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This stoner thing is expensive, man

never mind dealer weed..

I was just going through EDIT for my new accessories. My grinder is an ancient acrylic one up for replacement, my bong (in gallery) is a homemade beer bottle... and my stack of smoking master slim papers has dwindled to where i'm on my emergency raws and even rizla blues.

Now, admittely i've ordered 150 packs of papers but still...

1x space case titanium (small)
1x 50 pack of king size smoking silver
2x 50 pack of regular smoking silver
1x retail pack, 50 books of quintessential smoking tip
1x pack of honeyblend - i'm going to try it
1x cheap wolf S1 rolling kit - perfect for on the move where I don't have my custom made stainless steel rolling station, smoked glass mixing bowls, etc

oh and a pack of Mr Nice black widow seeds :muahaha: :headbange

but the lot is like £170 UKP (like, 230-250$ last i checked) :yoinks:.. and i intended to get a Weed Star WS 5.0 bong too...


even with a grow it ain't cheap :fsu:

aahh i do feel better for a rant


feel ya there

everytime I leave the house i pretty much expect to come home a couple hundred dollars lighter


lol - you think the utensils are bad.... how bout the equipment!!!!

1 - switchable digital ballast with solid fixture and hood - $600-$800 (at local hydro store) and thats just 1!!!!!!
1 - Co2 Controller - $400-$600
1 - Co2 Generator - $300-$400
1 - Solid Nute line - $700
1 - Rez Chiller - $300-$400
1 - Pump - $120-$150
Countless Trips to the Depot ($1000)
Not to mention cost of whatever setup (NFT, DWC, BioBuckets, Ebb & Flow)

and thats just a few things...... it adds up quick!!! especially if you change your mind!!!!
lol - you think the utensils are bad.... how bout the equipment!!!!

1 - switchable digital ballast with solid fixture and hood - $600-$800 (at local hydro store) and thats just 1!!!!!!
1 - Co2 Controller - $400-$600
1 - Co2 Generator - $300-$400
1 - Solid Nute line - $700
1 - Rez Chiller - $300-$400
1 - Pump - $120-$150
Countless Trips to the Depot ($1000)
Not to mention cost of whatever setup (NFT, DWC, BioBuckets, Ebb & Flow)

and thats just a few things...... it adds up quick!!! especially if you change your mind!!!!

5x PL-L tubes, 3x55w, 2x20w & HF ballasts + wiring £70.
Homemade carbon filter £10.
2x cabinets £60.
5x cheap AC fans £30
biobizz grow & bloom, superthrive, blackstrap molasses and rootmate £20.
west + soil £4 a bag (56L)
£30 on random pots, hardware, tape, flat white paint, door seals, aquarium silicon..

The cost of all the crap i bought that will probably never be used, coming up with this design.. £200ish :mad:

/me sighs.

all the crap we go through for a :joint: and a :D


Active member
shit you're telllin me, i just paid $30 for a measly ass 1.8 at the club!!!

granted it was Abusive OG kush and is a one hit KO but....DAMN

60 dollars an 8th is STEEEEEEEP.

i just sold my bomb ass harvest gram for ten too, i hook people up!!!! fuck the greedy ass clubs...


shit you're telllin me, i just paid $30 for a measly ass 1.8 at the club!!!

granted it was Abusive OG kush and is a one hit KO but....DAMN

60 dollars an 8th is STEEEEEEEP.

i just sold my bomb ass harvest gram for ten too, i hook people up!!!! fuck the greedy ass clubs...

you look at it from a consumer perspective..

look at it from a business perspective.

*understand the following is theoretical.

if you want to grow, and off chronic ass weed... you can make a name for yourself VERY quickly, and easily.


clubs, colleges, college campuses, college towns/areas they frequent, concerts..you name it. when you have a product that can easily sell for sometimes top dollar, which is 50-75 an eighth, then why the FUCK not sell it for that?

now don't get me wrong, people close to the dealer would get the shit for 35-45 or even lower, depending on how cool they were with them, etc.

but if i had to off a few ounces, i'd be sellin eighths to friends, quarters and half's to bigger smokers and maybe even ounces to dealers...who knows. and that shit would be TAXED. sorry to say, if i was going to risk my ass and sell weed, just add up the expenses...cost to buy grow equipment, cost of accessories (nutrients, electricity, soil, etc.) that you have to replenish every 1-3 months, the cost to drive to X area, and the simple fact i was risking my freedom to provide an amazing plant to them... that shit is priceless.

so, yeah it sucks, but thats capitalism at it's finest (or not so much). motherfuckers know its easy as hell to sell eighths all day at 50-70 a pop, even more. all you gotta do is smoke a blunt of it with someone, show them it, and trust me they will bust the cash out immediately (most of the time)...

it all sucks, it really does. i wish weed was widely available, legalized, and cheap. but we don't have that right according to our governments, so we have to deal with whats what. fuck payin that insane amount for weed. i would just grow some bomb, store it, and use it to negotiate. (ill give you an 1/8th for an 1/8th...etc) that way its free.


