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This SHIT really pisses me off another athlete busted!


All that coin from shootin hoops and my mans smokin / slingin bullshit .
If I'm gonna bother it's gonna be killer smoke - not the brick bullshit I'm seeing in that picture .
Silly fool.


shit looks pretty brown in the bags? he couldn't sell that at willie nelson concert, let alone to other basketball players.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
shit looks pretty brown in the bags? he couldn't sell that at willie nelson concert, let alone to other basketball players.

Dood you made me spit out some of my egg's lmfao... all in my keyboard fock.. lol it was worth it though.. lmfao..

Xcrispi I so agree with you all the money he made, and he couldnt even find a supplier that had some DANK... poor bastard cant even tell when it is good good puffage..




Active member
Probably one of his friends turned him in.
They just couldn't bear the thought of going around with a sore throat and hacking up black phlegm for a week after another one of his "all you can smoke" Schwag parties.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Probably one of his friends turned him in.
They just couldn't bear the thought of going around with a sore throat and hacking up black phlegm for a week after another one of his "all you can smoke" Schwag parties.

Thats some funny shit right there.. lol.. Yea thats just embarrassing to be caught with that.. If the friends didnt turn his ass in, then for sure they are going to dog his ass out everytime they see him... lmfao... peace

B-ball money is long gone after they don't have the checks comin in the lifestyle they are accustomed to drains them. I don't knock him he took a chance and got caught. Same way everyone on this site takes chances. Just cause your an athlete or an entertainer doesn't mean your not human. And you should never wish jail, or say good for that person or he deserves it cause you never know when you'll be the one in that position. Just some food for thought. It's crazy how many people are so quick to judge like there backyards are spotless.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
i dont think SOME people are to quick to judge. It is more like we quickly reply with he deserves it because how stupid he was. I am sure you as well as i know people that slang and have done so for years.. And not been busted. But it is the people like corey blount said NBA player busted, that is just STUPID.. There is a reason he was busted and it is not cos he was stealth.. lol.. I mean the story said he was witnessed purchasing.. So thats why i said what i said as well as a few others. I sure dont wish this cat got busted or anybody else for that matter BUT, If you are dumb and its obvious what yer doing then if the shoe fits wear it yea?.. peace.



New member
this guy probably supplied the whole nba.

but what about his dealer he was witnessed purchasing 11 pounds from? was he arrested as well? there's something fishy going on there.

I like how everyone thinks they can tell the quality from that photo, just cause it aint macro budporn don't mean its schwag


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Ginseng I would venture off to say that looks to be pretty brown and shwagzie.. lol.. But it may well be Dank for all we know.. I wish we could ask for a sample.. Either way the weed even was named.. lmao.. demon weed and hippie gold niiiice...peace.



Active member
what's the law on seizing vehicles? They took both cars from the guy... just wodnering what they base seizing cars off of.. or do they impound the cars and give them back? Some are auctioned etc..


it's still brown! i'm sure he was driving the car/cars, that's transportation and/or delivery. he's lucky they didn't go after his house, they would of to anybody else. they'll prolly use the cars for "undercover work" then have to auction them off. pays for drug dogs and new cop cars, the shady fuckers! here's what i say happened...dealer gets busted.says hey i can give you cocksucker that buys weed of me, you guys are gonna get a boner. cops get boner. cops tell dealer to make it happen. cops get another boner, steal his cars.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
I think both cars were used in the commission of the alledged incident. Or maybe HE was being watched and had used both cars at one time or another to pick up and deliver..

