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Doing just about anything is great on shrooms.. I've never had a bad time sometimes I like to be out in public or wilderness.. other times chillin in my house last time I ate some.. I watched 300 and I didnt know wtf to do with myself afterwards.. That movie was wild


Active member
Cultivate your own mycelium, and work with different strains from trusted breeders.. I recently discovered how psychotically potent ban hua thanon is, as well as how dreamy/lofty/cartooney Cambodian was.. F+ was really nice as well.

Environment is key, make sure you are in a safe and open place. Make sure your mind is clear & rested, and not stressed out over life. Dose small, and work your way up if needed..

I fucking saw Rambo in the movie theater tripping balls... man that was like hell... baby's getting raped, guts falling out, arms flying everywhere.. It wasn't enjoyable at all, but once my buddy and I popped out of that theater, man I felt amazing.. Driving back, the lights on the side of the road reminded me of a winter wonderland with twinkling magical lights... Definitely improved my mood and experience, and I was mad I confined myself to a dark red theater pumping violence and noise at me.

Oh... and Puff some grass throughout your experience... For me, it tends to take any "sharp" edges off the trip, making it more familiar.

Fat J

Fav thing to do shroomin:
#1 - floating in a tropical pool surrounded by nature and friends - also riding a fast boat is freakin killer ^.^
#2 - Hiking in the redwood forests of humboldt and mendo counties, Cali - you can hike for 6 hours without getting sore or tired (sober sitter reccomended)

And resi - ya, i always smoked a bowl when i felt my trip was gettin too intense, made me less trippin n more just stoned (least for 5-10 mins some trips)


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
Ive eatin shrooms three ways... i will list in fave order..

1) grind up the shrooms, throw them in some melted chocoloate - freeze chocolate, then EAT - YUM
2) break up and put in peanut butter and make PBJ sandwich
3) get some pizza and put the mushrooms on top of the pizza!

almost every time I trip, I do it in the woods and near water... my greatest trip of all time was when i was in the woods and near a large body of water... for some reason I decided that I was the fastest man alive and started usain bolting it through the woods and along the water... i never ran out of breath and just continued to run... this was around 4am... good thing i wasn't in public because if someone would have seen me, i would have had the police called for sure ( i was running as if i was being chased/killed someone) which in turn i then would have been locked in the mental ward because I was for sure not right in my head by no means... boy was that a long walk back to my house...

on that note, my fave thing to do while shrooming is RUN like im being chased!

You should prolly add "Smoking Weed" to this ASAP!! As it will be binned soon, if somebody doesn't include Cannabis in here somewhere--:tiphat:

i dont think it will be banned... its chances are greater to be sent to the actual mushroom forum they have here on ICMAG...




Come real close to figuring out how to solve all of the world's problems, then loose you train of thought, then fry balls over that, then repeat. Then be OK with it all.

thats a good answer tom i might solve the problem of our failing economy. i just eat them ten minutes ago can wait i took about 3 grams was gonna do an eighth but couldnt finish the last stem


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
thats a good answer tom i might solve the problem of our failing economy. i just eat them ten minutes ago can wait i took about 3 grams was gonna do an eighth but couldnt finish the last stem

3 grams is perfect. Have a nice trip! :party:


I got pulled over like a week ago with my g/f she was driveing, i was comeing down from tripping on mushrooms and we had just finished smoking a nice jibba cop came up got her license and registration and when he came back he was like i smell a strong oder of marijuana and she goes officer honestly we havnt been smokeing and hes like "well im going to have to search the car anyways so i was like alright i have a little herb i had like 3 grams and two grinders one was really nice 4 chamber two kief catchers it aggrivated me so much that bastard took my shit. and he also told me that he was expecting a call from me soon to let him know where the stuff was comein from. i shoud call him and say it came from the ground

Fat J

Pick the name of one of his superiors and say he sold it to u from the evidence locker ;-) hehe j/k that would just piss em off... dont let him get u trapped as an informant - bad shit. Snitches get stitches. Not a threat but dont give up ur dudes, its better to go down for a minor pot charge - and to get that he would have to still have the evidence. Fuckin pig prolly smoked it before he got his nightly dohnuts ^.^

