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This burns my BUTT


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
addiction runs bad in my family.. on both mom and dads side... both my mom and dad are chronic smokers(well my mom quit a few years ago after 30 years of smoking) I honestly dont think it matters whether you have 1 cigarette, 1 puff... or a whole pack... addiction is addiction


spreadin da love
LOL they said he "was addicted to pot". Well we all know thats crap. The guy was BI-POLAR,he needed meds! MJ isn't going to cure that! It pissed me off too.

Meds were probably what fucked his head, they don't work, they create problems to sell more drugs. And as someone who has struggled with bi-polar mj was my only balance when pharmas cure failed horribly for 6 to 7 years before I got of anything pharmas made and another 5 years to get my brain right


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
State Propaganda.

When journalistic integrity died for good after the Vietnam war the news media became pundits of the corporate military machine.

It's the result of manufactured news. Ever wonder why it seems so difficult to watch the news these days? It seems like everyone is the enemy.

There is always method to madness.


spreadin da love
State Propaganda.

When journalistic integrity died for good after the Vietnam war the news media became pundits of the corporate military machine.

It's the result of manufactured news. Ever wonder why it seems so difficult to watch the news these days? It seems like everyone is the enemy.

There is always method to madness.
Damn straight!


No its not, i suffer from cannabis withdrawal if i go without it for 3 or 4 days. I was a heroin addict in the late 90`s early 00`s so i know all about it.
I suffer from insomnia & loss of appetite plus i get depressed.
But the real withdrawal symptoms are the knots in my stomach & ache in my legs, i am always cold & get a sweat of my back like a layer of frost. Plus my sweat STINKS as the toxins come out of my pours.
People who say its not addictive either
1. dont smoke stupid amounts of weed. I use about half a gram per joint, smoke 1 joint an hour & are awake from 11am till 1am so thats 14 hours/joints a day. That equals around 7g of bush a day, plus i smoke bubble hash & BHO oil too.
2. dont go long enough without canna to feel the symptoms.
3. cant admit to themselves that canna is addictive & they are addicts.



I think cannabis can be addictive just like anything, hell, people can be addicted to cheeseburgers. Addictiveness is subjective, i wish that aspect of the marijuana debate would just be dropped, it only hurts it.

I believe the news story you are referring to is about the pentagon shooter? The guy was nuts, that's all there is to it. He happened to also be a grower, some people are using him as a martyr for legalization or demonization, and it should be looked at as neither. Just a guy who was mentally disturbed that did something very stupid.

I do agree with you on USA media though, garbage.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
we dont have news,we have 'infotainment' thank god for the BBC

are you being serious????? i just watch some program on there called "should i smoke dope?" where some dumb **** demonizes weed for 1hour .... i got so sick of the biased basis of the show i just turned it of promising never to watch BBC again....


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
This burns my BUTT

:moon: looks a bit red, I could rub a little salve on that for you hun.......

some defective people are going to use cannabis, can't be helped
but it can't be blamed either, they'll never prove weed caused this.

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Addictive Personality Disorder (APD) can be defined as a condition wherein an individual is susceptible to addiction. This may include drug abuse or addiction to alcohol, pornography and certain activities, such as gambling, video games, etc. An individual is considered to be at the risk of developing such addictions when he/she exudes aggression, anxiety, depression or lack of self-control and does not know how to manage his/her emotions. Such a person may switch from one addiction to the other or even sustain multiple addictions at different times.

The 1st Intelligent reply. Its has been very helpful as i do seem to move from one addiction for another. I will look in to this.

& thank you to nnep, JamieShoes & T-type for the positive messages you sent me, i used to be one of the poeple who defended cannabis to the death, but if you believe, like i do, than cannabis is a wonder drug & can also help solve our enery problems etc you have to be honest about the dangers.
People cant deny that cannabis makes some people look pale & ill with dark bags under their eyes!
I used to smoke and not smoke with no issues at all for years. I got to smoking an eighth a day of some of some really strong cat piss smelling stuff and since then the first 1-3 days I go without I notice lack of appetite and harder to go to sleep and I get the cold sweats. Others I play poker with that smoke have noticed the same thing. It goes away in like 3 days though no matter how hard I've been smoking. But it's nothing like quitting cigs cold turkey after smoking 30 of them a day for 6 years.

Edit: I also have a friend who goes absolutely apeshit when he runs out and someone won't answer his calls or return his call within like an hour to the point he hardly has any friends now. I was getting him a bag and I didn't get some texts from him that day and he comes barreling into my house wanting to fight with me and just being really aggressive and shitty over some messages I didn't even get b/c he lives so far out. He does this to every person who won't answer his phone calls when he is out yet if they don't answer when he has any he doesn't care. He also gets extremely jealous if anyone has better weed than him. Definitely causes him some psychological issues.


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
something that burns my butt.. thinking that ppl are your friends, when they really arent...


Active member
you wanna kno what burns my butt

a fire bout 2 foot tall

but yeah the media blows everything out of proportion


♥-_-~Praying the Lord my soul to keep~-_-&#9
Well yea, I think that the media is INTRINSICALLY evil lol... It's all fucking propaganda. Trying to convince the mindless sheep of the nation how evil marijuana is.

I guess i'm just angry at a lot of things tonight.