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There is going to be a revolution if things keep going the way they are


Andinismo Hierbatero
i'm gonna side with our founding fathers on this one ;)

Periodic revolution, “at least once every 20 years,” was “a medicine necessary for the sound health of government.”
--Thomas Jefferson

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-- Thomas Jefferson

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin

if you notice carefully, you have your own head on your own shoulders; now, whether this head of yours is capable of independent critical thinking or not is another question.

no need to rule your world-view by what "the founding fathers" thought; as it is, their world-view does not fit into the context of the actual situation of now.

you need to solve new problems with new ideas; not with solutions for old and different problems.


weed fiend
I agree that static interpretation of centuries old documents poses modern day practical application challenges. But we're all friends here. No need to be so sharp.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
How many times have you heard the phrase, "This country runs on debt," and people just nod their heads and say yup. But that is VERY UNTRUE and is just the rich that say that so they can get richer (like your pres). The US was never a debter nation until the Wilson started the FED, then it took awhile to really fuck the puppy. Man, did they fuck up a great idea.

Great nations are built on investments that come from savings not debt.

Debt has it's place, but a country that has only debt and no savings will collapse under it's own weight. Look at all of the developed countries in the world right now. Not doing so hot.

Thanks Woodrow!!!
"I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men." -Woodrow Wilson
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Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
I have one question?? Has the gov won the "war on drugs" so how are we gonna win the "war on terror" almost identical huh!! We are heading for the most oppressive time in our life if we dont radicaly change!! The gov is soon to be telling us that the enemy is within! We can talk about all the kinds istics and ocracy all we want but this is what is happening! Lets see if any news broadcasters asks questions like this to any politician!! I THINK NOT!!!!!!

the WOD and the WOT are un-winnable... I've been saying this for many, many years...

the problem is they are money makers and in a GREEDY fucking nation like ours, money rules... :mad:


War on Drugs is at least a War on something. War on Terror is a war on a concept..... something that can be anything or anyone you say it is...... insane!



Strain Collector/Seed Junkie/Landrace Accumulator/
if you notice carefully, you have your own head on your own shoulders; now, whether this head of yours is capable of independent critical thinking or not is another question.

no need to rule your world-view by what "the founding fathers" thought; as it is, their world-view does not fit into the context of the actual situation of now.

you need to solve new problems with new ideas; not with solutions for old and different problems.

i'm an independent thinker and have been for many years... it's why i left the republican party ;)

i happen to believe are founding fathers had most everything and warned us of coming problems. if we lived by their words this country would be in much better shape :tiphat:

I think I know where your head is.


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to SpasticGramps again.


Active member
if you notice carefully, you have your own head on your own shoulders; now, whether this head of yours is capable of independent critical thinking or not is another question.

no need to rule your world-view by what "the founding fathers" thought; as it is, their world-view does not fit into the context of the actual situation of now.

you need to solve new problems with new ideas; not with solutions for old and different problems.

Wow your so right. The ideas of liberty and freedom that this nation was founded on are soo outdated. They definately don't fit the context of actual situation today.

Just listen to yourself.
there will be no effective change if you are still stuck with the cave-man like idea of "revolution", of going out in the streets and "protesting" and inciting violent confrontations.

Revolution doesn't have to involve violence and protests; it can be as simple as raising peoples consciousness and educating them, and getting everyone to vote in a certain direction.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
How does starve-the-beast fit into proper investments?
I think you are thinking I'm talking about government "investments" building great nations. I wasn't. That's government spending.

I was talking about great nations being built on individuals (the citizens) saving their money and then investing it in their community. When you starve the beast individuals keep more of their money. They save it and then invest into building something. We use to be like that. That's how we became so powerful so quickly. WWII destroying much of the industrialized world expect the USA allowed us to carry the hegemonic mantle for a while too.

American's unfortunately have the attitude of buy now (with debt) and hope I can pay for it later. That's not a recipe for growth or greatness. It's a recipe for disaster.

But we are merely a reflection of our central ruling body (the beast). The beast is borrowing 40 cents of every dollar to "invest" in something (say Solyndra) and then borrowing more to pay interest on their previous "investments" (war). The beast has built an empire on debt and borrowing more to finance the interest on that debt. And when the beast cannot borrow what it needs to finance it's investments what does it do? It pulls out the printing press and counterfeits what it needs.

Basically the beast doesn't know how to save and be productive anymore much less invest in anything. But instead of starving the beast to bring it back to reality we have chosen to keep feeding the beast the same food and drugs.

