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They fucked with the wrong dude's dog......


New member
But that's rediculous too. You all know we don't need to eat meat and you also know there would be alot more food if we skipped the step to feed the animals and then eat them. If we ate the crops directly there would be no need for such large growing areals and there wouldn't be such a huge energyloss. To say that we NEED to eat meat to survive is just rediculous. We never did, we don't do now and in the future we will have to eat less meat. We're cutting down rainforests now just to grow food for our animals so they grow big, then we slaughter them and eat them. Perhaps you think it's a good idea to need ten times more growing areals and three times bigger crops to feed the animals.

Then, what's the big difference in a dog and a pig? They're both relatively intelligent, feeling beeings. Able to feel happiness, pain, sorrow, and so on. The difference is that we live close to dogs so we know of these things. But when it comes to pigs, probably most of you have never met a pig and spent time with it like you do with a dog. So when someone points this out, people tends to ignore it.

I just find it very strange that you react and think it's horrible to see one animal suffer and die but not the other. And what's very disturbing is that you see a chicken as food and not as a living feeling being. I know that you care about dogs and that you think they should be treated well, I can see that. But can you honestly say that you don't give a shit about how for example cows, chickens and pigs are treated, since they're just supposed to be food and don't need to be treated well? I just think it's strange and that's why I asked. I don't want any long discussion about this.
The purpose of the chicken's death, (or cow, or pig, or turkey, etc...) is not money. It's to provide food. There is a huge difference between raising and killing an animal for food than simply shooting an animal for the fun of killing it. I'm not sure why this even has to be explained to you.
Why is there a huge difference? They killed it for pleasure, you eat your chicken for pleasure. It's all about satisfying your tastebuds, it's not anything you need to survive or to be healthy. It's probably the other way around.

Cookie monster

yes we do need to eat meat to survive, or to be abke to live a healthy life.

My uncles kids now all in their twents were raised vegitarian but ate correctly, of all my granparents grandchildren they are the smallest weakest and get sick more often than the rest.

none of those kids look healthy.

i only eat meat 3 times a week buy since i gave up being vegitarian ( 4 years) i have never felt better.

As a species we were designed to be omniverious.


Maybe I was a bit of a dickhead yesterday but you have to understand,you may as well be comparing my child to a chicken.There are very few people in this world I hold in higher regard than my dog,maybe thats my problem but thats how I feel.And to compare him to barnyard animals just isnt even close


Cannabrex Formulator
yes we do need to eat meat to survive, or to be abke to live a healthy life.

Hate to break it to ya, but that is 100% untrammeled bullshit.

Humans, while able to digest meat, are not physically designed to consume large, regular portions of meat.

We are omnivores by design, but realistically should be eating meat no more than once a month or less, like our closest relatives the chimps.

Many of the chronic illnesses suffered by people in the First World are a direct result of over-consumption of meat, and many of these same diseases are relatively unknown in places where meat comsumption is much much lower.

And while the methods of raising meat in the past have had varied impacts on our planet, the current factory farming system is one of the biggest causes of environmental destruction and depletion on the plant today......if not THE biggest.

So if we want anything to be left of this biosphere for our kids to live on and grow their food, the gluttonous over-consumption of meat must stop.....it's a pretty straight forward trade......your steak right now or a future for our species on this planet in the future.

Cookie monster

^ a bit mis guided but i do agree with alot of what you said man.

Those chronic illness you refer to in the first world are more down to lifestyle processed foods and many other factors not purely from eating large amounts of meat.

Native peoples like the Eskimo eat large amounts of meat and fat and far fewer grains and veg/fruit yet they are actually very healthy.

3 small portions of chicken or fish a week i would not consider over indulgence by any means but you are 100% on how bad for the planet modern farming methods are.


Cannabrex Formulator
^ a bit mis guided but i do agree with alot of what you said man.

Those chronic illness you refer to in the first world are more down to lifestyle processed foods and many other factors not purely from eating large amounts of meat.

Native peoples like the Eskimo eat large amounts of meat and fat and far fewer grains and veg/fruit yet they are actually very healthy.

3 small portions of chicken or fish a week i would not consider over indulgence by any means but you are 100% on how bad for the planet modern farming methods are.

I will concede to a bit of what you say.

Then again, during WWII, when animal protein and fats (esp butter) were heavily rationed, the rate of death due to heart disease and stroke in Holland and the UK went down drastically...only to skyrocket again when rationing was lifted. The processed food consumption did not change..only the animal foods.

And traditional Inuit diet did not lead to extreme good health.....their longevity was lower, their rates of certain things like liver cancer and osteoporosis and others was much much higher. Now of course they are suffering from all sorts of diseases caused mainly by a highly processed Western diet (diabetes being the #1).

Cookie monster

dude i would'nt read too much into the ww2 stats regarding rationing having a major impact on the rates of heart disease stroke and what not.

Rationing affected the city and town folk more than the country dwellers or so my grandmother used to tell me.
Those who could produce or hunt their own fresh food did so, they always had rabbit chicken pork and all the veg and fruit they could grow but those in the town had less access to fresh healthy food stuffs.

