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Thinking about trying a vaporizer.


I've had a non-digital Volcano for about four(ish) years now. I have used it almost every day since I bought it.

It has been dropped from varying heights as high as 5' at least 100 times.

It has been left on at the highest setting for nights on end.

It has NEVER failed - not once.

That being said, whenever I use it exclusively for more than two days, my lungs start to clear up; I don't cough as much.

It is amazing how much plant matter is left after all of the desirable extractable materials have been vaporized. If you were smoking all of that shit would go into your lungs instead of the compost pile.

I paid over 575 for mine off of eBay with a bunch of other extras thrown in. Expensive, yes. However, it is completely worth it.



DaBuddha here, found it Great for my wife because of her "Asthma". Myself after using it for a couple of weeks switched back to my pipe (much higher high).


The Hopeful Protagonist
I am definitely going to get one, but I have a question for the Volcano users:

What's the difference between the EZ Valve and the Solid Valve, and does one have an advantage over the other ?



iGro :joint:


DaBuddha here too, never used a vape and bought this one because I found after my first grow that I needed to vary the method of smoking for my own entertainment. It had a a few good reviews and came from a reputable seller. Price was also very right at $140

Pro's: higher high, but a different high if that makes sense. It's a clearer head up high. Strain makes a difference too but even with some NL I still got that up high. VERY efficient. I can get 4 people totally blazed on 1/3 the weed I would have used in a bong or joint. I also use the left overs in making butter. Lack of "smoke" helps reduce lingering burnt weed smell in the house.

Cons: Takes time to heat up and use, not good if you are the toke and run type. Not the most convienent for outdoor or circle sessions...unless you have a long extension cord and or a plug in the middle of your living room. Even at $150 the cost is steep for some and could be used to buy 5 decent bongs from everyonedoesit.

Space Ghost

Happy HerbalAire user, the bags it comes with are kind of low quality and crinkly, but I use "chicken" size oven roasting bags and it work like a charm.

It heats up in under 2 mins, turns itself off after 25 min of idling (which is good because I often forget)

I love it, I did my research and it's the best bang for the buck in my mind...


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I had a VaporBros box/whip unit ~$120+ shipping
a Vapir One 3.0V digital unit ~$150+ shipping
and I finally bought a VaporGenie ~$50 incl. shipping

the VaporGenie delivers me HUGE vape hits in only
seconds, zero warmup time & fits in your pocket.......

I once had one of those cheap glass dome vaporizers, and while it had many cons, such as the long heat up time, and the fact that you had to turn it off at a certain point otherwise it would get too hot and start burning and smoking the bud.

They are probably the worst vaporizers on the market, but it's the only type I have experienced, but the taste is amazing! Even with sub par weed, it tastes like dank. You really get the true taste of the weed, WAY more than when you smoke the same strain.

I can't wait to try a real vaporizer. I'm sure I'll be impressed.


High Grade Specialist
Yes its true you can enjoy the taste much more and the subtle differences between various strains. I think every real cannaisseur should get a vaporizer!


Maasstricht, I love that place, Netyherlands is so much fun. Anyone ever spensd any time in Massluis, well good village.
go with a Da Buddha or SSV if u like the ritual of smoking and controlling what you get...the effects stack up against a volcano at a fraction of the cost. 7th Floor also has a good warranty, and when it runs out they still fix anything for $25 or less. Besides, who wants to mess with bags anyways, it takes all the fun out of smoking/vaping unless youre solely a medicinal user.

/has used the volcano numerous times and wasnt impressed...ill take a whip with a glass mouthpiece over a bag with a plastic water bottle cap on it anyday.


Active member
Silver Surfer. You can buy a downstem to do bong hits of vapor.


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My local headshop sells the Volcano Digital, buy they also have a ripoff of it, called the Fuji, for $300. I inquired about it, and he told me it works the same as the Volcano, but that it's made out of cheaper materials. He also said, where as a Volcano would last you around 10 years, without repairs, this one will only last you about 5. He took it out of the box and let me see it, and also did the same with the Volcano, and they have the exact same parts. The Fuji is also digital as well, and $300. I might look into getting this, as I don't expect that I'd switch exclusively to vaporizing, so it's not as if it would get heavy use, just once in a while, etc... and I'd much rather buy that, than spend 750 on the Volcano.


if your gonna get one of the box and whip style ones, make sure you spend the extra money and go hands free, its worth it
Yeah. I think instead of spending 300 on a Fuji which is a Volcano Rip off, I would much rather just spend a little less than 200 on a nice hands free Vapor Brothers with a nice custom whip.

I still really want to try vaping out of a bag though, like the Volcano and Fuji... maybe someday...


around here you can rent a volcano for a however long you want from a headshop haha, volcano's are cool and all, and i would definitely love to have one, but for less than 1/2 the price you can get something that still works great


You guys are awesome! Thanks for all the info...still pondering my choices....I'll let ya know what I get. Cheers!