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Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
I got to meet the man who made this product at a trade show about a month ago and he was really cool and gave me one for free and mad filters. I use it every time now, its pretty cool. You have to change the filters every 15-20 hits, it wont even hit after that. So yea there is tons of resin in smoking. Stay healthy my friends. It is called a breathe ezi just google it.


Prof Sublime

Hard working pothead
thats pretty sweet, plus you can take it anywhere for any bong it looks like. probably super cheap to manufacture and a good concept.

It fits on almost anything, the smallest size is about a little over an inch. I think he sells them for 5$. Another cool thing is if you and your friends each have their own you will never share spit or anything again. They use standard cigarette filters as far as I know too which are cheap an easy to come by.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
its been a few weeks since i started this thread.....

i since bought a 18", 44 perk bong with a shower diffused ashcatcher....

i also changed to smoking with hemp wicks, instead of lighters....

i no longer wheez, still cough some shit up, but only about 20% of what i used to....

i guess the moral of this is, fuck straight shot bongs, perk the shit out of the smoke and your lungs will thank you......


i guess the moral of this is, fuck straight shot bongs, perk the shit out of the smoke and your lungs will thank you......

Or its don't smoke, vaporize if you serious about your lungs and safety.

There are many many unknowns for smoke that lead to issues, vaporizing if done right is much safer. Vaporizing is not just using a magnifying glass, its controlling the heat temperature of the air actually hitting your herb, making sure its at a level low enough so that combustion will not occur.

Good luck to everyone.


Cautiously Optimistic
its been a few weeks since i started this thread.....

i since bought a 18", 44 perk bong with a shower diffused ashcatcher....

i also changed to smoking with hemp wicks, instead of lighters....

i no longer wheez, still cough some shit up, but only about 20% of what i used to....

i guess the moral of this is, fuck straight shot bongs, perk the shit out of the smoke and your lungs will thank you......

Hey Krunch, you should try this:


Maybe even attach that device that Prof. Sublime posted. More of what you do want and less of what you don't.


^Nice, many do that with whip vapes already, didnt even think about doing it to the omicron! NICE!


Anyone know a good vaporiser for tobacco? :tiphat:
I assume anything that can vape cannabis can vape tobacco, might have to adjust the heat though, not sure but I think tobacco might be much much dryer then cannabis.


Active member
Well I have been doing a few grams from the bong daily for about 3 years straight now and my recent caravan and physical says I'm perfect, but doc Sao that the tch level in my urin was off the charts and that I should stop "marijuana" because of the negative health effects. To which I replied what effects? To which he replied " there are many" but he was unable to list any.


i havent smoked in two weeks, ive been vaping though. just vaping.

the first week i coughed up lots of resin, it was nasty. Now I havent coughed up anything for a few days and my lungs feel great..


Well-known member
I second Kruch's opinion on getting a bong with good diffusion. I've been toking daily from my Toro circ/circ and I must say, even the biggest rips are very smooth with virtually no drag. I don't cough, my lungs have been in good shape, and I certainly don't cough up phlegm. On the other hand, I've also never smoked a cigarette in my life and I don't smoke blunts so I'm tobacco free as well.

But I truly believe that good diffusion makes a huge difference.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
I second Kruch's opinion on getting a bong with good diffusion. I've been toking daily from my Toro circ/circ and I must say, even the biggest rips are very smooth with virtually no drag. I don't cough, my lungs have been in good shape, and I certainly don't cough up phlegm. On the other hand, I've also never smoked a cigarette in my life and I don't smoke blunts so I'm tobacco free as well.

But I truly believe that good diffusion makes a huge difference.

oh man, been looking for a decent Toro or Sovereignty...

cir de circ, peyote pillar, recycler....