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this will be my sog grow. pull up a set and will see how it all workd out.


Well-known member
well for this one its slower. but I like it like that for now cuz Im trying to make it a BONSAI pepper plant.

Im hoping to turn it into a lil dense bush shape so that next spring when I go to put in out in the garden. It can grow biger and bushyer =bigger yield.

and it will also be some great practice befor bonsaing a mj plant.

practice, practice, practice is what I am after. cuz practice makes perfect right.
and I wanna get my vegie plants onto some supercroped practice and take clones and Start a perpetual supercrop grow.

:yeahthats :joint: :joint: :joint: :abduct:


Well-known member
Ok so that one plant in the 3ed pic is the cheese strain and is now looking super green. And smells very rank dank. pee eew.
the other 2. 1 is an indica/sativa mix bagseed. the other 1 is more sativa bagseed.
and by november 15 or 19 if there big enought then Ill move em to flower.

new pix on wednesday maybe.


Well-known member
O my have they grown.:D:D:jump: also I femed the 1 in the 2ed pic and it now has 5 new tops.




baby cheese plant. IT already smells like a strong rank musky cheese. I just hope it ends up bushy and a girl.



Active member
nice one cheese. you can usually see overfeeding of nitrogen in burnt tips of leaves or clawing of leaves and necrosis. underfeeding nitrogen makes older foliage go yellow. the main stem also can give good indicators of plant nutrition. purple/pink stems suggest underfeeding of P and K. very green stems can suggest overfeeding of P and K. Mag / Cal deficiencies can also make leaves yellow but usually is seen in the yellowing of leaf veins first. hope that helps :)


Well-known member
update time.
first 2 r still unsexed.


this one is the old female.also gunna repot her 3 days befor I move them to the bloom closet.


Well-known member
How soon after I tie my plant down can I flip them to 12-12?
they R doing good this time. but I still need to get my plants from now on to look more like scrubninja's.
It is bushy but doesn't that many bud tops like I was hoping.

also I think thet next time Im gunna top my plants first then lst them that way they'll have many more tops.

I really really hope that the other 2 R female.
then ill have 3 diff females strains to flower. weeeeee


Grow like nobody is watching
Looking nice buddy. The only real restriction I can think of is that you wouldn't want to tie them down when you're already in flower - the branches get stiff in preparation to hold up the poundz. :D So they might snap if that happened.

The topping thing will help for sure in future.


Well-known member
Ok so I have fliped them to 12-12 and they R on day 2 of 12-12.
Im gunna move them into the bigger flower cab to finish flowering.
when the others R finished.
I just hope they show there sex soon.






Active member
looking good here..
you said on the 6th page that you wanted more bush like plants.. well the easiest way i think. is by lst . which your doing. but also topping.. everysingle branch i top. except the ones that are smaller then the big ones. then once the small colas catch up to the topped colas. i top the untopped cola. and i just keep doing that my hole veg... then by the time u get to flower you really shouldnt need to tie the plant down. but if u do no big deal....
hope that made sinse. either way your on track and ill be watching the dank grow! good luck


Well-known member
Ok so far I got only 1 female. and Im 50% sure that the other bigger plant might be male.:mad:

I hope Im wrong on that. Ill give it a little more time just to be sure.


sorry it took so long for me to stop by bro :wave: hope the one turns out to be a female! if not at least you got one for sure. thats better than none. lookin good!

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