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Thought I was tripping moments.....

Went to the store this morning and the K-9 dog was running after a guy dressed in a bunny suit. For a moment thought I was dosed but just laughed so hard and dropped my soda.



sounds like the easter episode of reno 911 ...... reality is better than fiction some days


New member
taking an 8 hr drive back home on Sunday....and the whole ride it felt like it was 45 minutes of conversation with a friend...oh wait ..we were tripping.....
^mushrooms? or just really high

but either way you were tripping

I just got out of sentencing at court today, 1 month probation and 1100$ fine for something I could have gotten 20 years for!!


^mushrooms? or just really high

but either way you were tripping

I just got out of sentencing at court today, 1 month probation and 1100$ fine for something I could have gotten 20 years for!!

can't help but be curious

what did you do ?


New member
1 out of 2? Its the internet ...people make things up i suppose...


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sorry to hear you got busted

what happened ?

mind I ask what state ?

probation probably mean drug tests right ? taking a break never hurt anyone
better then jail for sure

It's hard to accept someone going a couple years in jail for a couple of plants
^yeah I have been on a high8us from the friendly herb for a few weeks after 5 years of blazing up everyday. But I still lurk in the tokers den and I will always have a place in my heart for cannabis.

life is a trip and I realize that I don't need the weed like I thought I did.

whew. what happened you ask??
this happened in Monmouth county, NJ.
my god. the police thought my housemate was robbing the house because there were break-in happening in my really well off neighbor hood.
SO they arrested my housemate when he came out to investigate plainclothes with flashlights on the front yard.
They went in the house...found probable-cause to come back right after they released my housemate (since they just nabbed the real thief)
The rest is history but ill be happy to answer any questions for ya.
but the point is that I would never in a million years guessed that this could happen...


how did you react to it all ?

did they hold you for a long time in a cell ?

do you think you will grow again ?


Green is Gold
And this is how threads go from being just "ok" to cool. Thanks for posting your travails AnitaB, we can all possibly learn something from your experience.
how did you react to it all ?
poorly, it was the worst experience of my life and it seemed to keep getting worse. I got kicked out of school, paid an outrageous price for the lawyer, and caused anguish to my family, to my mind and body. lost friends. did drugs iv never done before and got depressed.
in the long run, destiny has a way of working out, trust me.
a large part of being happy is smiling.

did they hold you for a long time in a cell ?
i was in the township cell for 12 hours and couldnt come up with bail money (100,000) so they took me to county jail. i got a shot for tuberculosis then stayed in there for 36 hours. i couldn't stay for another night...

do you think you will grow again ?
I will grow again legally. right now though I am happy to still be able to connect with the ones in my life and enjoy my freedom.

now, despite all that happened, i met a wonderful girl, got an amazing internship (now getting paid) and spend time with my father.


I hold El Roacho's
few nights back was toking some homie's stash of Querkle at his krib and he gave me a nice chunk to take with me so when I got back to the casa I got settled for the night and rolled a nice fattie, I just took the lighter and took one bad ass hit and let that hit out and when I did it felt like I had just had winded up a top and was spinning and was fucked up!! I thought I dropped the Joint come to find out as I was sitting on my recliner the fuckin J was burning a hole in my wife beater and fried my chest hairs!!

I def, was trippin when I wasn't sure if I really rolled and lite a J until I felt the burn on my chest and left a nice burn mark and scab, thank god for ice cubes...


Anita bonghit, thanks for sharing that, seems like you learned a lot and things worked out for you.. glad to hear it
Indeed thanks for sharing Anita and so glad you are still home! The judgey wudgey or prosecutor must got some good in bed the night before and came with a smile :)

Note: some people wrote on my rep "do you still trip?" not anymore it has been about 6 years since I've indulged, do it for a while and it just gets like an alcohol addiction need more and more. After a night of 20 blotter tabs you will find out :)

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