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this may be a stupid question


Plant Whisperer
I checked what you said at Clemson U. I stand corrected on the Nectarine. Pluots are a cross. -granger

A Pluot (Zaiger) is an interspecific hybrid of an apricot and plum leaning on the plum side :)

Same as the Flavor Delight Aprium (Zaiger) but it leans on the apricot side :)

And a Nectaplum (Zaiger) is a nectarine plum interspecific hybrid :)


cant re Member
most crosses between different species are infertile/sterile. same as the liger the tiger x lion. cannabis would hybridise with something im sure. but it would most likely be sterile, and most likely pretty useless for smoking or whatever


A hybrid with hops would be intergeneric (humulus sp. x cannabis sp.) which is quite possible in the plant world. Large plant population with wide genetic diversity would be required for the best chance.

A hybrid with catnip would be interfamilial (lamiaceae x cannabaceae) which is an extremely rare occurrence.


Actually, a jackass is a male donkey. A Mule is a Jack/Mare cross. They are sterile. -granger

Right, but is the term 'mule' applied for both mare and stallion (female and male) offspring of the cross? And, is it always a jack/mare cross, or could it be a jenny/stallion cross?

I got to meet the sweetest little donkey mare a few weeks ago. I've never handled them, not asses, not mules, not any other equine besides horses. She wanted everything to do with me. Now I want one of my own. They can't be any harder than horses, can they? And since they're so small they don't need to be ridden like a horse does, do they? They make more sense in my head than goats, too, I just don't understand goats the way I understand horses, so it seems a better fit.

For all I know about horses, I don't know shit about the asses.

I apologize for the thread digression, but I think the OP's question has been answered. I'm also beginning to wonder about variegation in plants and how it relates to color morphs in our domesticated animals. We're seeing it in captive-bred clownfishes now, and they're not that far into 'domestication'.


Active member
All mules are sterile males. I don't know if you can use a stud hoss and a Jenny, but I think because of the size of the mule foal, they use mares. Mules are pretty much the size of a horse, so it might be really hard for a little Jenny to birth a foal so large.

If I had land, I would definitely have burros. My family comes from sheep and goat country, and up there, they use burros to protect the flocks. Burros are possessive about the flocks they run with, and no canine or feline will stand up to them. In that area there are two kinds of people. Those who say "beruh" and those who say "Boo_roe."

Speaking of digression- I went to some friends' property with my dog Spike who had quite a high opinion of himself. Their 3 horses had come up to water, and Spike chased them about 300 yards, all at full speed down thru a bermuda pasture. Down at the bottom my friends' burro was grazing, looked up, saw the horses hauling ass [ok...]. I then realized that the horses were running to the donkey. They called him Eor. When he saw what they were running from, he immediately put his head down and ears back and started running at Spike who made and abrupt U-turn, and sprinted the 300 yards back to me, donkey right behind. Very amusing and insightful. -granger


New member
If you think a question is stupid, at least take time to formulate your question with proper grammar and spelling. You will get more people who are willing to respond to your question even if its stupid, because you won't appear to be stupid.


Active member
You will get more people who are willing to respond to your question, even if it's stupid, because you won't appear to be stupid.

Edit: You will get more people who are willing to respond to your question, even if it's stupid, because you won't appear to be stupid.


Bong Smoking News Hound
I think that hops is cannabis closest relative. Make a great beer with Thc .sounds like trouble

Yeah but it takes Proccessing those hops. Its not like you an just smoke it right off the plant. unless you know of a way to use them directly after harvest.


hey hectik

Really? What i need a spell check now? I posted that off my fucking touch phone dude.
really if that's what your trying to contribute then move along i didn't ask for a pompous use proper grammar comment.... if u really cant understand my first post simply don't respond, i don't need to be told how to speak, thank you. i never asked for your comment ANYWAY.
and thank you granger for pointing out hectiks own misuse of spelling, really i wouldn't normally care... but its quite funny to see the person preaching proper grammar make a grammatical error in that very post...
now back to marijuana maybe? i think so.... if u wanna still discuss this hectik u can pm me... or better yet post on a grammer site about these kids today and their slang... no need to muddy threads with your need for proper grammar... and say what you want but every other non pompous pothead here knew EXACTLY WTF i was asking.

To everyone else who took the time to speculate and help inform me(as well as others who will read this thread); I thank you all... your contributions are very much appreciated everyone.


Bong Smoking News Hound
there are people who come from different countries, who have English as a second, third, or even FOURTH language. So come on lets get off the grammar soap box. If you are going to judge. Prepare to be perfect for the rest of your life.

sallyforthDeleted member 75382

Cocoa ( of all things. One can only imagine lol ) produce's cannabanoids.

I eat strong dark 70 - 80 % chocolate as it's great for munchies but also works with cannabis by pro longing the high/stone.

Food for thought !!

G.O. Joe

Well-known member
This morning I went down a trail through the woods, on the way to a stretch of scattered ditchweed I wanted to check out for the first time all year. At the end of the trail I find something more interesting than any of the ditchweed.

There is a plant not uncommon here I have no idea what it is, but it has variable leaf characteristics and a very very similar growth habit to Cannabis. The leaves are a little different, it's a little weedier, a hairier more grooved stalk, and the flowering branch tips end in cones, but they seem to be closely related.


On the left things start out normally with that species. On the right there is a male ditchweed, above the ditch I'm standing in. In the middle, something with leaves way more similar to Cannabis but still with cones, which were being attacked by mold maybe.


G.O. Joe

Well-known member
From left to right. These only get a little morning light and there's no 5 lobed leaf this species would normally have with better light, but you can see the cones and smooth edges. Then things get really weird - this really does look like a hybrid. Maybe I should take better pictures before frost.






G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Better pictures, or, how I learned to stop worrying and love nettles

Better pictures, or, how I learned to stop worrying and love nettles

This is what the leaves should look like.


But that's not what these look like. Ditchweed at upper left.


This species never looks like Cannabis, until now. Closer:


Which stem is the ditchweed? Number 2 obviously. It's barely wider. The male of my first post actually has a runt male next to it and a female behind it. There are no other specimens of either species nearby. The location is at the very end of what was a real long big interesting mostly ditchweed patch years ago.



Whatever plant this is, there's no guarantee that the genus is currently placed in the most correct family. Could be coincidence or not that some of the population that magically popped up in this isolated ditchweed cluster is so much more toothed and generally potlike than normal, with the plants looking more sativa the closer they are to it and all. Somehow there are long odds on either bet. If they do hybridize, it happens infrequently.