Processed food intake did change more people had no choice but to consume powdered milk eggs and canned meat instead of fresh produce.
In general i think the general health of the population was better so dont get me wrong.

WW2 is a bad example to cite too many people off fighting the war too many people dis-placed for any studys back then to be accurate.

No high meat died will lead to extreme good health but the eskimo people had lower rates of heart disease and stroke i believe despite their diet.

The modern day diet they eat is probably worse, i think the native americans suffer a very high rate as well i seen a programme reacently but it may have only been 1 particular tribe im not sure.

Humans as a whole well us spoiled westerners do need to seriously cut down on the meat esp. beef and pork for the sake of the planet and health that i totally agree on.

Agriculture in general worldwide needs a complete overhaul and re-think imo.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c

forget the legs or death. id personally carve out a few chunks of their spine to make sure they never have a chance to enjoy a functioning life again...confined to a wheelchair with no use of their body. death isnt a full enough punishment for something so disgustingly cruel...


you boob this is not about food this is about family and if thats what I want to call my dog (part of my family and I do ) dont mess with it .
if you would like a cow in your house and call it family thats fine its your call not mine. but dont f**k with my dog.
Why is there a huge difference? They killed it for pleasure, you eat your chicken for pleasure. It's all about satisfying your tastebuds, it's not anything you need to survive or to be healthy. It's probably the other way around.

I don't eat chicken purely out of pleasure. Eating is a necessity. And just to be clear, vitamin B12 is absolutely necessary and is only obtained reliably from animal sources. Plant sources of B12 might not be so accessible to humans. So saying we can subsist on purely plant based diet is untrue. I understand your ethical concerns, and I applaud you standing up for them. However, I don't know why you find it so hard to understand that all over the world people see a difference in raising and killing animals for food as opposed to killing an animal out of cruelty and for kicks. You aren't so mired in your ethical crusade that you are blind to that obvious fact, are you? Not everyone wants to be vegetarian or vegan, bro.

I'm not advocating cruelty to farm animals, either. I believe they also are deserving of being treated humanely. I would get pissed at anyone who tortured or killed a farm animal just for the pleasure of it. But, I'm still going to eat an occasional chicken sandwich or the even more occasional steak.
I just caught this part. Don't know why I didn't see it before:

I just think it's strange and that's why I asked. I don't want any long discussion about this.

You don't want a long discussion, yet YOU brought it up. If you ask a question like that while throwing it in the faces of the people in this forum as if they are unethical for thinking the way they do, you're asking for a long discussion. The way you brought it up was a bit condescending as well. You could have raised the ethical questions with a different tone and had a better response.

Anyway, if you don't want people to discuss it at length, don't bring it up.:dueling:

Cookie monster

Some animals are and i think were designed to be food not only for us but for the other apex predators.

In nature there seems to be this unwritten law that the apex predators don't actually eat each other.

Take the lion and the gazelle and the croc, both will eat the gazelle over trying to eat each other.
Only in rare circumstances will a lion consider a croc food or vice versa simple reason being it makes more sense to prey on a creature that cant prey on you.

Same can be applied to the dog chicken argument, most people if forced to will take a bite out of a live chicken rather than a dog that will bite them back so by default the chicken will be food the dog will not.

In short there is a thing called a food chain and like it or not we are at the top anything below us can be considered food.

Bobby Stainless

"Ill let you try my Wu-Tang style"
Back on topic.

These guys better look over their shoulder.

I wouldn't want to be on a SEAL's shit list...

Cookie monster

Back on topic.

These guys better look over their shoulder.

I wouldn't want to be on a SEAL's shit list...

True enough, maybe the guy is waiting until after these sick f--ks are buttf--ked in prison until he serves a plate of justice.

If he is i hope he's smart about it.


New member
MAN...........I don't believe the cruelty of human beings..... Shit my brother just got shot in the leg two weeks ago by some dumb 13 year old kid....... and at first i was shocked, couldn't believe it, then i was angry, wanted to skin the piece of shit alive, and now all I feel is the cold ache of reality .....He shot my brother,this little punk, he shot my brother.....but, this kid has lived a life of violence and suffering nobody deserves, just pure shit; and while I dont exactly feel bad for the kid, I cant help but feel sad for it all. If the 9mm FMJ bullet that hit my brother struck his femoral artery, my outlook would be different. Shits fucked up.....

Cookie monster

bobby would you feel that way if it was a 31 year old that shot your bro


low life fukheads. how does killing peoples pets give enjoyment? i actually wish luttrel ripped the shit outta them.


phineas fogg

New member
For a bunch of pot smoking hippies there are some very severe ideas but all respect to the dude who maintained his dignity, did the right thing(with all his training and experience) and gained my admiration for it.

Cookie monster

For a bunch of pot smoking hippies there are some very severe ideas but all respect to the dude who maintained his dignity, did the right thing(with all his training and experience) and gained my admiration for it.

Who says were hippies? hell i'm a skinhead.

A sharp skinhead not a nazi scum just in case it needs to be explained.