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This Mom has seen better days, Help her/ me out!!! (PICS)

Alright folks,

Whats wrong here?

its been a mom thats was kept unhealthily for a while, temps got high, ventilation low, feeding, even watering was not consistent.

Things have changed now, its got a new home where it stays 78-88 F with good airflow and ventilation (it only stays 2 F above ambient).
I gave her some biog-grow, put some mulchy soil conditioner on top, and some superthrive and other micronutrients/ organicy stuff, compost tea. Hopefully this will help the soil get back to life a little.

Heres the problem though, you see the leaves and such, the stems are Really very brittle, they snap right in two before flexing much.

What kind of deficiency might this be and what could help this problem??

thanks for any help.










have you tried removing it from its pot and trimming the roots back on all sides
a couple of inches and then repot in new soil? this method seems to have helped
a friend keep his mother going 10 plus years. he swears by this method.


i woujldn't worry about the shock factor they are tough plants INMO,
i would trim them back with a sharp clean knife and then soak the roots
in a nitrogen rich solution. i'm sure there are good formulas somewhere
here on the mag that lists a top notch reveg nute regimen. i would just cut back the
roots and then replant in nitrogen rich organic soiless, hit her with teas for feeding
and ACT tea to get the herd moving quickly. i've seen a mother in much worse shape than yours get this treatment and after 8 weeks of 18hr t5 light and lots of nutes heavy on nitrogen the thing came back better than ever, was really amazing site to see.
Cutting the roots back and then feeding a touch of root grow or Ryzotonic by Canna.
should to the trick. good luck, peace
should i cut her back to just some of the nice looking smaller shoots near the middle? get rid of that old sickly looking stuff on the longer branches.


Active member
i would do what they said about root trimming, or maybe a transplant just to let her expand some. not much bigger but somthign just to stretch the legs


Alright folks,

Whats wrong here?

its been a mom thats was kept unhealthily for a while, temps got high, ventilation low, feeding, even watering was not consistent.

Things have changed now, its got a new home where it stays 78-88 F with good airflow and ventilation (it only stays 2 F above ambient).
I gave her some biog-grow, put some mulchy soil conditioner on top, and some superthrive and other micronutrients/ organicy stuff, compost tea. Hopefully this will help the soil get back to life a little.

Heres the problem though, you see the leaves and such, the stems are Really very brittle, they snap right in two before flexing much.

What kind of deficiency might this be and what could help this problem??

thanks for any help.

the title to this thread is very misleading ... i was expecting pictures of naked crack smoking chicks

i can give no help here:woohoo:


Devil's Advocate
Root trim and repot. It's all good

Root trim and repot. It's all good

Don't quote people's pictures, especially a long line of them. And if you do, be nice enough to remove them later! Thanks! :rant:

So yea, I am with the "read the Bonsai mums thread" crowd and follow through with that. I actually just root trimmed and repotted my moms yesterday. We'll see how that goes. They were suffering from pH issues, and I'd bet they will be getting back to normal soon!

Don't worry about stress, they are more stressed now than they will be by the root trim. After the trim, their environment should be as close to optimal as you can do and that should make em feel nice!

Oh and LOL @ above post barring the quote.


First, please people realize that Quoting with all the pictures and shit is annoying. Slower load times and makes you scroll through the same crap over and over again. :rant:
Oh and LOL @ above post barring the quote.
