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This Summers Outdoor Plans - GUERILLA BOG!!!! Feedback appreciated!!



Try to cover everything I could remember, but I just smoke some JH :) Plus I'm not an expert like many on here.

The plants that the stem collapsed & it just died, that's post-emergence damping off, basically some fungi taking hold of your shiat! here's a link for prevention, basically more sterile, more air/light needed. My problems with that went away when I germed faster with heatmats, used seed starting soil right out of a fresh bag, humidity at first but then gradually got 'em dry. here's a link that's more detailed about damping off diseases http://tomclothier.hort.net/page13.html

Looking good in the pics but I would fill the cups up level with your starting mix, & hit 'em with some ferts, 1/4 strength miracle grow or whatever you can, but feed em & try to get them into full sun as fast as you possibly can.

I have seedlings 1-week from germ, many af's (Mostly LR but some Blue Him & Onyx) and a few PPP's, SK#1's, some free fem's, and a few others. Right now they are all in FULL SUN (Except for 5 yesterday, probably 2 today that were still to young, out of like 70) for the whole day, then when no sun in my yard but still light out they go under T8's, until I remove all of the non af's for a 5-6 hr' rest but the af's are under the T8's all night. Now, this is also with a fan blowing on them HARD all day AND night, we'll see how it goes since this is my first time doing like this, I always did like you and cfl'd & windowsilled them until I read Julians thread, but as long as I can keep 'em from drying out it should be good, and they won't be all pussy about the sun :) Today I'm going to try to rig the t8's so I can have them on the plants from the other angle of the sun, it sucks because I also have to move them around to different spots of the yard.

But yeah, I don't know your situation but I would try to get them in full sun asap, but watch them like a HAWK, you probably will have to pull them into shade, then sun & watch again etc etc because you can kill underlit seedlings FAST


Active member
Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys!! Greatly appreciated :D

But to clear up a few things concerning your suggestions.. I've never had a seedling just have its stem collapse like that (a few bagseeds died from underwatering but thats ok, I was out of town). My seedlings germinate pretty fast in moist paper towels and I do use a heating pad. Usually I'm pretty good at the moisture, air, and light change between the germination and seedling stages. I have a fan near them now and my other seedlings are fine so there shouldn't be more problems.

I was using fresh seed starter to start them and I'm doing good besides that one that collapsed.

As for ferts, I have FOX FARM Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom which I've been using in low ammounts. The pics you see in my last post are about a week old, the only young seedlings I have are from BOGs seeds that I'm starting. Since those pics, they were all filled to the brim with better soil about a week before they went outside. All my bagseeds are about a month or more old and are completely ready for the sun!! :bump:

It was dumb I know, but I used some of that MiracleGrow Potting Mix w/ Slow Release Fertilizer to put my plants in. It was mixed with a lot of Sphagnum Peat, some regular light potting soil, a little perlite, and other left over soils. I plan on buying a bunch of perlite, maybe some blood/bone meal, kelp meal, some regular potting soil, and slug/deer/bug repelant.

Going out to see how they did on their first day!! Cheers :joint:


Active member
3 of my 7 plants outside were dug up by some animal it appears :(

I think I didn't put enough natural hardened soil from the ground on top of my soil mix to protect my young plants. These were the youngest of my bagseeds that were dug up, and one I found I replanted but its not looking to good. I have a replacement plant I can put in one hole for now.

I need to stop forgetting to use bug spray before I go out there :eek:


Active member
Omg I lost so many plants this winter when I got super lazy and never watered them.
I feel you man - hope you find something great in those genes.


Active member
I'm starting some of BOG's SourBubbleBX4 and his new BlueKush so I'm not worried about amazing genetics ;)

Those will be getting some extra care when I put them outside within the next few weeks


Active member
Guess what, BOG's new SourStrawberryKush is en-route!! StrawberryKush X SourBubble, I'm so excited! More BOG gear to start!! I accidentally killed a few seeds germinating so I'll be starting more.


Kiss My Ring
Thanks for the comments and suggestions guys!! Greatly appreciated :D

But to clear up a few things concerning your suggestions.. I've never had a seedling just have its stem collapse like that (a few bagseeds died from underwatering but thats ok, I was out of town). My seedlings germinate pretty fast in moist paper towels and I do use a heating pad. Usually I'm pretty good at the moisture, air, and light change between the germination and seedling stages. I have a fan near them now and my other seedlings are fine so there shouldn't be more problems.

I was using fresh seed starter to start them and I'm doing good besides that one that collapsed.

As for ferts, I have FOX FARM Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom which I've been using in low ammounts. The pics you see in my last post are about a week old, the only young seedlings I have are from BOGs seeds that I'm starting. Since those pics, they were all filled to the brim with better soil about a week before they went outside. All my bagseeds are about a month or more old and are completely ready for the sun!! :bump:

It was dumb I know, but I used some of that MiracleGrow Potting Mix w/ Slow Release Fertilizer to put my plants in. It was mixed with a lot of Sphagnum Peat, some regular light potting soil, a little perlite, and other left over soils. I plan on buying a bunch of perlite, maybe some blood/bone meal, kelp meal, some regular potting soil, and slug/deer/bug repelant.

