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This is right, right? Can someone confirm?


Even in Arcadia I exist
I guess since I'm new to this, I'm just looking for some reassurance . . .

I'm in soil, 6 parts FFOF, 2 parts Worm Castings, 1.5 parts Perlite with lime mixed at about 1.25TB per gallon of medium. I didn't add the lime until they were transplanted from 1 gallon containers to 3 gallon containers, they are now in 7 gallon containers, and have had lime in their mix for 3 weeks.

The first couple of waterings the runoff was 7, and i only measured it to be certain the lime was helping.

I fed them today with water mixed with BioBizz Bio-Bloom, at 15ml per liter, or 1TB per gallon abouts. I adjusted this before feeding to pH 7.0 with a little pH up (about 1/4 tsp per gallon of solution). I watered about 2 gallon per plant (each plant in a 7 gallon container).

My runoff was 5.5 or 5.0. Somewhere in there. Because i'm in organics and have amended with lime, i'm assuming the pH is irrelevant right? Burnone has convinced me of this, but I guess i want to be re-convinced real quick before I start to worry. Either way, the plants look VERY healthy, no signs of anything, so I'm assuming BurnOne was correct all along.

Anyone with experience here?


Genetics Facilitator
Boutique Breeder
ICMag Donor
yes it's 2-5 ml per litre so you might want to wash that out a bit with plain water - should be ok though.

did you adjust the pH before you added the bloom?- i find it brings the pH down a bit.

tbh although i do pH my water before i use it (its about 8.5 atm so i like to bring it down to 6 or so) - i have never measured run-off pH.

so from my experience if your plants look great then dont worry about it.

good luck



Even in Arcadia I exist
Thanks for the fast reply.

I adjusted the pH of my solution (water mixed with bio-bloom) as yes, the Bloom brought it down into the mid 5's. I added about 1/4 tsp of pH up and the pH was 7.0 when I actually fed the plant.

I'll get a couple pics up in a min.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Here are some pics of the 2 plants @ Day 25 of flower. NL x Skunk

First plant


Second Plant


A branch from one plant


A bud from one plant



Even in Arcadia I exist
Thanks for the kind words, hopefully the pH will sort itself out, because I'm not gonna flush these plants . . .


From what Ive learned the EWC and lime will buffer the pH so there is not much of a worry. Nice plants too!


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
plain old ewc tea, always helps balance things out to where they need to be. as well as a little boost sometimes.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hmm. Do I need an airstone to do this?

I'll have to find a thread about brewing some EWC tea. I added EWC to my soil also at 2 EWC to 6 parts soil.

Thanks man!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Thanks for the tips. I don't have an airstone/pump currently, but might get one after this run.

I'd like to brew some teas next time around :)


dirty black hands
ICMag Donor
you can use an airstone if you want to make some castings tea which works great, but when im feeling lazy, i get a 1 gallon bucket. put a few handfulls of castings. add water about half way, stir with a stick to make a castings slurry. top dress the slurry let it sit 10 minutes, then water as normal. works almost as good yet takes 15 minutes.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Sweet!! Thanks man!! That's perfect!

I've decided to get anything ELSE i need for my grow from a store and pay in cash, nearest grow supply place though is just under 4 hours each way, so I'm not going again until I have a little $$ saved up and i can shop with a list!

Great lazy-mans tea recipe, I'll use it for my next watering!


Even in Arcadia I exist
Or you could go to a garden center instead. Think of all that co2.

heh yah.

I need to get a backup ballast though, a spare bulb, cloning gear, more Bio-bizz nutes, some guano, more pots, etc. Everything I could possibly need. Planning ahead seems to be working so far . . .


The Logical Gardener
ICMag Donor
you can use an airstone if you want to make some castings tea which works great, but when im feeling lazy, i get a 1 gallon bucket. put a few handfulls of castings. add water about half way, stir with a stick to make a castings slurry. top dress the slurry let it sit 10 minutes, then water as normal. works almost as good yet takes 15 minutes.

What Jay recommends here is faaaar superior to trying to 'brew' with an aquarium pump and airstone. Unless you limit your container size to half a gallon to a gallon you probably will not output enough air to sustain the dissolved oxygen at 6 PPM which is necessary for the survival of aerobic microbes.

I have tips for building compost tea brewers here;