They still may be going after his house idk, Cos they supposedly went to his house and found more lbows.. maybe they were in the other car..? :chin:


If he was observed purchasing and the supplier didn't get busted then it is obvious who set him up. Sackoweed anybody can get busted at any time thats the game. I don't care if you sling nickel bags or tons, if you have a super stealth micro grow or a huge commercial op. I mean what just cause he played in the NBA he can't sell weed. I don't care what you do to get by if you are not hurting or endangerin other people. To each is own. Yea people are quick to judge when you are sayin good for him and he got what he deserves. For what sellin a lil weed he deserves to lose years on his life? Granted he only has to do a year which in my eyes is a fair trade off if he didn't let them get all his money. Shit if I could make $200,000 inb a year and I only had to go do a yaer, I wouldn't be mad. Tell me where any everyday joe schmoe is gonna make that kinda money in a year. Even over 2 years it is still 100 stacks a year.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
If he was observed purchasing and the supplier didn't get busted then it is obvious who set him up. Sackoweed anybody can get busted at any time thats the game. I don't care if you sling nickel bags or tons, if you have a super stealth micro grow or a huge commercial op. I mean what just cause he played in the NBA he can't sell weed. I don't care what you do to get by if you are not hurting or endangerin other people. To each is own. Yea people are quick to judge when you are sayin good for him and he got what he deserves. For what sellin a lil weed he deserves to lose years on his life? Granted he only has to do a year which in my eyes is a fair trade off if he didn't let them get all his money. Shit if I could make $200,000 inb a year and I only had to go do a yaer, I wouldn't be mad. Tell me where any everyday joe schmoe is gonna make that kinda money in a year. Even over 2 years it is still 100 stacks a year.

Well for one thing they didnt mention if the supplier got busted so, Maybe he did setup his homie. And yea anybody can get busted at any time. wheather you slang or grow. Im not disputing that. I just think this cat is an idiot cos he has money, And to be slanging weed like he is. cmon almost 30 lbs is mid level at best.. And here he has to do a year. And no you cant just go out and sell weed being a friggn pro athlete, Isnt that why they work as hard as they do SO they dont have to sell drugs?? :chin: And yea lots of joe blows are doing exactly that making 100 stacks a year probably more.. I am not happy this dude got busted but it seems he used bad judgement and it also seems he didnt care how he did things... OF course we do not know the whole story.. So we can only elaborate on what we can read up on.. peace.



Active member
a hustle is a hustle... hes not the first pro athlete to get busted for selling he wont be the last.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
a hustle is a hustle... hes not the first pro athlete to get busted for selling he wont be the last.

Exactly, but it does gotta piss ya off a lil bit, that here these well to do fellas out slanging weed.. When in fact he probably does not have to slang, And some joe blow tries his luck and goes and gets shot or busted and ends up with 10 yrs. peace.



Active member
Exactly, but it does gotta piss ya off a lil bit, that here these well to do fellas out slanging weed.. When in fact he probably does not have to slang, And some joe blow tries his luck and goes and gets shot or busted and ends up with 10 yrs. peace.

Im not pissed at all, I dont know his financial situation maybe he doesnt have enough money or feels he doesnt have enough money for his lifestyle... by the way he hasn't played since 2004 so money could be getting tight... and when i say hustle is a hustle he could have opened a strip club or a movie theater like magic johnson but he decided pot was a good hustle its all income just with pot you can go to jail, its all a hustle. You dont know his financial situation and you dont know if hes been smoking/selling pot before he went pro and just didnt stop selling.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
Im not pissed at all, I dont know his financial situation maybe he doesnt have enough money or feels he doesnt have enough money for his lifestyle... by the way he hasn't played since 2004 so money could be getting tight... and when i say hustle is a hustle he could have opened a strip club or a movie theatere like magic johnson but he decided pot was a good hustle its all income just with pot you can go to jail, its all a hustle. You dont know his financial situation and you dont know if hes been smoking/selling pot before he went pro and just didnt stop selling.

very true, very true.. I would only hope this dude still was doing ok he was around a lot of influential and smart business minded people. Like Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Phil Jackson etc... So you would think he learned some shit about financial stablility.. but then again maybe he didnt learn a dayum thing.. lol.. good posts people.. This is cool no uncivil arguing thanx.. peace.


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