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This is Sticky Colors from Germany

Growing Cannabis since 2009 and finally trying to cross my own favorites to my own Specs in Terms of flavour.
Tested Out a Lot of growing Systems over the years and stopped at no-till/livingsoil because of quality and workload.
I will try to find good flavour in good rooting specimen on a limited space.
Will keep you updated on my work here at icmag as well as at IG

Have a good one!
My soilmix is built upon "klasmann-deilmann pro line Kräutersubstrat" its the best certified potting soil for Herbs i can get around here afaik.
I use the almicanna product Line and kept it pretty simple with universal amendments, Red wiggler Humus, malted barley and rice husks as well as alfalfa Pellets. I let plants veg for 3-5 days and send them to flower. They get compost Tea (once a months) and BTI is sprayed Like 2-3 Times If needed.
Mulching with Cover crop (organic little helper seeds).
Runs consistently since a year now

Currently having crumbled Melon (karmagenetics) inside

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Well-known member
Growing Cannabis since 2009 and finally trying to cross my own favorites to my own Specs in Terms of flavour.
Tested Out a Lot of growing Systems over the years and stopped at no-till/livingsoil because of quality and workload.
I will try to find good flavour in good rooting specimen on a limited space.
Will keep you updated on my work here at icmag as well as at IG

Have a good one!
Hiya Sticky!
Good to have you among us. Do keep us posted if it is safe. Looking forward to discovering your funky flavors

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