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"There is no such thing as a harmless crime"

The quoted is a seething rebuttal issued to me while debating the morality of growing marijuana illegally. And it wasn't off the cuff; this man thought about it for a good ten seconds, and that is what his brain concocted as justification for sending pot growers to prison. He smirked confidently as he said it; this was his "gotcha."

For the record, this person is college-educated, has reproduced four times, and is a well-regarded man of authority in my local community.

Whenever I feel insecure intellectually, I just start talking to my fellow Americans. I feel better within the hour. Never fails. If you're feeling sad, start a conversation with one of these mouth-breathers. :)


Was blind but now IC Puckbunny in Training
I get that from time to time. My response is, it's the law that's the crime and, according to Thomas Jefferson, we are obligated to disobey unjust laws.


The self righteous asshole that fits nicely into the view of how the world should be, full of authoritative assholes.

I can't wait until those PlasmERG engines come out, I'm going to build a house up in a tree in the middle of nowhere and never come out again :jump:

If you ask me, this country could use a little less motivation.
The people who are motivated are the ones who were causing all the trouble.
Stock swindlers.
Serial killers.
Child molesters,
Christian conservatives.
These people are highly motivated,
highly motivated.
And anyway, I think motivation is overrated.
You show me some lazy prick who's lying around all day watching game shows
and stroking his penis,
and I'll show you someone
who's not causing any fucking trouble...

...These people with bumper stickers that say, we are the proud parents of an honor student at Franklin School.
Or the Midvale Academy, or whatever other innocent sounding name has been assigned to the indoctrination center
where their child has been sent to be stripped of his individuality and turned into an obedient soul.
Dead conformist member of the American consumer culture.

-George Carlin


have you seen my lighter?
ICMag Donor
that's why in every marijuana conviction, the victim slighted by this horrific crime takes the stand.....right?

oh. nevermind. somehow this is one of those miraculous situations where there's harm, but no victim. it's like magic, but better. ;)


Ask him to define moral and crime.
Ask if he feels remorse for the hurt he causes when driving one mile an hour above the posted speed limit.

That should give you an answer to his smug view of the world.


I can't think of a scenario where I would need someone else to boost my own self worth, or be 'discussing' illegal anything.

Knock yourself out though.


One of the best pieces of advice I ever took: "Don't argue with idiots."


Active member
favorite argument amongst idiots here is, the law is the law.


(the law is a bit of ink on a paper, written by hairless monkeys(evolving but only 3% removed from the chimp)

(it was once law that the local lord could come and fuck your new wife (before you did) and probably said then "the law is the law" lol)

fuckwits :)


Lots of people seem "programmed" to what they think is the right thing. I have one relative that seems to think this way. I am firmly convinced that if he found out I grew he would turn me into the cops because it is his duty to do so as a law abiding citizen.

Tripp Inmiasov

I would tell your boy that alcohol and tobacco kill hundreds of thousands, if not more, every year. Alcohol is also one of the major causes of divorce, vehicular accidents, liver disease and domestic violence across the globe.

I would ask him what he thinks about growing barley, wheat, corn and tobacco.

Did anyone ever tell you that alcohol is the most dangerous gateway drug in the world?

That is, the most dangerous gateway drug next to ignorance...


Game Bred
in twelve states it is illegal for me to go down on my wife in my own bedroom.
who is the victim?
in alabama:
Dominoes may not be played on Sunday.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Anniston AL:
You may not wear blue jeans down Noble Street.
It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking.
You may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit.

there are thousands of idiotic laws still on the books from ignorant times.
most are victimless. MJ prohibition is one of these.
your "friend" is a moron.
shove some blue laws in his face.


in twelve states it is illegal for me to go down on my wife in my own bedroom.
who is the victim?
in alabama:
Dominoes may not be played on Sunday.
You may not have an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.
Anniston AL:
You may not wear blue jeans down Noble Street.
It is illegal for women to stand within five feet of a bar while drinking.
You may not take a picture of a rabbit from January to April without an official permit.

there are thousands of idiotic laws still on the books from ignorant times.
most are victimless. MJ prohibition is one of these.
your "friend" is a moron.
shove some blue laws in his face.

^^^^ at least these bullshit laws are funny ...... the ones we are usually talking about not so much.

you wanna post a list of those first 12 states. gotta take the wife on a road trip real soon........ i'm just a rebel without a cause.

h^2 O

Lots of people seem "programmed" to what they think is the right thing. I have one relative that seems to think this way. I am firmly convinced that if he found out I grew he would turn me into the cops because it is his duty to do so as a law abiding citizen.

that's what wood chippers are for my friend :) "Haven't seen 'em in weeks."

I live in a BLue LAw state...shit is from the 1620's..."no alcohol sales on Sunday." Laws were written when they were still crushing people with boulders to try and get a confession out of them that they practiced withcraft. By the way, "Warlock" is a pretty cool movie.
Lots of people seem "programmed" to what they think is the right thing. I have one relative that seems to think this way. I am firmly convinced that if he found out I grew he would turn me into the cops because it is his duty to do so as a law abiding citizen.
Those who are programmed aren't thinking. Critical thinking skills are not that common in the USA and judging from my forum interactions you can go ahead and put the rest of the world in there too. I never really knew how to think until I was forced to do policy analyses in grad school. You know how many ppl can't think when you watch everyone catch a F on their first one. This was a graduate level course in the 2nd best state school. Now if I could just figure out how to profit from them all...


Usually the only harmless crimes recognized by men in power are the ones THEY commit...

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