Fat J

Also id avoid the area he was in, once they pop u they will fuck with you every chance they get. (or go to a state with MMJ and get a scrip ;-)


cant stop wont stop
I got pulled over like a week ago with my g/f she was driveing, i was comeing down from tripping on mushrooms and we had just finished smoking a nice jibba cop came up got her license and registration and when he came back he was like i smell a strong oder of marijuana and she goes officer honestly we havnt been smokeing and hes like "well im going to have to search the car anyways so i was like alright i have a little herb i had like 3 grams and two grinders one was really nice 4 chamber two kief catchers it aggrivated me so much that bastard took my shit. and he also told me that he was expecting a call from me soon to let him know where the stuff was comein from. i shoud call him and say it came from the ground

WHAT!!?? was that some sort of threat? he wants you to trick for 3 grams?? dirty ass cops.. remember those fuckers cant do real investigative work - they RELY on ratbastards.
makes me fucking sick.


thats right theyll give any criminal/accused criminal, a chance to get off with a lesser punishment if you give information that could help them with anything. i was thinking about calling and giveing this kids name that ripped me off a few months ago i gave him money to go get me a slice of headies and he brought me back a gram and a half of beasters. and took off shut his phone off right away and doesnt come around here anymore, i was livid at the time still am, but i decided not to id rather let him get away with that then help the pigs.

Ya Dig?

Collie Man

To have awesome glorifying trip I usually have these...
-Good friends= good vibes
-Outdoor, rivers, waterfalls, swimming holes= relaxation jaw dropping observations
-Camp fire= warmth
-Hammock= relaxation!!!
-Food= deliciousness x 10...get oranges or something sweet
-A strong green laser pointer= you know what I mean if you used one while you were tripping

Anyway...If you have all of these you will have the best time hands down. When I get boomers and trip, I have all of these which make for such a awesome time words can not even describe!

One time me and my friends went to his cabin which was in a very rural area. We ended up hiking down to the river with all of our gear and ate an 8th for each of us around 4ish...trip started in at least 15 minutes and we were all running around laughing our asses off at my friend stubbing his toe and just everything imaginable. After we compiled ourselves together we got our bathing suits on and walked down from our camping spot to the river. Once we got there, the river was sooo placid, it looked like ice. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. Just awe-inspiring...we then chilled on big ass rocks in the middle of the river and swam around listening to music. That moment in time I knew that this was something very special. We all had a fantastic time with my friends at the end of the night babbling how much fun they had. We seriously went primal for 4 hours...running around like mad men along this river bank. If a kayaker passed by...I don't know what they would have thought...Anyway we are doing this again this summer again!!!


Active member
Have you ever dissed fools in the Tokers Den? Have you ever dissed fools in the Tokers Den on shrooms? Man ... you Gotta try dissin fools in the Tokers Den on shrooms ...


I Feel Good
ICMag Donor
thats right theyll give any criminal/accused criminal, a chance to get off with a lesser punishment if you give information that could help them with anything. i was thinking about calling and giveing this kids name that ripped me off a few months ago i gave him money to go get me a slice of headies and he brought me back a gram and a half of beasters. and took off shut his phone off right away and doesnt come around here anymore, i was livid at the time still am, but i decided not to id rather let him get away with that then help the pigs.

Ya Dig?

whats a slice?


Tropical Outcast
thats right theyll give any criminal/accused criminal, a chance to get off with a lesser punishment if you give information that could help them with anything. i was thinking about calling and giveing this kids name that ripped me off a few months ago ........

Ya Dig?

According to your first statement since you really believe you'll get away with "less" you're in for a surprise...."buddy"!

Dude you you yet have to find out what happens to any type of snitches, do ya!?

About the ratting issue...it would be against forum rules to describe what we do with any rats down here! (it ain't pretty)

The way you are thinking I can tell in the long run you're in for a deserved surprise!
