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This Is what happens When A Little Girl Gives Marijuana A Try...


New member
An amazing story indeed. There is another amazing story. Everybody's "middle of the road" political darling, Gov Chris Christie continues his stance against MMJ, despite the fact that very recently a NJ child died from Dravet Syndrome complications while being denied access to high CBD medicine.

It is time for medical facts to govern our public policy. It is time for the hysteria of the prohibition to be cast out of modern culture. It is time for the Feds to find something more productive to do with their time and it is time for children like Charlotte Figi to not be considered a felon just because she has a form of epilepsy that can be treated with cannabis. I have a friend with a daughter that has Dravet Syndrome. She is in VA and is currently able to have her seizures controlled with "traditional" medicines (as in big pharma, Inc.) but what happens when that changes?

God bless the Taylor family for what they are doing.

Happy New Year!