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These plants are fucked...and so am I


Active member
look sorta like mosquitoes, don't look like any gnats i ever seen. gnats have a delta wing look. when they have their wings folded they look like a triangle. at any rate if you got creepy crawlies fuckin up all your leaves and roots, throwing nutes at the problem will only make it worse.

plain water till you kill off the bugs.


Ive skimmed thru that huge cca90 pages thread about gnats and stuff. Ive read the first post and already went numb, so I just flipped pages and looked some images and Im almost sure those are fungus gnats. Ive also discovered on some other (local) forum a post of a guy describing the exact same issue as I have it now - growth stops, yellow leafes, also crispy and dry looking. At one point I found some eggs/cocoons in my coco.

Id love to check my roots at this point but Ive only transplanted them in bigger pots and watered them yesterday.


Registered User
What's the pH & ppm's of your run-off? And you got any update pics of the gals?


ICMag Donor
After reading your intake form, ResinRider and I agree on the part that stuck out "last part of RO is softener" Could very well be sodium compounding your mites, overwatering and hard water issues. Check for salt in your system and good luck. NS


Is this the first grow with that water softener? Or have you had successful grows using it before? Take a picture of the plants with the lights off. Its hard to see the plants in hps lighting.


One thing I have learned over the years, Is a plant is never fucked unless the growth shoots are dead. Otherwise the whole plant can look dead and make a full recovery, Only time a plants fucked is when the shoots die off.

Some good post related to water softeners in here you should deff check into the softener.


OK. Ive just looked and my coco is infested with smal maggots. ill upload an link you short video clip

Just in case Ill email the manufacturer of my RO unit. They are quick responsive cause ive dealt w/ them before. Otherwise I dont know my PH runoff, but ime really positive this fungus gnat shit is giving me hard time. Oh and btw this is my first time using RO unit


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Well I think you have figured out your problems. mites, gnats, and salt in your water. I would switch to tap water until I was sure that I wasn't pouring salt onto my roots.


heres the clip. try watching in full screen mode so you can see them tinny little maggots moving. I see at least 5-6 of them excluding the big one.


ItGrows: why so confident theres salt in my water ?

Ill post some pics of my gals latter. BTW ive used some pesticide containing pyrethrin


breathe deep
those look like fungus gnat larvae. 'mosquito dunks' are a cheap solution. add them to all water for the next few weeks and you should be fine


I dont use any salt. I only use 4stage RO and the last stage is softener and Ive just checked the filter its got label on it - ION Exchange resin filter


OK so Ive searched forum right now and it looks like anything that has Sodium in its name/label/description is not good for my plants. Didnt know that till now, but Im happy you guys have mentioned it.

Now....I can bypass the last stage easily or should I just use the softener as the first stage of my RO ? Softener output feeding the RO input ?


If it is a 4 cartridge system and you can bypass the softener stage, that is what I would do. I see no gain in feeding softened water to the RO system in this situation. That is usually done when you have a whole house water softener but you want to have drinking water at the kitchen sink.

Can you point us to the mfg info on your RO system? Systems usually have a set of filters (stages) that pull out a number of contaminants before it goes into the RO system. The RO membrane pulls out what wasn't filtered/absorbed bu the various stages. It seems yours is setup a little differently :confused:


It's maybe fungus gnats! Are the flyers brown? If so sounds like what messed up my plants! If so get Bayer shrub & tree w/ Imid & spray down the COCO real good & hope that your plants come back!


You're right, the info sucks. It double sucks (for me) it's in Italian. Here's the text that's interesting:
"NO3 - PO4 - SiO2 Composto da • Filtro a Sedimentazione da 5 micron • Carbone Attivo trattato con acidi specifici per la depurazione delle acque • Membrana Osmotica con una portata di 50 galloni al giorno.(1 gallone = 3,785 litri) • Filtro per NO3 - PO4 - SiO2"
Here's google's interpretation:
"5 micron Sediment Filter
• Activated Carbon treated with acid-specific water purification
• Osmotic membrane with a flow rate of 50 gallons per day. (1 gallon = 3.785 liters)
• Filter for NO3 - PO4 - SiO2"

How accurate is that translation? I don't see mention of ion exchange, just three filters and the RO membrane.


yo dgr theres ION exchange definately because theres a big label on that last unit (which I removed BTW). Otherwise it goes like this: sediment filter ------> carbon filter -----> RO ----> softener

this is the picture of whats left. Ive basically decided im not going to waste my time with damaged stuff and rather take three best plants left and go SCROG. I always wanted to try this method also so nows the time. Im also thinking of going DWC so I bought myself some lumbers, airstones and stuff.

So these 3 babies look pretty good to me considering how poor situation was. I transplanted to bigger pots and added yellow stickers to catch them fucking gnats. I guess theyll get even better now when softener got trashed and gnats are about to. Im also putting the web tonite and I have added humidifier to help them out a little bit.
That up on the left girl was always little bit "slow" and her leafs twisted strangely from day one. oh ive also changed my nutes to GHE - flora series, rhizo from canna and DN


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