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This is new to me. Had a buddy tell me about ICM.


Active member
:tiphat:Hello to all you stoners. I love the site so far. Any advice on my grow, check out my post. Just started so any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have every thing but a TDS/EC and PH reader/device, so for you experts this might be fun. Atleast until I get a so reader devices. Other than that just learning how the plants adjust to change.
Peace,Love,and Stonerness:plant grow:


Active member
Thanks for the warm welcome, I will be here from now on. Any advice on my post My first grow log! would be much appreciated. I'm still getting use to the site as well, but its not to bad.:smokeit:
Thanks for the warm welcome, I will be here from now on. Any advice on my post My first grow log! would be much appreciated. I'm still getting use to the site as well, but its not to bad.:smokeit:

as much details as possible each post and keep it in paragraphs when bouncing subject to subject on ur grow at the top in my first post i always have a list of what im using


Grow Lamp wattage/Bulb type
Soil mixtures( if u grow in soil)
water temps(if hydro)
ppm(parts per million or E.C/TDS) this is a measurement of ferts in the water
Room humidity
any environment details u can give

u wanna good example look up small potatos hes a master


Active member
Sorry Dreamz of Green, I meant that I already have a grow log going. If you check it out and have any advice is what I meant. It would be much appreciated. Peace!