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This ain't good

So all those lovely clones now don't have a home because I have no nutes yet and it's $140 for next day shipping, I don't have the money right now. Can the clones go into the DWC without full nutes? How can I keep the clones happy while I wait for the nutes?



I don't do hydro, but some dude on here grew hydro with miracle grow.

Maybe it was on OG, can't you just hand water and wait to put them in the DWC till your nutes get there?

Can't just buy a little bottle of something or other from the grow shop?
Sorry that last post was rushed. These clones are 2 weeks into rooting and most are showing roots. How long can they stay like this or how can I keep them healthy for the 7 day period while I wait for the nutes. Any suggestions would be great.

Thanks Mex- Sadly I live in a one horse town on a no bridge island and the nearest grow shop is 3 1/2 hours away.
You're freaking out about nothing... if some still arent rooted, 7 days is plenty of time... In the meantime, you can foliar feed a dilute solution... if you have an empty bottle of grow nutrients around, just pour some water in the bottle, shake it up, pour it into a sprayer and mist them once a day.

I'd be more concerned with mold hitting them in the 7 days than them dying of starvation.

-- steve
Wow i'm stoned, I just posted on your SOG machine thread as if you didn't know my setup, even tho I got the link right here, sorry! No mold thankfully, and the plants are doing well, I haven't considerd foliar feeding yet but I do need to look into it as I don't know much about it at all, thanks for the input, good luck with your beast!

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