YOU believe it"....lol
I'm sure he has, that's why I'm in the outdoor forum, to get advice from outdoor veterans.

That's not the point. The point is all I've ever grown has taken place outdoors therefore I am an outdoor grower. If I'm not considered an outdoor grower, should I just go to the indoor forums?