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This is right, right? Can someone confirm?


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
when i repot for the final time i put the smaller pot with the plant in it into the big pot, top it up with soil and pat it down, then carefully remove the smaller pot, leaving the mould of it in the soil. then i sprinkle a teaspoon full of myco powder in the bottom and drop the plant into the hole (without the pot!).

i use this method as well and it does work PERFECT!( even when transplanting into the ground) i have had more than a few people who were just flat out amazed how smart it is, and that they never would have thought of it.

those talking about flushing......don't forget a proper cure. it is a MUST imo to bring out the full flavors and smoothness of your buds.


Even in Arcadia I exist
when i repot for the final time i put the smaller pot with the plant in it into the big pot, top it up with soil and pat it down, then carefully remove the smaller pot, leaving the mould of it in the soil. then i sprinkle a teaspoon full of myco powder in the bottom and drop the plant into the hole (without the pot!). then the roots are in direct contact with the myco spores. dont forget to water it in!

Great idea. Next time I'll try that.

those talking about flushing......don't forget a proper cure. it is a MUST imo to bring out the full flavors and smoothness of your buds.

What method of curing do you use? Or does it not matter which, so long as the bud is cured?


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
After you make your imprint with the pot as done by V & J also press some myc spores into the sides of the impression to get the side roots. If you wanna be really sure, sprinkle some on the roots themselves. I use small transplant/seedling vessels (seeding trays) so I roll the roots in spores and drop some in the hole.


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
or you can just have spores in your cloning or seed starting mix, colonize the mycorrhizae early and forget about it.

What method of curing do you use? Or does it not matter which, so long as the bud is cured?

pretty much just cure your weed. as long as you dont do a shitty job its all good.


After you make your imprint with the pot as done by V & J also press some myc spores into the sides of the impression to get the side roots. If you wanna be really sure, sprinkle some on the roots themselves. I use small transplant/seedling vessels (seeding trays) so I roll the roots in spores and drop some in the hole.

I also roll the foots in the spores. I also place EWC in the bottom of the container. The roots come in contact with the mics and then the pure EWC. I do not know about everyone else but it works for me.



thanks von I will try that pure compost at the bottom thing very soon.

I use a beer cups full. I had a ph problem once......my own fault there, and the plants thrived.....well after that it just became habit when I transplant.



Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
i use this method as well and it does work PERFECT!( even when transplanting into the ground) i have had more than a few people who were just flat out amazed how smart it is, and that they never would have thought of it.

those talking about flushing......don't forget a proper cure. it is a MUST imo to bring out the full flavors and smoothness of your buds.

yes i use it for any plants that are precious to me - its a little time consuming but definitely reduces the risk of any transplant shock

i had an idea for taking it one step further for cannabis plants ;)



Even in Arcadia I exist
Wow. This entire thread is really becoming a wealth of info . . . thanks guys.

One quick question regarding top dressing/tea with the EWC . . .

I noticed that EWC has some nitrogen, is it okay to use this in the tea jaykush described even at week 4 of flower? I've read here that excess nitrogen in flower can cause some issues like delayed flowering/ripening, etc. Just wanted to make sure the N in EWC wouldn't have that effect . . .



Even in Arcadia I exist
Wow man thanks for the fast response.

I really appreciate all your help and advice, not just you but everyone here who frequents the Organic Soil thread and has helped me at several times with advice, support, and comments on how to improve.

Thanks again.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Just thought I'd update everyone who was helpful enough to offer advice earlier in.

So this thread got started because I wanted to confirm that is was okay that my runoff was 5.0 after my last watering, which was last wednesday.

I watered again today (monday) and the runoff was 6.0 and once the drip trays were full I checked them and sure enough, 7.0. So I guess the soil is managing itself at this point :)

I used the EWC method suggested by jaykush, making a slurry and then putting it on top right before watering. Thanks again for that! I also cut the fish emulsion out of the watering for plant A this week, so it's just getting 1 - 1.5 - 2 organic supplements (sea kelp mixed with molasses).

Plant B, as you can see in the photos, has a little dead tissue at the leaf tips on a few of the fans, so that plant just got the EWC slurry and straight water with no nutes/supplements.

Heres the update, pic were shot this morning, on day 30 of 12/12.

Plant A:


Plant B:

That is awfully pretty you took the time to treat her right, somehow! Seems that hard to get along with a girl killing me right here. Something demeaning training never knowing which way to go!

Some rooting process, it takes forever to break down and store these. It's not that exciting it's aggravation.

Why even not work at it for anybody? Seems to be at that, having spirits around!