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
Grow cab- less $ than an oz.
Yearly maintenance- $ 1/8th oz
Yield- $,$$$ Pounds. I'm buried alive
Bong- $14.95, 30 some years ago

One of the cheapest hobbies I've ever had.


Well-known member
You won't regret the space case - lasts a lifetime!

And if you compare it to your average Brit's alcohol costs, it's really not that bad.

Grow it outside and you're talking extreme economy.


we just paid 65 an 8th for cotton candy kush. its excellent!!!
One of the cheapest hobbies I've ever had.
Agreed. Counting absolutely everything that went into my cabinet including seeds and soil, so far costs are less than price of one good quality ounce. Although I have only recently started the grow so have not yet produced pounds upon pounds upon pounds.

Upkeep and maintenance? Also cheap. What is left? New bong and grinder would be good but both are purchases that will last for years. Aside from lighters and seeds to experiment with other strains sometime in the future I do not anticipate other expenses.

Speaking of bongs, FreezerBoy please post pictures of that 30-year-old piece? I have seen you mention it in other threads and am horrified and curious at the same time.


Collective prices of around 120 a 1/4 and about 400 a oz! Yeah, prices have gone up from the 25 a quater, 80 an oz days! But, the quality is much better and everything is mostly organic. A few puffs, or a half a cookie and you are good to go now. I remember the days that it would take the entire 1/4 to get two or three people comfortable. So, yeah start up is expensive, but once you have your perpetual grow going, up keep is not that bad. A great investment when the results are bad ass herb that is pure organic and helps make you comfortable. Cheers to the best med on earth! Whoo! <nod to 311>


Active member
so, yeah it sucks, but thats capitalism at it's finest (or not so much). motherfuckers know its easy as hell to sell eighths all day at 50-70 a pop, even more. all you gotta do is smoke a blunt of it with someone, show them it, and trust me they will bust the cash out immediately (most of the time)...

haha trust me i know about "taxing" a custy.

i mean, the money i paid to buy the OG Kush was out of a $150 profit i pulled in yesterday off middling 12 ounces wholesale.

and sometimes i just sell my harvest so i that i can take some of the money and buy Sour D or OGKush at the clubs, because i like smoking that shit more than my own harvest lol. And i ALWAYS tax for my harvests, because i know it took ridiculous amounts of money and time to grow that ish. I was in there PH balancing every night so that custy could sit on his couch and smoke reef, so yea i do tax.

i just think 60 an 8th is unreasonable. at 40 an 8th you can still make a nice ass profit. 40x8= 320....320X16 is more than 5 grand, and pounds never sell for more than 3600 here in the bay area. 1400 wax a pound is fucking good enough for those clubs considering they probably move a couple a day, but naw, they break down Ps and get 7600!! that is fucking insane markup.


Active member
Agreed. Counting absolutely everything that went into my cabinet including seeds and soil, so far costs are less than price of one good quality ounce.

it might have only costed like 150 to grow that ounce, but factor in the 3 months time it took to grow.

i figured my last harvest, we pulled about half a pound off 400 watts, costed about $200 for the power to grow, $300 a month rent for the room to grow it in, plus all the time and shit, i figure i just about broke damn even. maybe there is a little profit in there but for 3 months work it is pretty much non existant, to get more profit we need to add more lights and find ways to be more cost efficient like some of you other cash croppers on here.


Active member
Well, it certainly does not need to cost that... Most people would not bother renting anything for a measely 400w grow, $200 seems pretty expensive for electricity even if your running ac.

Space Ghost

i spent ~600 on my current setup, so that's like 2.5ozs of really good weed +/-, but each cycle I crank out far more then that and I've been running the setup (with minor mods) for at least 12-15 cycles (bah, i cant remember). So it was more than payed for after the first run... but then i got 11-14 more for free! It's a steal... and with electricity being dirt cheap up here, that's almost negligible...

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