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This Bowl is For My Dad


Lover of Life
So, I had this dream the other other night where I was smoking a bowl of herb and my dad came over and took a puff for the first time and then hugged me. Felt like I hugged him forever.

Well, I may have just given my dad a final hug in real life less than an hour ago. He hasn't been able to breathe good the last year or so and today I just gave him a big hug and we held on to each other tight.

I feel okay, but I have less motivation and focus right now for sure.

I'm just going to listen to some music and ride it on out and try to just think about all the great times growing up in Arizona and all the time spent on Lake Powell with family and friends.

This bowl of Sour Diesel is for you, dad.


I feel for you. I have been in that same situation before.

Remember the good times. If there is ANY issues unresolved consider getting closure on those things. You never get another chance.

Make him happy.



Active member
Yea I hope you don't suffer too much,nobody knows what to say about this kind of shit.I've been staying with my mom who's 86 and I know one day I'll go to wake her up and she won't be there.Just have to remember the good memories because in the end it's all we have.Hang tough.They say it's part of life but doesn't feel that way to me


Well-known member
my dad wanted to smoke with me for years before he passed away. never did, because he was afraid it would make him want to smoke cigarettes again. wish i could go back & assure him otherwise...