Eventually the beast will die, but before it does it will have consumed the poor and the middle class.


weed fiend
... American's unfortunately have the attitude of buy now (with debt) and hope I can pay for it later. That's not a recipe for growth or greatness. It's a recipe for disaster.

That's only part of it. We have a whole party trying to break something they say they can run better.

Neither Reagan, Bush 41 nor W could manage to talk the electorate into privatizing social programs. But they could and did manage to break the system that manages them and a lot of other stuff.

Sorry for the bold text but that's the elephant, 800 pound gorilla and idot - all in the same room.

Not only did we pad the top enough to prove that supply-side doesn't work, we gave em enough power to make reform even more difficult.

Warning that things are going to explode isn't sage prophecy. It's a planned strategy that's been playing out for decades that says, "I can't manage what I want but I can damn sure break yours.":)

And some folks imagine it's our champagne taste on a beer budget while the elephant/gorilla/idiot is smashing glasses.


Active member
War on Drugs is at least a War on something. War on Terror is a war on a concept..... something that can be anything or anyone you say it is...... insane!


There is no war on drugs.
It's a war on people who don't toe the line.
The biggest drug dealers are corporations, and they don't want anyone else on "their turf".
It's really just as simple as that.
As far as a revolution goes, I believe it's far too late for that. The government already has complete control of everything, and the people are more concerned with what's on TV than anything else.
They have been hypnotized and anesthetized.
After 911, the government made it's move, and there's no going back. They have all the power, and we have none. All you have is your vote, and the only choice you have with that vote is no choice at all. The super rich control all, and they are the only ones who can afford to run.
Abe Lincoln couldn't afford to run today.
It's unfortunate, but the people running for "office" are the worst kind of people to put in power. And our system of unabashed bribery goes on.....


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
That's only part of it. We have a whole party trying to break something they say they can run better.
IMO their shouldn't be social programs to worry about privatizing in the first place. Real Conservatives lost that debate a long time ago. Family should be the only (main) safety net IMO. It creates the foundation for stronger societies. Harsher? Yes. But easy is not always good.

Now the two progressive parties argue over who can run what aspect of the welfare state better (be it corporate or social or military).

I know we can't go back to no social programs. I know all that is a pipe dream. Once a population gets them they become dependent and if they are taken away........well, look no further than Greece. Goes for corporate welfare too. Once gotten if taken away the business cannot function.

The world looks like it's smashing glasses to me.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
if you notice carefully, you have your own head on your own shoulders; now, whether this head of yours is capable of independent critical thinking or not is another question.

no need to rule your world-view by what "the founding fathers" thought; as it is, their world-view does not fit into the context of the actual situation of now.

you need to solve new problems with new ideas; not with solutions for old and different problems.

You are wrong. The majority of our social and economic problems are caused from straying away from the ideas of the founding fathers. They didn't create these philosophies that they know worked. The ancient Greeks created them. Human are the same animal as we were 10,000 years ago. Our brains have not further evolved yet past human. If you brake it down we have the same problems we have always had. Competition for resources, safe and clean environment, food, water, bad leadership with short burst of freedom. We had our short burst, and now people are stupid again. The story is as old as human history.


weed fiend
IMO their shouldn't be social programs to worry about privatizing in the first place. Real Conservatives lost that debate a long time ago. Family should be the only (main) safety net IMO. It creates the foundation for stronger societies. Harsher? Yes. But easy is not always good.

Thanks for being honest. When as many as 60, 70 and 80% of the public polls in-favor of the big 3 they at least deserve your honesty.

Now the two progressive parties argue over who can run what aspect of the welfare state better (be it corporate or social or military).

I know we can't go back to no social programs. I know all that is a pipe dream.
Management isn't a pipe dream. The illusion that two parties have the similar objectives yet would simply manage them differently is IMO dishonest.

IMO, Americans deserve to hear the starve-the-beast crowd admit what they're up to and allow the majority to agree or disagree. If they lose the argument - again - management is simply bean counting. These folks have a right to their views and they have every right to see those views carried out. But when they hit the wall of democracy, trying to break it is no longer majority rule. It's mob rule.

Once a population gets them they become dependent and if they are taken away........well, look no further than Greece. Goes for corporate welfare too. Once gotten if taken away the business cannot function.

The world looks like it's smashing glasses to me.
Then compare it to our history. Particularly Life magazines articles of rural America in the early 30s. That was America from the 1700s on.... we just didn't have a journalist running around saying, "Hey, look at this. We can do better."


Active member
Being debt free is key to being actually free. otherwise you are just a slave o the system and you have to walk a line.

Hash, my friend, these words are pure polished wisdom.


Because I follow them myself. :)