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Things that make you go Hmm...


Active member
What makes me go hmm? The hysterical nature of the internet.

Man has been mining gold from the earth for thousands of years.

In the last 200 years the speed and efficiency has increased dramatically. Gold is being pulled and refined from areas of the world that were previously inaccessible.

Where is it?

Where is all this gold that it's not visible in daily life? At least not as visible as it should be by now. What countries are still on the gold standard and actually have piles of gold still? The U.S. and U.K. don't have any.

Where is it?

Even though it's been mined for many centuries gold is still very rare which is why it's so expensive. Melt it down and you can fit all the gold on earth into 2 olympic sized swimming pools, not a huge amount when you think about it.


Kiss My Ring
hmmmmmmmnnn. double standards?

ask what makes me go hmmmmn. then because you cannot understand how it relates to your special case i've become a troll.

...you must wait till it's ripe...



Discovery Requires Experimentation
How some people enjoy bickering so much. There are several people at my place of employment that act like they are arguing all day but its more about who can be wittier. I just don't get it, I feel like they just have higher than normal levels of testosterone.


Discovery Requires Experimentation
When things fall over in another room,,,, but no one has been in that room for a few hours!?!?

kinda freaks me out...a little

lost in a sea

water.. it's unbelievable in so many ways and defies the normal properties of matter in different states.. the unique effects of it's seemingly simple bonds when amplified allow all of life to be,, it even has a memory..

Red Fang

Active member
yes budelight, but usually in my case someone left something in a precarious unstable position and it falls over.

Red Fang

Active member
also, whenever I touch a piece of equipment it inexplicably seems to stop working and have some problem. And every time my brother goes riding with a particular guy, his ATV breaks down and he gets stuck in the woods and it usually requires major repairs! This is happening as we speak! And I am stranded here!


Well-known member
i have problems with watches and electronics.
i can only wear a self winding watch. i have a
rolex that has been rebuilt 3 times now and is
in need of repair now. i am wearing a orient
self winder has done well for over a year now.
i prob just jinxed self but oh well. then ipods
cel phones and any hand held electronics i seem
to toast in 1-3 months. last longer if cased.
then to use a compass i have to set it down and
step back a little to get good reading.
lastly lol i can hear light bulbs damn things.

Red Fang

Active member
dude, fascinating!
In the days of old anal0g tv, I used to unplug the cable to the wall to tranport it to play super nes video games. well, on accident I discovered if I touch the little pointed metal pin thing on the end, the signal was restored, only partially and still fuzzy but weird nontheless! but yeah here you about being an equipment jinx!

Jericho Mile

Things that make you go Hmm...
that is what this thread is about, trends or things you notice happening inexplicably for no reason.
for me, a few are:
1). All signs of life gone. I feed birds and usually there are many of many different types feeding and fighting and all their usual behavior. Every year is a little different, this year the hummingbirds took forever to come back despite warm temps. When they did arrive, there is one that sits and guards his favorite feeder a good part of the day, the first year that happened. But I digress. The point is, birds everywhere and then suddenly none, not even the pests. Not even rodents. nothing. you can hear a pin drop. no predators no nothing everything just goes dead for 10 minutes or more like all life has ceased besides yours... freaky!

2). loud thuds, sounds like an elephant landed on the roof belly first, and again nothing.

3). reports everywhere here and on other forums about how every breeder has unstable genetics with mutants or hermie crap abounding. You don't know if it is shills or trolls or something to it. how do you sift through all that and make an educated choice on genetics?

4). everything is kush this or chem that, or diesel or some weird initials or cuts I have never heard of. All this stuff I don't have and is impossible to get in the case of the cuts. What ever happened to all the NL skunk haze and afghani hybrids? ;) only partially kidding, it seems we replaced one group of limited genetics with another, why not more variety?

5). the secret society people or the genetic mutant chicken littles or the crazy right wing exremists? In the case of the secret society types, they come on here and chat among things that are common knowledge to them but not to me. Dome and nail or something like this comes to mind: I just want to know what it is and how to use it, instead they ignore your inquiries and ramble on and on amongst themselves about what appears utter nonsense. and then the chicken little or extremists saying the goverment is spying on you constantly from space and knows when you take your morning dump and fly planes over just then to gain the upper hand. Or messing with the atmosphere with some experiment for some nefarious reason. or out to make civil war against its own people and usher in an apocalypse where you have people crawling up on all fours up your hill to steal your veggie garden and you have to shoot them before they shoot you. I have no love or trust for the government either, but really people you truly believe all that nonsense? I have enough to worry about without all that, I'd go nuts in 2 seconds if I bought into all that!

OK anything similar to that for you?

Careful...#5 gets peeps really sensitive. Many spend their days on YouTube...freaking themselves out..though they prefer to call it: educating themselves
The undiscovered mysteries of space and time. Black holes, dwarf stars, how big our planet is yet how small it actually is compared to other planets. How big space is, time, anything related to the universe!