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This Is How You Kill Powder Mildew Forever!!!!!


3rd-Eye Jedi
Weird...saying shit does not make it true! Show us the link....the page that supports your "wishes". Simple fact is--both Washington and Colorado allow Myclobutanil to be used on BOTH food and non food plants (period).

If you think about it....if it is outlawed, there should be bulletin/announcement/regulation stating same. Since none exist, then your claim that Myclobutanil is outlawed is 100% bullshit. Pure bullshit.

BTW...thanks for the neg rep, hope you enjoyed mine! Now, don't you feel better? Silly kids! Go troll another thread....you have been to this one a few dozen times and I think we know where you are coming from.

Fucking A right I gave you negative rep. I did it because you are trying to obfuscate the truth regarding Washington state growing regulations and being a troll about it in the meanwhile.

I posted the link and instructions for listing every allowable product under Washington state commercial cultivation laws.

If you still can't access or understand that information not only do you lack the skill set to grow commercially under Washington state regulations but your do not even posses the capacity to research the regulations in the first place.


aka "Doc"
You lack the skills to "show and tell"...something that most of us learned in kindergarten. Real simple, back up what you say...or shut up!

Opinions are to be respected....facts are to be challenged and verified.

Again, the fact is...Myclobutanil is not a banned.


3rd-Eye Jedi
Truth moment

Your sweating the truth because you are afraid to grow without eagle20 because without it you have no other options

sweet toolkit boss

fwiw washington state is pretty fucking damp


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Eclipse not to side with anyone here bit wasnt his link and the lengthy list of what is allowable considered evidence/proof? Was it bogus info?


3rd-Eye Jedi
This is boring...fact is, so you have zero evidence! Face it! (Please prove me wrong!)

lol dude are you really THIS dumb.

Here is the same source I listed before


if you want to see the allowable products for commercial cultivation of cannabis you have to follow the proper instructions

your looking at crops other than marijuana but I am sure you know this already and your just playing a game

its ok i listed all allowable prodcut a few posts back as well

none of them contain the ingredients that eagle 20 does

in fact ill give you this offer

prove to me that under I-502/I-692 (commercial cultivation) regulations you can use eagle20 or its main ingredient and ill delete my account

now is your chance to get rid of me punk and if you can't it proves your full of shit


3rd-Eye Jedi
Link to State of Washington publication that includes allowed pesticide products for use around the home...and yes there are several Myclobutanil products on the list.

So, any notion that Myclobutanil is evil or outlawed is pure bullshit!

around the home son but not in commercial cultivation

funny how you are able to navigate their site to find all kinds of info but can't access a list of allowable products in commercial cultivation

i posted the link to washington cannabis institute now educate yourself and prove me wrong


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
I will say neither of you guys need to be so tense or at each others throat about it.....its a forum....people disagree or agree. You guys disagree, check the facts, be sure of who is right, then be done with it. Or, bicker, call each other names and keep it going. Either way im entertained ;)


aka "Doc"
Weird, this thread is about responsible use of Myclobutanil. You may disagree, and that's fine...you have made your points time after time (nothing new so let's agree you are ICMags official "Myclobutanil Naysayer", OK?).

But IMHO, your off point/senseless contributions about alleged evils of Myclobutanil do nothing but detract the objective of this thread...responsible use of Myclobutanil.

I got brain fart, why don't you start a thread on the evils of Myclobutanil and lets dual this out with science and facts? That way those that want to learn about Myclobutanil can (in this thread)...and those that want to preach the evils of Myclobutanil can too (in your thread)!

BTW, posting links to websites and databases is hardly "evidence"...but linking to a document, bulletin, publication where you cite chapter and verse, now that is evidence. Not interested in going down a rabbit hole of "dead ends"....sorry.


aka "Doc"
Weird you are correct Myclobutanil is not on the list of 200 plus approved pesticides in Washington under their commercial licensing regulations.

See, all you had to do paste this link http://washingtoncannabisinstitute.com/list-of-acceptable-pesticides-for-growing-marijuana-under-i-502/.

That was not hard was it? See you proved me wrong! I learned something new today, thanks!

BTW, interesting that these OMRI items are not on the approved list--

Diatomaceous Earth
Potassium Silicate

I think something is missing here--funny how these items are missing...why?
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Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
Considering the toxicity to aquatic life measured in fractions of ppm, I'll pass.

Although after a fair bit of reading, limited application in veg is not the cancer-dragon many make it out to be, and will not cause my balls to shrivel up overnight. Cigarettes will kill me first.

