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Think Different ScrOG. 4x4 Flood Drain table with CO2.



So, here's my new project. I will keep regular updates.
5 Think Different autoflowering plants from Dutch Passion. Time to get ScrOGgy.

Hydro- 4x4 Ebb n Flow table. Flood every 1.5 hours for 15 minutes when lights on.
Lights- 650 watts mixed HPS-MH. 19/5 Will finish under 1250 watts.
Nutes- GH Flora-Duo, Cali-Magic, Floralicious+, Liquid Koolbloom in Flower.
CO2- Liquid Cooled CO2 generator.

These plants are 32 days old. They are growing FAST!!! These things should REALLY put off some weight. I learned from my first grow that light distribution is EVERYTHING when it comes to hard dense even nugs so ScrOG seems perfect for my situation. Everyday I have to stretch the ScrOG more, and new bud sites and branches just seem to pop up overnight. I think by the time it's done I should be able to full most of this 4x4 screen without a problem. Can't imagine what kind of yield I'll get, but I'm aiming for a pound and I think that's very realistic. Let me know what you all think. I'll be adding more pics as time goes on.
Not to sound like a nut hanger, but I want to thank everyone here at AFN for lighting my fuse and giving me the knowledge base to feel confident enough to just jump into hydro, and growing. SPECIAL thanks to Seymour Buds! Much love bro!
Peace AFN.

Here's some pics of the TD buds from my first grow. Few weeks to go, but looking good, eh?




Day 40.

Got about 70 something decent bud sites. DEFINITELY going to get some weight off this one.
Added another 600 watt HPS which puts it to 1000 watts HPS, and 250 watts MH for a total of 1250 watts on a 4x4 table. Gonna run this the rest of the grow. The ScrOG is shaping up nicely, and I'm expecting a pretty good haul off this one.
Switched to Flowering nutes: General Hydroponics FloraDuo A/B with Floralicious+, Liquid Koolbloom, and Calimagic.
1.1 EC (550 PPM)
PH- 5.7-6.1. Only having to adjust down every 3 days. Really liking the larger reservoir(35 Gal.) in regards to stable PH, and EC.
About a third of the bud sites are already Frosty with Trichomes. Much better than my first grow.
Shitty Computer pics for now till the camera comes home.


Another Update:
Day 41.
EC- 1.1
PH- 5.7

Had a bit of light stress after adding the extra 600 watts, so I raised the lights a bit and things are really filling in nicely. I can start to see how things will take shape now. I will still have a good deal of jogging things around and spreading the bigger buds out so they all get good light, but the net will most definitely be full. Each plant has it's own personality. They all look good, but definitely their own personality. I have one that's super Frosty already and a couple that are only showing the amount of trichomes I would expect to see. Either way, I plan on taking these plants to 90 days, so I'm almost halfway through with this grow. I Definitely want 30% amber trichomes this time around. Looking for that couchlock, put me to sleep body stone. Harvested my last stuff with about 50% clear 50% cloudy. Good clear headed high, but I want that devastating do nothing smoke, lol.
Here's some pics.




Day 43.
I've stretched the ScrOG even more, and the entire table is even and full, All 5 plants are out of their pre-flower stretch and just starting to flower. Had I done more than 5 plants, it would have been too much. I've pretty much got everything where I want it now. I'm sure I'll have to move things here and there to keep everything right, but they have stopped vertical growth all together now. The buds sites are just getting bigger. Sorry for all the updates, things just seem to be happening fast up until this point.

Time to sit back for the next 6 weeks and watch things get Crazy :pimp:
Here are some pics:



Day 46
PH- 5.7
EC- 1150

Man, stuff really happens quick in Hydro. The net just seems to fill in more, and more each day. The whole screen is just a mass of cola's. I only got one of these per plant on my last Think Different DWC grow. This ScrOG is Fing INSANE! I plan on taking these past 90 days so I'm not even half way through this grow, and it's already looking pretty ridiculous for 46 days. I NEVER imagined it would work out half this good. There's still plenty of time for shit to go south though, lol. Seeing some (very mild) calcium def spots on a couple older leaves on the smallest plant. Bumped up the cal mag a bit since PH is steady, and I'm definitely not overfeeding them so I don't suspect lockout. Just the down fall of growing plants from seed and not clones. Every plant has it's own personality. I love TD, and will probably never stop playing with it, but a table full of clones would be easier to dial in on. NOT complaining, loving it every step of the journey.
Let me know what you think.





