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Three men charged...alleged threats to cut teens with saw


Registered User
Bet they will have zoning laws soon in MI

City of Dearborn passed Ordinance 11-1316 earlier this year... stated CG's can apply & license in commercially zoned areas, and that this would be run through the Chief of Police. This was back in March... as of last week, the Police Dept still denies this even exists... at least the two times I called to inquire about... funny, think they are in denial.

And Ann Arbor finally got through with passing regulations...



City of Dearborn passed Ordinance 11-1316 earlier this year... stated CG's can apply & license in commercially zoned areas, and that this would be run through the Chief of Police. This was back in March... as of last week, the Police Dept still denies this even exists... at least the two times I called to inquire about... funny, think they are in denial.

And Ann Arbor finally got through with passing regulations...


Royal Oak , and Niles as well w/ the zoning. Since then R.O passsed some BS you cant grow at all in the city .


besides royal oak, is that zoning law only for dispensaries or caregivers ? Or are they considered the same?

It's for everyone .
At 1st they tried to make it a P.I.T.A if you cared for a full 5 plus yourself the grow had to be in a commercail property . So ppl. did , and shortly thereafter they banned it all together . Go figger ???
It's like almost Psuedo Birmingham there anymore anyways ...
The A.C.L.U is already involved in a cpl. cases there for Asshat moves on Five 0's part as well as city halls . They went n pulled over a cardholding M.S patient holoding 7 grams , but because there was no caregiver specified on said card - all of a sudden it's not medical MJ ? Etc....

Sorry for poluting the thread all up w/ more local dribble whoever the thread starter was ? Damn I'm stoned . :tiphat:
I think all of us should learn from this,sometimes revenge can make us do things we never intended to, this guy felt victimized and wanted to show the culprits who caused this justice.THERE'S THIS OLD SAYING, IT COMES FROM AN OLD BOOK, JUDGE NOT LEST YOU BE JUDGED. JESUS SAID IT SO ELOQUENTLY WHEN PEOPLE WANTED TO STONE A SINNER , HE SAID "LET HE WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE"


Active member
ICMag Donor
GETTING EVEN caused these people to give up their freedom for a long time and I can't think of any satisfaction coming out hurting the little fucks even if they got away with it.

Securing your grow so no one can get in is what I would suggest...and even then, someone has to be there 24/7.

I would feel bad for the growing fools if they were not so stupid and geared towards violence. Now they put themselves into the system and they're "fucked" and so are those that need them


Active member
What a friggin' goof.

Tony Montana hits the big D.

You running a grow op, You HIRE someone for uh...security. You don't bring kids to your house and fire up the dinky, cheesy Sears saw.

You need a Skil 77 worm-drive that wont bog down and quit on you. No wonder the kids weren't scared.

Right time, right place & right tools for the job = Success.


New member
thats when it pays to have a big ass dog!!! sorry to say it this way but you break into my house you dont need to worrie about what im gonna do!! my dogs gonna have your ass long before i can even get to my 45!!!