Going out to see how they did on their first day!! Cheers :joint:

Hey guys! Thanks for all the pertinent info, My girls are now WIRED! but while I was out there wrapping the bases of each plant, I discovered this little phucker sucking on the meristem at the node of growing tip. They are TINY, smaller than the head of a pin, but easy to spot for they produce a white lather that looks like soap suds. needless to say each plant got CAREFUL scrutiny!
I will not sacrifice any of my girls to them!


Active member
Hey trichrider, seams like things are going pretty well. Good luck!! I wish I had some clones to put outside to take away the guess work from sexing. What latitude are you at where you could plant so early, in March? I have some un-named Indica bagseeds also I just put outside. Got any pics? :)


I wish I had some clones to put outside to take away the guess work from sexing.

It's seems stupidly obvious but I never thought of it until I read it on here, you can take 1 cutting from each of your plants, keep them well labeled/marked, then sex them back home under the florous. Not only will you now know what is what but you can cull the plants you grabbed the male cuttings from, and replace them some of the female cuttings.


Kiss My Ring
Hey Marcellas! :wave:

Im still here checkin in on things. Its the early stages which is painfully boring to watch. Just not much happening.:clock watch: But keep this thread going because itll get interesting soon and people will show more interest, guaranteed! :good: If one person learns something for your grow then youve done something good. So keep on keepiin' on!!!
ME TOO...heck I've already learned several things in this thread. Do not be discouraged! No one even looks at mine! LOL


Kiss My Ring
Wait.. oh shit, I didn't read the last entry before posting and it was to me
OK. Well I don't really know the latitude but 100 miles south of BC help?
I sweated the chill for a month before calming myself with good vibes. The girls are doin great, took care of the slugs(i think) its stil raining and hovering around 55*
These are going to be massive plants. I think I'll go out and dance around them. heheheh
couldn't post pics to this box(redirected me) but these links will take you there!



Active member
Awesome man! Sounds like your at about the same lat. as me (im 43 north) and I would never put my plants out so early!!

I'm really glad and actually a bit surprised that people are learning from my grow! I always considered myself the one in training. I found a new spot where I'll be putting my BOG gear, direct sun almost all day but mostly in the morning!

As for cuts, all my plants are still a bit small to clone especially right after the transplant. And I don't think I'd have time to sex them and veg them long enough before they would start budding outdoors for it to even be worth it, but its worth a try.

More pics of the plants outside soon!! I burned a few of them with nutes (dumb mistake), but pure water should help that out. I also might be able to salvage one of the 3 plants that got dug up. But the others are lookin good, fun in the sun! :D
Thanks for the feedback everybody its appreciated


Kiss My Ring
Marcellas, please...think about what you just said, if you just label the cuttings you take from your plants that are about to be put under a 12/12 regime, by the time your cuttings root you will have the sex of the mother/father plant known to you (you need to label both mother/father and the cuttings you take must match them) then cull males before wasting time vegging! That is if you're going to make clones anyway.



Kiss My Ring
Oh! you thought it was too early? my bad, mama was getting too big to not trim, and as long as I'm shaving her I might just as well strike some clones. I put them out all around as soon as the ferns stretch so can any other weed. see ya


Active member
Things are starting to get rolling!! And trich, I know that cloning process of labeling all clones and their mother/fathers but what I was saying is that I'm afraid I started too late. Not that it still wouldn't be beneficial!!

I figure my plants are so small that the earliest I could take clones from them is in 3 weeks, add another month to root/veg and I will have tiny clones going out around late July. This gives them virtually no time to veg outside as flowering usually begins in early August, so the clones would yield extremely low but better than an empty hole from a dead male in its place!

I'm going outside today I'll try to snap some pics, I'll at least get some pics of my BOG genetics later :)


Kiss My Ring
of course you know...I was thinking backward! must be the time of year! I reconsidered when I looked this up!

When I put the girls in the ground, I was unaware that I had done so while there was 12 hours of light and dark. Since clones are the age of the mother, all were immediately ready to flower. So I guess I FUCKED UP! I probably did, but hoping things will work out. Will be keeping an eye on them


Active member
1 week since first bagseed plants went outside!!

1 week since first bagseed plants went outside!!

So today marks the 1 week mark since I put my first bagseed plants outside in their plots!! Besides the 3 that got dug up overnight and a slight nute-burn to do some dumb mistakes, the other 4 are adjusting nicely and I'm starting to see some growth!!

I couldn't have asked for better weather for their first week outside. It's been sunny and 70-80 degrees all week, only rained once last night and it was a pretty hard rain but the sun dried a lot of it by morning. My fastest growing plant from a bag of mids that I FIM'ed than LST'ed before going outside is starting to explode, like 8 shoots branching out into a little bush!! And the others look great too :bump:

They've adapted enough to their new homes where I won't have to check them every day or every other day, now only for the occasional watering and feeding.
...... I'll try to go out later today and snap some outdoor pics but its hard when your guerilla growing outside and trying to make a quick visit. If I don't get those pics, I'll have them within a few days and I'll snap some pics tonight of the 15 BOG seedlings (Blue Kush and SourBubbleBX4) that are getting ready to go outside in a new plot :)

Check out my thread in the BOG SEEDS forum, it shows all my BOG gear I'm starting for outdoors and hopefully an indoor run soon. BOG's new Sour StawberryKush (SourBubble X StrawberryKush) should be joining my BlueKush (BlueMoonRocks X SourBubble) and SourBubbleBX4 seedlings soon!!


Trichrider that's too bad man, hopefully it all turns out for the best :comfort: