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Thoughts on Miracle Grow Pot...



IMO, MG soil is OK for growing. I find I have to add a lot of lime to each bag. My MG is usually acidic. I add Perlite.

My weed tastes great.

I throw tons of chemical ferts like Kool Bloom on top of it, nearly every time I water.... haven't had any problems yet.

Earthworm castings are the magic ingredient.

If I had access to fancy dirt, I would buy it, but I don't.

MG soil is just fine.
IMO, MG soil is OK for growing. I find I have to add a lot of lime to each bag. My MG is usually acidic. I add Perlite.

My weed tastes great.

I throw tons of chemical ferts like Kool Bloom on top of it, nearly every time I water.... haven't had any problems yet.

Earthworm castings are the magic ingredient.

If I had access to fancy dirt, I would buy it, but I don't.

MG soil is just fine.
i've used HUNDREDS of bags of MG over the last 30 years and Lolagal is doing what i do. i would like to add that i use dolomitic[sp] lime not hydrated or pelleted.PH is usually below 6, sometimes 6-7, occasionally 7+so remember [as with all soils] to test, adjust, test again. i add a lot of perlite but only be cause i like to water every day ,the less you add the less often you have to water.veg mix gets blood meal , flower mix get bone meal ETC ...SOMETIMES theres bugs and /or their eggs in there so after i'm done adding stuff and the soil has dried i put it in large black garbage bags pour in some neem tie it shut and let it set a min of 2 weeks. i've been called a MG basher on another web site for using this method so let me make it clear to you folks I LOVE MG as a base for my media.


Next time try mixing a teaspoon of dolomite lime per gallon soil for ph control

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
I like the MG Moisture Control potting mix + 20% perlite. Never a problem. Always stays at 6.9 Ph for me... ...never used lime...although, I add a little vinger, occasionaly..just to knock it down to 6.5


i've used miracle gro's organic choice potting soil (orange bags) mixed with around 20-30% perlite like the others said and i got great results. don't forget that if you're using this, there is already chicken compost in the soil, so you want to be cautious of going overboard on nitrogen.


I've used it with no problems. Like everyone said above me, it tends to be on the acidic side. So add 1-TBspn powdered (or crushed) dolomite lime per gallon of soil. I also added a lot of perlite, and about 1 garden-scoop of vermiculite per gallon, and worm castings.

The main problem I had was guessing how much nutrients to use. And I believe that's what gives it the bad rap. In a 5 gallon pot, it takes mj a few (3-4) weeks to burn through the nutes in the soil. It was too much for me as I'm more compulsive about scheduling. I'm definitely a Pro-mix bx user these days, I get better results from having a medium that's free of nutrients, that way I can follow the manufacturers instructions to the letter and I always end up with great results.

Mr. Greengenes

Re-incarnated Senior Member
ICMag Donor
"The main problem I had was guessing how much nutrients to use." Thats a good point about MG ferts ToughGirl, they're often pretty high NPK numbers. It's a good idea to remember that a 1-2-2 is the same as a 10-20-20 only one tenth the concentration. Many cannabis specific nutrients are very low in numbers, probably for two reasons. First being that cannabis is very efficient and often grows very well with low nutrient levels, second being that people tend to think that if a little is good, more will be better, so the lower concentrations make for less problems.


New member
There was a well respected grower that had ties to this community that used MG/Scott's fertilizer and nobody could ever tell a difference between their organic buds and this preson's MG buds...even the pot snobs that had sampled here gear could'nt tell the difference. if that helps to give you an idea.

also follow everyone's advice about feeding, i know i fried alot of plants trying to fertilize soil that is already on the hot side.