Day 49

Here it is after a MASSIVE leaf tucking work over. It looks a bit uneven now. Now that I tucked all the leaves I can see where I need to move and start to tie a few more things. For the last few days I was seeing some deficiencies. Did a rez change to make sure everything was good there, but it didn't seem to help. PH was spot on, and EC was good. I was starting to get pissed at the thought of having to just write them off as nutrient hungry phenos as it only affected the two front plants which were the taller less bushy plants. I couldn't figure out what the feck was going on basically. I routinely check the reservoir for root aphids as I had them once before in one of the bubble buckets on my first grow, but didn't see ANYTHING at all in any rez change I've done so far. Long story short, I pealed the plastic back, and sure shit I had root aphids on the front two plants. :no: It didn't seem to affect the rear plants at all, and I'm guessing it's because the table is on an incline and the plants toward the front are on the low end where there is about an eighth an inch of standing water between floods giving the root aphids what they want. :confused: It's my only guess, but I can tell you that the higher plants had MINIMAL infection, while the front two had it bad.
Anyways, I BLASTED the mofo's. I used 120 ml's of Bayer Tree and Shrub. Using a 1.47% solution of Imidacloprid I actually only used 2500 milligrams(2.5mls) of pure Imidacloprid. in a 40 gallon Rezervoir for 12 hours. No way of knowing how much the plant took up, but I'm personally not worried about the minuscule amount that may make it's way to the buds, and the plants are just starting to flower anyways. I'm not saying that everyone should use this, it's just what I chose to use because I know it works and I had it laying around. From now on I'm going to use nematodes, and some organic stuff as preventative measures since this is my second grow and I've had em twice.
Anyways, after 12 hours the rez was full of dead root aphids. I upped the water level to totally cover the entire root mass and an inch up the stalk of the plant so I got em all. This stuff totally wiped em out last time without any recurrence in those buckets, and I expect it to do the same this time.
It was a relief in a way to figure out what was going on, cause I was stumped. The system was flushed for 3 hours, and replaced with fresh nutes so I'm sure the deficiencies will work them selfs out in the next few days. Onward, and upward. :toke:
Armed with a new sense of optimism I did a major Leaf Tuck job because it had TRULY turned into a jungle in there. Looks a little scraggly now, but I'm sure it'll perk up and fill in again Quickly. Some of the colas are still stretching, and some are already packing on weight. Can't wait to see it a month from now full of BIG BUDS.
Here's some pics.



Here are a few pics with a pack of smokes for comparison. This grow still has about another 7 weeks to pack on weight. I'm going to run em to 100 days and try to squeeze out every little bit they've got. I've got 5 different plants in the ScrOG, and two different phenos so we'll see what happens.

Here's the harvest from the stunted runt of my first grow. Just harvested at 98 days. Guessing somewhere close to a zip. She was a finicky girl from the start. She only got about 23 inches tall.



Everything is coming along good. Slow and steady from here on out. Just a matter of letting the buds swell. I personally feel those "Exhale" bags they sell at the shops are BS. I have to wonder what 75 bags would do. hmmm. These are actually TRUE bullshit bags. Helping the plants to some degree I'm sure, and giving me a healthy bounty of Boomers. This was a last minute half assed mushroom run, but I should still pull 3-4 lbs dry. No muss, no fuss. They fruit right in the bags.
Here's a couple quick pictures. Don't have time for a real update right now. Long day.




Took off the cover today, rinsed off all the roots, and cleaned the table after the battle with root aphids, and the H202 sterilization. I didn't really lose any roots to the root aphids to speak of, they just got beat up a little. There is plenty of good new growth already, and the table is a big mat of healthy white roots. Buds are thickening up.
I'll get some pictures up tomorrow if anyone is interested.