The half-life often quoted in these threads is misleading though, the result of short term studies. From what I gather, around 1/3 of the applied mycobutanil/1,2,4-triazole will stay in the plant for monthes afterward. If you're using the recommended dose/minimal application in early veg, this isn't a huge issue.

The problem I have, is using it as a preventative or constant solution, employing the mindset used above by the continuous sulphur-burner. Fix the problem, don't layer one band-aid on top of another.
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Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Considering the toxicity to aquatic life measured in fractions of ppm, I'll pass.

Although after a fair bit of reading, limited application in veg is not the cancer-dragon many make it out to be, and will not cause my balls to shrivel up overnight. Cigarettes will kill me first.

The half-life often quoted in these threads is misleading though, the result of short term studies. From what I gather, around 1/3 of the applied mycobutanil/1,2,4-triazole will stay in the plant for monthes afterward. If you're using the recommended dose/minimal application in early veg, this isn't a huge issue.

The problem I have, is using it as a preventative or constant solution, employing the mindset used above by the continuous sulfer-burner. Fix the problem, don't layer one band-aid on top of another.

Ive had the same bottle for 4 or so years...

Haven't used it in maybe 2+ years? I give away way more then I use...

If you spray you moms and use the clones for her over and over, there is no reason to use Eagle20 again...


Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
^Wasen't referencing you in particular, and I don't disagree with minimal use.

The problem I have with Eagle20 et al., is the overuse.

Standing in a hydrostore one day having a puff, a grower walked in and asked for a six month supply of Nova for a 30 light show.

I said nothing, to each their own, and congratulated myself on not donkeypunching his teeth in to his lower intestine. The type of dipstick that lives with PM, and can't figure out the actual problem, isn't going to learn anything from violence... and it's this type of idiocy that gets products pulled from the market, where responsible use isn't the problem, the problem is the windowlickers having access to fire.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Standing in a hydrostore one day having a puff, a grower walked in and asked for a six month supply of Nova for a 30 light show.

I said nothing, to each their own, and congratulated myself on not donkeypunching his teeth in to his lower intestine. The type of dipstick that lives with PM, and can't figure out the actual problem, isn't going to learn anything from violence... and it's this type of idiocy that gets products pulled from the market, where responsible use isn't the problem, the problem is the windowlickers having access to fire.


I think the big misconception is people think, the growers who use Eagle20 is happily spraying it ever week and on flowers...

We use caution and I preach it....

One spray in veg is better then having your buds smell like rotten milk!!

Potassium Bicorbinate will burn your hairs....

Sulfur, a malfunctioning burner got me violently sick and killed my crop...

To each their own, do what you want with your buds....


aka "Doc"
I guess I am not alone, my Eagle20 was used on one particular strain where nothing else worked (many years ago...have not needed it since). Somewhere back a few hundred posts in this thread I mentioned this and I think it just had a genetic tendency to produce PM (period)--even after spraying every 3-5 days with the usual cast of characters: neem, milk, serenade, azatrol, potassium silicate, greencure, etc. Nothing worked.

That strain was a killer sativa with 23% THC and 2.3% CBD--very analgesic and quite marketable. Then Broad Mites decided to join my garden and wiped out some of the best genetics...no matter what I did, the plants never were the same in quality/quantity. That genetic is long gone...it has been years since I have seen PM in my garden.

I am strong believer in Silica and it's "magic"...hence I include Potassium Silicate in my foliar sprays--both as a nutrient (not 100% organic here) and for its fungicide capabilities (which is allowed under organic rules).

I find it odd that Washington does not include Potassium Silicate in their permissible list of products/active ingredients. I also find it odd that Washington's list is more restrictive than OMRI/organic governing bodies....very odd indeed (who would have imagined?); guess if one were to follow the money--I bet we would find our answer.

I guess I am not "compliant" since I foliar spray with Potassium Silicate.....lol, too funny.


aka "Doc"
...From what I gather, around 1/3 of the applied mycobutanil/1,2,4-triazole will stay in the plant for monthes afterward. If you're using the recommended dose/minimal application in early veg, this isn't a huge issue....

Agree, and now add the fact that mycobutanil (active ingredient) does not translocate from leaf to leaf...just the SAR effects caused by mycobutanil will translocate throughout the plant tissues. So, if one sprays prior to the formation of flowers...and only smoke flowers, the residual amount of mycobutanil on the flowers will be "non detectable".

Key is to hit them early and young...if you must.