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Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

most home sellers willing to go 'contract for deed' usually aren't willing to be the bank for the duration of a 20 year mortgage, most contracts use a standard 15-20 year amortization schedule (principal & interest payments) to determine your monthly payment but call for a balloon payment to be made 3-5 years after purchasing.

in that 3-5 year period the seller is expecting you to pay the contract for deed & all utility bills right on time and therefore be able to attain a standard bank mortgage finally cashing him/her out.

Down payment:
yes sellers want a decent dp otherwise they could sell to anyone with a 'no money down' offering. don't be looking for miracles although it is still a funky housing market.

I bought on a contract for deed ('95) w/no money down like this. The property I was buying needed some work, roof, conforming well & other small improvements. I proved to the seller that I had the cash to make the fixes and arranged to make those improvements w/in the first year of the contract.

The typical contract for deed is used by seller & buyer both to assure a smooth transaction for a mortgage can be made as the balloon payment becomes due.

One serious drawback of the contract for deed is the speed with which it can be cancelled, usually 30-60 days after missing a payment the owner can revert the property back to themselves.

Bank mortgages have longer redemption periods. in Minnesota we have the 'Statutory redemption period' giving 6 months & 'Equitable redemption period' allowing 12 months for home owners to fix the default in their mortgages. You fall into one category or the other here depending upon the homes value against what is owed.
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East Coast, All Day!
doubt we will do contract for deed... thanks for all the info though Stoner4Life....

We will most likely be trying for a first time Home Owners Loan... they usually only want 3-5% for a downpayment...

We are looking at houses in upstate NY right now... I know Albany and Syracuse are far away from each but anyone know any small town rural areas near either of those cities that are within 30 mins of one of the big cities for work?

I'm feeling kind of bittersweet about leaving the area I am in now... I have talked shit on it my whole life, saying I can't wait to get out of here but now the time has come and I just don't know....


Active member
Hey ss
sucks on the jam your in
The house i just got in pa was 27500.cost 8000 cash down when all was said and done.everybodys got there hand out...


East Coast, All Day!
damn 27,500? that's a deal! was there anything wrong with it? how big of a house? PM if ya want...


as is all-too-common in my life, I succumbed to my
if your a first time home buyer, fannie mae is good place to start--usually very low down pymts and low interest rates--used them myself on my first home 22 yrs. ago--

also, look for foreclosed homes and for sale by owner homes, they also can usually be picked up cheap--


soursmoker good luck dude.. ya im also looking for a new place to start over.. getting my shopping list together.. making sure I can get back up an growing before winter.. I come to the conclusion that cooling a grow in the summer isn't what I can afford to do with the money I have.. so im a wait out the summer do a small outdoor to get smoke.. and start up better then ever after summer.. Good Luck dude.. I didn't lose my place like u .. lol I kinda got screwed.. partner seemed to think he still was owed. even tho we agreed on a different situation. but what can I do ? im just doin it bymyself kuz even family cant be trusted in bad times.


You should talk to a bank and see how much of a loan you can get. Once you know your limit on loan and how much monthly payment would be you have better idea of what is affordable. We bought our house with NO money down. Closing costs were $6500. If you or wife/girlfriend were ever in military that would be alot of help! Real Estate agents are very very shady and very cut throat and will lie to get the sale...Once you own a house be ready to pay property tax, home owners insurance and your mortgage. Good luck!


Active member
all good points, glad i pay 309 amonth with all that shit included.
taxes ,morgage and ins is all together in my case


East Coast, All Day!
thanks everyone. yeah there is still a lot of figuring out to do... we will most likely be staying for the whole next year and figuring out all the details for the move... those last 6 months of no growing is going to SUCK!!

but yeah you guys are right... first we need to figure out what kind of loan we can get... before we decide where we wanna go...


Active member
ICMag Donor
Yo I was just checking it out they told me with a 560 score i can do 10% down and a 580 3.5%.

I have been lookin for awhile, if you look in what I call the "country" (anywhere but my city :D) I and seeing stuff 10k-50k all over the country that are great properties.


East Coast, All Day!
yeah we will prob be getting a 3.5% or 5%... just need to find location and price range... still have a whole year to figure out all the details. thanks everyone for the ideas and support.


Discovery Requires Experimentation

This is what I used on my first property. 3.5% down and plenty of money leftover for renovations and investments in our "hobby" gl Soursmoker!

PS. Hope both your test runs get finished up before you close up shop, excited to see how yours come out :)


Retired from the workforce Bullshit
ICMag Donor
We are looking at houses in upstate NY right now... I know Albany and Syracuse are far away from each but anyone know any small town rural areas near either of those cities that are within 30 mins of one of the big cities for work?

I've lived here all my life . houses are a plenty here but the job market SUX !!! the only thing they're pushing here in the job market is tech . theres a few new tech businesses here but everything else is falling by the wayside . the wife & I were seriously considering moving to the carolinas till she was gifted with her first grandchild ... now we're not going anywhere :( but i'm basicly retired so the job market isn't a big concern anymore . I'd stay away from the capitol region .... seriously !!! it sux here .


East Coast, All Day!

This is what I used on my first property. 3.5% down and plenty of money leftover for renovations and investments in our "hobby" gl Soursmoker!

PS. Hope both your test runs get finished up before you close up shop, excited to see how yours come out :)

thanks man I will check that out. yeah we are looking for 3.5% or 5% down. that would make it best...

test runs will be finished in time... show has to close around christmas time and then we will be staying clean for the final months when they show it to potential buyers...

I've lived here all my life . houses are a plenty here but the job market SUX !!! the only thing they're pushing here in the job market is tech . theres a few new tech businesses here but everything else is falling by the wayside . the wife & I were seriously considering moving to the carolinas till she was gifted with her first grandchild ... now we're not going anywhere :( but i'm basicly retired so the job market isn't a big concern anymore . I'd stay away from the capitol region .... seriously !!! it sux here .

thanks for being honest man... what type of job market were you looking in? My sister is in retail and she works for a pretty big company and can pretty much be transferred anywhere in the country. she is not a problem. but I would be looking for a manual labor job, some sort of trade or construction job and my bro has previous experience working in warehouses so he would prob look in that market...

what do you mean by tech? like IT stuff... i could get into that.. i'm not bad with computers but I am prob the only one who could learn it... you say stay away from capitol region? as in albany? but what about syracuse area? I hear syracuse is pretty ghetto but we were finding some nice homes within a 20 mile radius of there...

Anyone have experience with getting approved for an out of state loan when you don't already have a job lined up? can you just say we have plenty of money saved up to last us the first couple months while we look for jobs? Or do you NEED a job already lined up? this might be the biggest issue in moving...


East Coast, All Day!
hey ss we can continue the house thing thurs.if your still interested.
get my link?

yeah I think so, just PM when you get to 50 posts lol

EDIT: yeah I got the link... couldn't respond quick enough but I'll hit you up on thurs if you don't get to 50 by then...
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East Coast, All Day!
Hey Sour.
This may be helpful:
Buying a house investor style, low down/easy qualifying

Best of luck with the new challenge.

thats a very interesting thread but Idk how practical that would be for my situation... I still got a lot more time and thinking to do... I am gonna talk to an investor in the next few weeks and see how that route looks... Anyone with experience in this type of field PM me as well please...
