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Things that shouldn't still exist


Rabbi Reefer

poverty, ignorance, tyranny, hate, hunger, slavery, chicago cubs


Cannabrex Formulator
Most hospitals in the US will inject a local into boths sides of little man's dingy.... But, it's the f*ckin' most brutal, barbaric looking procedure you can imagine. I just watched one...and I feel horrible for my baby, but we're still having him cut.

-Lady Gaga
-Nancy Grace
-Bill O'Reilly
-Stretched piercings
-Sugar Free Red Bull

My son was done the traditional wily Hebrew way, at eight days old and drunk as a lord.

The guy who does the job on us Jewish lads is called a mohel.
This particular mohel happened to be the guy who trimmed my dingus 39 odd years ago, and certainly knew his shit (he has since passed on).

The mohel's wife gave him a nice fat cotton ball soaked in Manischewitz to suck on a good 20 minutes before the event, and I guarantee you he neither felt anything nor was he able to remember anything, as he was hammered enough that he had a real hard time finding my wife's breast to feed afterwards....his head just kept a-bobbin' around, looking for the titty....

I can only assume that I too was rendered shitfaced in the above described manner by this same husband and wife team for my bris (circumcision).



Circumcision is a euphemism for mutilation, and I for one, want my foreskin and nerve endings back. ;)

Madrus Rose

post 69
Things that shouldn't exist ? Hmmm, how about death & the grimm reaper ?

nah , just aint going to hapen in our lifetimes ...

(use well the days !)

How about virgins ? ;)

PS: the two things that will always be with us --->Death & Taxes
(and ignorance , and stupidity, and deception, and greed and prejudice etc )

Miss Blunted

Resident Bongtender
I stay out of clubs, but drunk bitches always get down to some PFunk or Techno or some shit! This bullshit auto-tune and these chumps are not necessary in order for bitches to get down! Ever been to a rave?

Yeah I'm near Detroit, I've been to enough of em'.


The White House
98% of people in governmental positions
The Federal Reserve
Bilderberg group
Trilateral Comm.
World Bank
Kim Jong suck-a-cock

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
Circumcision?? lol I like the way my wiener looks. I would hate to have an uncircumcised weeny.

The Federal Reserve
Fractional Reserve Banking
to bad you'll know how much better it feels to be intact. 10x better orgasm, check your research

Sorry bro, lol
just playin


to bad you'll know how much better it feels to be intact. 10x better orgasm, check your research

Sorry bro, lol
just playin

Um, if my orgasms were 10 times better I think I'd have an aneurysm...

Second...majority of chicks I know say they think uncircumsized dicks are nasty...plus you have to worry about buildup of smegma...ick


I second Israel
- artificial sweeteners
-non recycled garbage
-gospel choirs
catholic church

as for my foreskin, i will fight you for it. my wiener likes his sleeping bag, and how the f..k do you have a good wank whit out it?


Stupid People ... this would solve many of the worlds problems since the human population would then be so low.


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
the ME!!! people... I wish these people would just get pumped in the pooper by ron jeremy..
can guarantee the world would be so much better and less populated..

What is a me person? One that thinks its their way no matter what and gets mad at others even though the ME person is wrong, which is about 99.9% of the time... :D

these are the people that:
* take cuts in line for anything
* take home food from buffets
* bitch at servers in buffets then dont tip
* expect to be acknowledged first
* park in two parking spots cos they think their car is special
* litter while driving in plain site
* text or talk on their phone while someone is waiting for them ex: subway sandwhiches or wal mart lines
* interupt others
* blame others ALL THE TIME even if it happened a week ago we still have to hear how its the other peoples faults.
* never EVER wrong and always have better advice than EVERYONE else..
* will 99.8% of the time always make an excuse not to help someone out.. But always expect and get mad when they cant be helped..
Uhm there is a ton more i will stop there.. LOL.. peace n pufs..

sacKO :artist:

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