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What was your best "high" experience like? what strain did you use? Did you vape, bong, joint, pipe, blunt?

I know there are so many great highs just list that ones that you can always say was just too damn good


Perplexing Magnum Opus
ICMag Donor
The best high ever was that first whip cream can I sucked off when I was a kid.

Green Supreme

PCP was very interesting but doubt I will go there again. Peace GS


Even in Arcadia I exist
The best high of my life . . . hmmmm

Halloween 2005. Stoned off my ass with some friends up in an abandoned fire-tower, all of us too high/paranoid to climb down.


best high ever = canoeing down the amazon pitch black no moon & milky way above, huge blocks of aromas hitting the nose as u float down...nutty...planty..soil-like...floral...pine...vanilla..animal noises everywhere..was amazing...like tripping but better..

2nd best high ever = first time tripping hard...shrooms/acid

3rd best high ever = all the times i got baked

it took a while to find one that beat drugs though....lol


Active member
Early 80's thai........woooooo..it was something.smoked in joints.

And some really Golden-hard sized buds.It got me stoned so hard I actually sold it away a few days later.It wasn't brick weed so the name wasn't known.All in joints.Very gold looking buds.

Best high ever ? Winning a lawsuit Settlement in a car accident from my bicycle,I actually got a boner looking at the check after the lawyer taking 1/3 and I got 2/3rds.

hahahahaha..so true


ICMag Donor
ashamed to admit it but ,doing spoons of marching powder while riding the ski lift to the top of ski resort in Pa,then snowboarding down all the insane courses.

another time that stands out, around age 18 ,we were tripping on a satuday playing frisbee on a field surrounded by trees at a local elementary school.The sun was huge and setting ,i remember thinking "i feel so great to be alive today" will remember that day forever.



Purple kush early 90's parents gone, I get high and sing along with the led zeppelin box set while playing nintendo.

Few years ago really strong E and when coming down smoked a shitload od ssh and orignal haze and tripped, visuals, etc but the good kind.

Non drug?

Getting married

Collie Man

Me and my 4 bestfriends all gobbled down an 8th of the most potent boomers ever!!! We literally all went primal for 4 hours, having the most crazy visuals ever and just blahhh!! words can not even explain how much fun we had!!!
The setting was on a small branch of the potomoc river in WV where we camped out for the night. We swam in the river while listening to music which was just a crazy experience. Felt like a water bug or something...wow...
Anyway later in the night, the fireflys came out and I swear to god...ive never seen this many fireflys in my whole entire life. It looked like the super bowl with people taking pictures but times 50. Yeah just imagine that...we watched that and smoked a L and then sat around the fire reminiscing everything that went down. Hands down on of the most up lifting, spiratual experiences I have ever experienced in my life!!! :pie:


Well-known member
eating magic mushrooms, drinking COLD beer, & trying to shoot pool. we would break, re-rack, break, re-rack...just to see the colors scatter out. or the first time i ate brown windowpane & sat on the beach all night. tough to pick just ONE...:dance013:


best high ever = canoeing down the amazon pitch black no moon & milky way above, huge blocks of aromas hitting the nose as u float down...nutty...planty..soil-like...floral...pine...vanilla..animal noises everywhere..was amazing...like tripping but better..

This one brought a tear to my eye.

eating magic mushrooms, drinking COLD beer, & trying to shoot pool. we would break, re-rack, break, re-rack...just to see the colors scatter out. or the first time i ate brown windowpane & sat on the beach all night. tough to pick just ONE..



anytime I'm layin in my bed with my girl smokin some nice weed...I always save the best shit for when I'm chillin with her

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
back when i was like 16 way before budder and butane extractions where big around here i took my first hit of it hot knifing and dude i could not make down the stairs. Never got high like that again. Hippie Crack got me blisted

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