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Think Im Going To Tell My Landlord That I Grow Weed In His House....


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
i know, it sounds crazy, but im in a bit of a bind. i rent a nice house in the bay area hills overlooking the bay, 5 bedroom, almost 3500 sq feet, been here almost 2 years. im growing in 3 bedrooms plus a bathroom, all downstairs, upstairs is the main part of the house.
ive been through 4 instances where the landlord had a broker come in with clients to buy the house. every time i would lock the downstairs doors and tell them they cant go down there, they hate every time. havent had problems.
today i get a call from the landlord that 2 investors want to look at the house, all of it in 2 days. fucking panic mode! i can talk my way out of anything, im very good at it, but this time, i dont see a way out except tell the landlord that i grow.
im absolutely certain he will not trip, maybe a little. but he wont call the cops or evict me, certain of it. from what he has told me and what the neighbors have told me, im a model tenant, he loves me.
his payments for the house soared through the roof and is pressuring me to buy it. i want to, but have no way to show proof of income or taxes. its a easy to fake that stuff, but not with a house loan process. his payment is more then double what my rent is, so he wants to get rid of it. i told him he can "hold" the loan and i can pay his payments, but i will still have no way to show an income when the time comes, and paying out the ass in the process.
i feel like my only out is tell him. then he can tell the investors maybe its not a good idea to come. if he hates hardcore, i will ask for 60 days to move out........what do you guys think?:whistling:
Fuck, FUCK, AND F.U.C.K.......

I've been in this same situation, not exactly to your degree where I HAD TO TELL, but almost to the point where I WANTED to tell. The guy was my boy.

Yes your right, in a worst case scenario, the guy flips the fuck out, curses, yells, bullshits, and then you have about 48 hours to get all the shit out of the house. If he agrees, you would have to sit down for the next 4 or 5 hours negotiating because he has Investors looking at the property. Meaning that it's YOUR money or THEIR money but it's got to be SOMEBODY'S money because he can't have things going the way their going.

I guess your best move is to tell the guy what your doing, or rip the shit down in one day and start looking for a new place. The problem I see with that is that I know your a Big-Dog grower and you probably need a 5-man army to get everything out in one day. Meaning that alot of shit will be left there and the landlord will probably put 2 and 2 together.

If he's cool, tell his ass. If he's a buster, it's time to get out!


I would vote for get the fuck out of there but then again i have no idea.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
ya, i cant rip these grows down and move them. 1 is 10-14 days from harvest, 1 is 4 weeks in budding, and my veg room is fucking huge! i have another house, but no room or power to spare!
hes a real cool kat, hes from Lebanon i think. im really thinking on telling hi, and asking for 60 days to move out. but i want this house so bad! its perfection! ive had close to 30 houses in the last 18 years, loved non of them as much as this one. im really bummed and depressed......lots of work to do........


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
If you're not planning to buy that house then shut your mouth.

cant, these investors said they need to see every square inch of the house. if they discover the grows, they may call the cops. im sure the landlord wont, but not 100%. :wallbash:
Even if he doesn't get pissed about you growing, it would make me nervous if anyone knew I was growing, especially on that scale. That's a lot of plants dude. Any idea on numbers? Three bedrooms is pretty big.


if it really is the perfect house, i would tell him to double my rent and tell the investors to go away. would that work? is that probable?


If you've had a long career in growing and owned a shitload of houses i would advice you to stay smart and get the hell out, do not risk it even if ur 98% sure the landlord wont bust your ass. Thats what i would have done anyway.

Or you could invite your landlord over, have a couple of mates ready with handcuffs, tell him and watch his reaction, then try to bribe him, if that fails handcuff him and remove your grow. Then head for mexico and inpregnate a girl before the law catches up. Thats what a hollywood movie would have done anyways :p


Active member
damn, thats sucks man. i'd tear it up an move on. i have middle eastern relatives, an theyre chill, but something small to us, can sometimes be huge to them, due to the cultural differences. its not worth getting rolled for plants that grow so fast imo.
if your gonna buy a house, i'd find a good friend with his own legit business. have him put you on payroll, an 90 days later you can buy a house..

Think Green

Active member
Rent a box truck, park it the garage, slam ur stuff in it & lock it up. Everyone can still see the property & ur garden wont be destroyed. JMO Just spray lotsa fabreeze! lol :bigeye:


If you are 100% medical legal under the limits, then maybe tell him.
Even then I wouldn't.

I would tell him he can't enter, change the locks, and start packing. It takes 30 days before it's a problem, like 90 before they can call the sheriff to boot you. Just tell him you are tired of people always coming to look at it, your moving, he can have it back in 30 days.


id rip it all down and chop up, i wouldnt want to tell somone let alone the landlord,

keep it a secret, itll be better for you in the longrun


Wow, I don't really know what to say here, I know you have good judgement, so use it.
Best of luck, I'm insanely curious to see how this plays out.


Think about blackmail at all?

Whats to stop him from sayin I want you to pay all my mortgage, plus 50% of your profit or I call LEO ?

Theres a lot of shady people...

Good luck with everything


ICMag Donor
fuck that. dont tell that fool. BUY a house if you are gonna grow that much. you are asking for trouble otherwise....


Your in a bind Krunch. No easy way out of this dilemma.

Go with your gut, but have a backup plan that you can quickly implement if things don't go as anticipated.


wow... thats nuts. i agree with most here. You cant go around telling people your dirty business just in the hopes you may get a free pass for a few months. Its very hard to give them up but you have got to do the most logical thing and risking your lebaneese landlord flipping his shit and calling the cops over some weed/money aint worth it. nothing is worth risking freedom...jail sux.... tell him peace out if he wont work with you on a leasing agreement and also tell him to tell the investors to fuck off until the coast is clear.
