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Thieving Little Squirrels



I feed this 1 squirrel that has no fear of me at all every morning.
I put out a spoon of peanut butter and she took it in her mouth and ran up the tree with it and kept the whole spoon. LOL
Balanced it on a branch perfectly so it didnt fall when she dropped it.
See how thick and healthy she is? Thats all bread and peanut butter. LOL


raccoons are def. more devious prolly all gang members! :peek:


pit wisper/ rare strain collector
shes lookin pretty plump..........she'll be nice and warm for the winter for sure......lol
Ha! As I'm reading this there's one of those Turner Classic Movies mini-documentaries playing in the background. It's about Glacier and this woman is dressed in Native American garb. Two squirrels are climbing up on her and eating out of her hand.


Caregiver Extraordinaire
ICMag Donor
theiving squirrels???? u gave them that ish....

just kidding i know how them lil guys do...


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
hiya,,,great pics alone,,i love the little things,,i live in the middle of epping forest and often watch them through my window when i am in bed and there playing in the big trees,,lots of them where i live,,great little thieves sadly no reds though,,,cheers,,peace and regards s2


Active member
I watched some red squirrels follow some peanuts and manage to squirm its' way inside an old fashioned gallon jug (Gallo Wine like), placed on its side, with peanuts in it.

Once inside, the jar was placed upright. They managed to get out. Then, it would put 2 inside its mouth, and unable to exit. Was rather entertaining, until the squirrel looked and said, "Wtf are you smoking, help me!"

Alone, That chubby little squirrel is really cute! Can hardly wait for the babies to come! Sure hope you post those pictures! lol :ying: jpt


ICMag Donor
A buddy and I were lumberjacking in the mountains in WY one summer. One afternoon when we drove into camp, about a half dozen squirrels were running around the camp like crazy, looking like they were lost or something. Come to find out they had crawled thru a hole in the floor of my bud's sports car, found his bag and had preceeded to tear it to shreds and ate 2/3 of it. It was funny until we found what was left of the stash... furry little fuckers!

Pinball Wizard

The wand chooses the wizard
squirrels chewed my cable line, the bastards

the whole neighborhood is covered in walnuts...they come from near & far :D
you can't fault the squirrel philosophy of keeping a good stash!


In the High Desert, where I lived for 30 years. The little squirrels would chew through Alarm systems. People, sort of ignore alarms now.

festivus, you reminded me of this video..I am unable to post videos..but this is the link..
Fermented Squirrel. jpt

:laughing::laughing: That was too funny. The more time went on the drunker it got. Ive been there man. Woke up in the middle of the road with brite ass headlights and the sound of my moms voice when I was 17. I guess I puked all over dudes back seat so they left me in a snowbank and called my mom to pick me up.
I got alcohol poisoning and puked for 12 hours before my mom brought me to the E.R. I hope the little squirrel didnt die from alcohol poisoning. It was sooo cute and funny.
This video got me thinking....
I need to make some cannapeanutbutter for my little friend.


That is one fat and sassy looking tree rat.

I replaced the soffets on my dads house a few years back.
When I tore out the old ones I found out that was where the big nut stash was, there were literally thousands of old walnuts and assorted squirrel stuff, I mean like 15 trash bags full of stuff, they must have been packing them for years.