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There a doctor in the house?



I was washing a saucer tonight about 8 hours ago and the damm thing snapped and sliced good and deep into the top of my thumb right along the knuckle pretty much to the bone.

It was no big deal I had worse gashes than that plenty of times before so I did the usual and used a wee bit of superglue to keep the cut closed and wrapped a bandage around it.

Woke up about an hour ago in a lot of pain and cant bend the thumb or touch it anywhere, it feels as if I had the damm thing slammed in a car door not cut with a broken plate.

I hate going to hospital so I'm hoping one of ye guys can tell me the above are normal enough sensations and thats just the way a good deep sliced thumb knuckle feels like.

The pain is no problem it's just the lack of movement is a bit of a concern, I could bend it earlier on and now I cant?


You didn't get glue in the knuckle joint did You?
Don't take any chances with it getting infected.
Good Luck


No Joe, no glue in the joint just enough to hold the flesh together.
Strangely enough I never pick up infections so I'm not too worried on that front.

Just wish I could move the damm thing, apart from it being a tad worring it's also bloody well hard to roll a joint with only 1 useable thumb :(


Active member
I'm no dr. but you may have cut the tendon. Thats what it sounds like to me me with the lack of movement. May need surgery, I'm a super glue kinda guy also, but if you cant move the finger you really should go to the hospital. I have seen two people, need emergency surgery from otherwise normal cuts, both cut the tendon.


If there is redness, swelling, or oozing it's infected. You should go to a clinic but if you are a real hero, open up the wound and scrub it out with betadine if you have it. Rubbing alcohol or peroxide work too but they will hurt more and they damage living tissues a bit. And yeah I second the bit about the tendon.
joints will freeze up if injured but normally not because of cutting of the flesh.. if it was bending fine after the cut. id say the tendon should be fine but dont take a chance check it out with a real doc..

good luck bro..


Active member
Should be fine unless you could see that you cut into tendon or cartilage and you don't get infected. That being said you need to be very careful about infection, check the wound regularly and make sure you wash it and whatever touches it very well. If it starts looking red around the cut I would go get yourself some antibiotics STAT or you could lose your finger.


Active member
never worked the line in a kitchen have you?

ive seen guys literally cut the end of there fingers off, bandage it back up, and go right back work


Active member
I second the guys saying to get it checked out... especially if it doesn't get better soon.

I've never used super glue... I prefer to use electrical tape, it's elastic and wrapped tight it really does the trick without worrying about superglue in the cut. (just don't wrap it too tight or you'll cut off blood flow)


never worked the line in a kitchen have you?

ive seen guys literally cut the end of there fingers off, bandage it back up, and go right back work

Nope, only ever had real jobs :)

Well I went to the quack this morning and he says there's no permanent damage and then starts to BS about I should have gone to get a stitch or 2.

Typical friggin doctor, charging me 60 euro to tell me he should have been the one to put in stitches instead of fixing it myself.

Thanks for the help all :tiphat:


3rd-Eye Jedi
get to a doctor asap

if you ut nerves you have a small window of time to repair them

good luck


Hey Bosco I'm glad it's going to be OK. Next time it happens maybe post some pictures and we could have given you a better diagnose and save you 60 euros.

TIP: use only paper and plastic products


There will be no next time Joe....gonna let the dishwasher take care of all the dishes from now on...but dont worry springs here and I'm bound to slice myself working in the garden :)


A foot without a sock...
Bosco, the 'golden period' is 24 hours to have it surgically repaired, if need be.

Go have it looked at, for sure, an opposable thumb is something we've waited a long time for ;)

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