Pushed EC to 1.3 and plants showed some claw within 24 hours so I backed back off to 1.2. Seems to be the sweet spot.
PH- 5.7-6.0
The two fast plants in the front are looking like they are going to want to come down sooner than the others. They were the fastest growing from the start, first to bud, and currently have the thickest buds. I definitely want to push them as far as I can because I would like to flush all plants for at least 7 days, and it's pretty impossible to flush one plant and not all the rest in the table. I'm pretty confident I can push it another month. 5 weeks will be pushing it, but we'll see.



141 Views, and no comments....
Not looking for attention, but if there is no interest I may as well not put myself out there...


141 Views, and no comments....
Not looking for attention, but if there is no interest I may as well not put myself out there...


Homemade 4x4 Hydroponic Flood n Drain table.
10 inch net pots with river rock instead of hydroton (hate the PH swings with clay)
General Hydroponics Flora Duo A/B nutes.

Thanks for the interest, I've seen nothing but tumbleweeds so far.


Awesome scrog. Did u mention strain? Can I get shots of empty setup and info on hardware?

Yeah, it's Dutch Passion's "Think Different" autoflower. I didn't take any pictures of the empty setup, but the first picture kind of shows it.


You can see how I took the two wing reflectors, and screwed them together to make one light. That's a 250 watt MH on the left, and a 400 HPS on the right. Behind those is a 600 watt HPS in a cool tube. once I replace those two lights with another 600 hps in a cool tube I should be able to shave a good amount of my power usage being wasted on AC.
If I shut the two wing lights off and only run the cool tube I run about 80 degrees WITHOUT AC which I'd be fine with only I want to run two of em. I've accidentially shut the fan off on the 600 cooltube, and the room shot straight to 97 in NO time with the AC ON. I'm sure if I was running two of the 600 watt cool tube lights the AC would barely run. At least if wouldn't run constantly during the day just to keep the room 78-80. I should have some cash to spare soon. Can't wait to get those hot damn bare bulbs out of there.
The plan is to buy another cool tube reflector for the 400, and use the 250 MH on clones / mom plant.
Here's a drawing to help. I'm no artist, but this is my next grow.


PH- 5.8-6.0

All is good. Switched the light schedule from 20-4 to 18-6 and the buds have definitely started filling in more. Some of the larger colas in back were just being slow at putting on weight for some reason so I figured a little more dark would push them further into flower, and it's either coincidence or it has definitely had an effect. Either way all is looking good. Some of these buds are DENSE! Can't wait to CHOP! I've got itchy fingers looking at some of these buds, but I'm not even 60 days in yet. I believe they're supposed to go 75 days, and most grows I've seen go past that. The two plants in the front could definitely be chopped by day 75, but the middle and two back plants will definitely need some more time. Definitely longer growing phenotypes than the two in the front which were definitely the frontrunners from the start. The Middle and two Back plants are full of much larger cola's than the two in front. The front ones have chunky, dense, smaller colas. I guess the middle-back plants may have some more sativa in them. Seems they want a bit more flowering time, but the colas are all pretty big.
This whole grow is pretty crazy to me. I'm just a noob, I built all my own shit, Just threw a guess at the flood-drain times since I could not find a straight answer online, battled root aphids, and I'm gonna pull enough medicine for a LONG TIME. Definitely enough to last until I get my first harvest on the perpetual setup :D But honestly, one just never knows :smokeit:
Here's a couple pics



A little love shot of what we're tokin on now. Dried and Cured Think Different. Good Stuff. Was going to just take a damn picture of the pile of chopped up weed, but She insisted on making it into a heart. Whatever :smokeit:

Close up of the Frost. :cool:


A little sample of what we're tokin on now. Dried and Cured Think Different. Good Stuff. Was going to just take a damn picture of the pile of chopped up weed, but She insisted on making it into a heart. Whatever :smokeit:

Close up of the Frost. :cool:

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