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thinking about quitting blazing


Active member
hi fellow tokers...im 22 years old and have been smokin for 4 years EVERY DAY since i was 18...last few weeks it seems like i havent had a good high in a real while...seems like as of lately everytime i smoke i think about all the things i need to do with my life. I will admit it was fun for awhile but now im at the point where its just dragging me down, i never would have thought i would want to quit but it seems like the best choice for me at this stage in my life. I will continue to post in these forums just cuz this is a good discussion forum. its been great guys


Maybe instead of blaming your laziness on cannibus you should take resposiblity for yourself. There are plenty of stoners out there that lead productive lives. The problem isn't marijuana, the problem is you.

even so maybe moderation is an option. y all or nothing? don't blame your problems on a plant...


Active member
Maybe instead of blaming your laziness on cannibus you should take resposiblity for yourself. There are plenty of stoners out there that lead productive lives. The problem isn't marijuana, the problem is you.

even so maybe moderation is an option. y all or nothing? don't blame your problems on a plant...

sorry but i live in one of the highest unemployed counties in the country...dont tell me about makin it in life alright internet tough-guy...


natural medicator
take a coupe months off and see what you think.

If you've been smoking every day for 4 years i'd imagine its gotten a bit boring and your tolerance is higher than you'd like.

If you feel like its holding you back, try taking a break and going after the things you feel like its holding you back from.

sounds like its more like you've dedicated your last 4 years to cannabis and just used it to avoid productivity.


Well-known member
Full blown reality though dude - is that really the best way forward?

If you take a few weeks break, then just keep it for weekends and I think you'll appreciate the high again. Moderation. And the right strain.


Active member
take a coupe months off and see what you think.

If you've been smoking every day for 4 years i'd imagine its gotten a bit boring and your tolerance is higher than you'd like.

If you feel like its holding you back, try taking a break and going after the things you feel like its holding you back from.

sounds like its more like you've dedicated your last 4 years to cannabis and just used it to avoid productivity.

well to be honest i was actively exercising the whole time just my mind needs a long rest. thanks for replying


Freedom Fighter
I'm not an internet tough guy...but I feel much the same-- If you have just been blazing every day for the last 4 years, and not taking care of business...then guess what?? It wouldn't matter if you spent the last 4 years working on a hot-rod...the fact remains...you did something else, other than get your life in order-- It doesn't matter what that "Something else" is--
Much respect, and you are on your way to fixing it....ya just gotta recognize the real culprit..."You"...and stop blaming weed....it didn't grow, pick, dry, and jump into your life unannounced-- You invited it--:yeahthats


well to be honest i was actively exercising the whole time just my mind needs a long rest. thanks for replying

thats cool and all

but don't blame the herb for being lazy...

pisses me the fuck off when ppl try to blame their problems on bud and use bullshit lazy stoner stereotypes. I worked 2 jobs while going to school blazing the whole time 90 hours a week. :2cents:


Active member
thats cool and all

but don't blame the herb for being lazy...

pisses me the fuck off when ppl try to blame their problems on bud and use bullshit lazy stoner stereotypes. I worked 2 jobs while going to school blazing the whole time 90 hours a week. :2cents:

SURE ya did


Just quit for a few weeks. If you feel like smoking again go for it. If not, don't. Simple.

I've been sober (except for alcohol) for the better part of the past 6 mo. and just started smoking the herb everyday 2 weeks ago. Ezy Pzy.

Feeling burned out is nothing abnormal. Get ya mind straight and see how you feel. ;)


Active member
SURE ya did

yeah u need to lay off it for a min.

...sounds like it's makin ya edgy.

just because you cant work and go to school and cope w/ life and smoke weed daily doesnt mean that others cant.

most people here function pretty well and are able to ENJOY weed.

...maybe it's not for you


~Resident Puck Bunny~
Nothin wrong with takin a break, if that's what you need to do. Maybe you'll go back, maybe you won't. You gotta do what you feel is best for YOU. Good luck in whatever happens.


ICMag Donor
Smoking weed affects people differently. Some can smoke all day, and some can't. Personally, I used to smoke all day long and my tolerance got so high that by night I wasn't really getting high. It was more of a tired buzz.

Now I smoke in the evenings and occasionally once and a while in the day and the high is much better.

Funky Donkey

Well, there's use and there's abuse. Kinda applies to just about anything. :joint:

Unless there is a good, solid reason to constantly smoke? :abduct:

Many times a person will self-medicate, consiously or not. If you don't know the reason, maybe you should look into it.

Some people smoke just to be cool and "let their freak flag fly".......

Why do you smoke every day? or every night?

Sometimes it's emotional, say, to escape.......like an alcoholic?

Why do you smoke so often? Don't use it to escape life.....too many things to be missed......

Some good herb is best when used the least....but, then again.....:joint:


I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
Well i'm not gonna hate on you for stopping it's your choice
Don't sound like your gonna hate on us for smoking

Good luck Bro!!



The Hopeful Protagonist
I'm not an internet tough guy...but I feel much the same-- If you have just been blazing every day for the last 4 years, and not taking care of business...then guess what?? It wouldn't matter if you spent the last 4 years working on a hot-rod...the fact remains...you did something else, other than get your life in order-- It doesn't matter what that "Something else" is--
Much respect, and you are on your way to fixing it....ya just gotta recognize the real culprit..."You"...and stop blaming weed....it didn't grow, pick, dry, and jump into your life unannounced-- You invited it--:yeahthats

KmK....what's up bro :joint:

I guess I subscribe to the moderation technique OP....It keeps it "new" for me.

More Weed For Me.... :D

OK....you talked me into it Lolee.....PARTY IN THE WOODS!



I have been thinking about smoking MORE weed, so this works out well.... :D

Party in the woods!