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The well intentioned... yet delusional public. Discussion thread


Active member

Haven't actively read the paper in decades.... happened to be shown this and figured I'd share.

Denver Post opinion page said:
CU's Leadership in curbing 4/20 pot fest

Re: "CU's efforst dwindle pro-marijuana crowd; Rally blows over," April 21 news story.

Hats off to the University of Colorado for providing much-needed leadership where there has been little. Particularly disturbing is press coverage glorifying marijuana use with no discussion of how increasing marijuana use is impacting our state. While many misconceptions exist, two facts remain irrefutable: Marijuana use permanently damages the young developing brain, and today's marijuana is much more potent than ever before.
Marijuana, not alcohol, is the No.1 reason why children and adolescents are admitted to substance-dependence treatment today. In the last four years, drug-related suspensions at Colorado public schools have increased 45%. Meanwhile, with more marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops, marijuana is as enticing and accessible than ever.
It is time for all of us, including the media, to step up. Our indeifference is putting the health and well being of our yout in jeapordy.
Diane Carlson, Englewood

Anyone care to pick apart the "Irrefutable Facts" in this article? :D
There are literally thousands of sources of 'facts' that prove the opposite and I know that at least a few sombodies have quick access to the best of the best. :D

On a side note... In the 4+ years I've looked into the "medical" end of cannabis... the one thing I've found to be true is this:

"Anyone... and I mean ANYONE.... who dilligently studies this subject, with an open mind and from all avenues (for and against)... anyone who works with patients one on one using cannabis in concentrated oils/edibles/sub-linguals/lotions/etc...

Anyone who makes a serious study of this subject... finds out the truth and cannot refute the evidence they've researched and witnessed.

People are SOOOooooo programmed!



Active member
Hydro-Soil, Nice read! My son is sixteen years old..he is now and has been on the Honor Roll and Distinguished Honor Roll just about every report card! He is at least a year advanced in his math classes and most other classes and work too! He is a skateboarder and a smoker too! His choice..not directed by me in any way! Very smart kid! monkey5


Active member
Way to go! :D

I really enjoy meeting folks that think for themselves... sounds like your kid is well on his way. You should be proud. :D

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Rubbing my glands together
"Marijuana, not alcohol, is the No.1 reason why children and adolescents are admitted to substance-dependence treatment today."

That is very true. But the reason is that when kids and adults get caught with it and go to court, they are usually FORCED to admit they have a substance abuse problem to get into substance-dependence treatment, which they have to pay for, to make the problem go away and avoid jail time. Total bullshit money making process but that's the way it goes. Nice for the media to confirm whose pocket they are in.
As a side note, Vegas police suspended the DARE program for the public schools because of budget cuts. So no more bullshit being fed to kids.


Active member
Don't talk to me about the DARE program...

Around here the kids, that were kept out of the program by their parents, were ridiculed and teased by the kids AND TEACHERS until they begged to be put into the program. Real nice.

My son learned: "Guess what?! I know where to get drugs and alcohol now!"

He also was taught kidnapping and extortion by police officers. How nice.

Screw public school and "Well Intentioned" people in the programs. They're simply tools with no logical thought or input on their own.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


i agree with the fact that the public is totally delusional !!! "well intentioned" on the other hand is something i don't see too much of


Active member
looks as if some tools fell out the shed...

And they wonder why they're on my ignore list. LOL


Yeah... gotta say there's more selfishly motivated folks than 'well intentioned' these days. Really sucks to be classified as an "American" these days. What a rub.

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
well i guess kids are pussies now adays . drug rehab for weed are you kidding me ? ya the weed might of been weaker .but the hash we smoked was potent . none of went to rehab for weed.


voluntary/self admission of kids into drug rehab for mj? nope.

These kids and even adults don't get to choose.
They're forced by police/courts, schools, media lobotomized parents, even fucking hospitals.
In some instances individuals are involuntarily admitted to inpatient substance abuse clinics by hospital ER when blood is drawn and marijuana use is confirmed.
If patient refuses treatment and wishes to leave, they are simply deemed a "threat to self and others" and hospital security and law enforcement are utilized to detain and escort to inpatient. if you are non compliant then, they take it to the next level and off to the nearest psych ward for you.

You will find this practice in the harsher NON MMJ states.
Isn't that illegal though? damn right.

the reason is that when kids and adults get caught with it and go to court, they are usually FORCED to admit they have a substance abuse problem to get into substance-dependence treatment, which they have to pay for, to make the problem go away and avoid jail time.


Active member
^^Legality doesn't have a hell of a lot to do with it. These wars on this and wars on that are used to justify throwing the constitution in the shitter. All for our own good.

Damage the developing brain... Even if there's truth to that (1 study, is it)? there's NO evidence of any bad effect on anyone over 18. This oh the poor children shit is always the excuse for forbidding anything someone doesn't like.

As for pot being more potent, that's a good thing! Make it safer, less of the bad stuff (smoke) to get enough of the good stuff.
This is ridiculous alcohol is a far bigger problem causing many kids to go to court for fights and stabbings but they are rarely forced to go to rehab. Studies after med states went legal say the pot consumption went up but alcohol coke and meth consumption went down considerably that is a very positive sign a lot less violence and abuse with pot versus any other substance but they only think reefer madness not looking at the reality of the situation it is sad the sheep can't see past the sheep's ass in front of them.

Dilbert Do

"Marijuana, not alcohol, is the No.1 reason why children and adolescents are admitted to substance-dependence treatment today."

That is very true. But the reason is that when kids and adults get caught with it and go to court, they are usually FORCED to admit they have a substance abuse problem to get into substance-dependence treatment, which they have to pay for, to make the problem go away and avoid jail time.

If anything, it's an argument for ending prohibition.

Sat X RB

seems to me that Delusion isn't the problem.

the problem is FEAR. most of us are so frightened of the potential consequences of our actions ... that in our interactions with the world ... we follow the leader.

so, what you write about is automatic mammallian behaviour. human behaviour involves realisations, of course.

like Harry Nilson sang: "... why do we need another point of view ... to get us through?"



Veg & Flower Station keeper
Hydro-Soil, Nice read! My son is sixteen years old..he is now and has been on the Honor Roll and Distinguished Honor Roll just about every report card! He is at least a year advanced in his math classes and most other classes and work too! He is a skateboarder and a smoker too! His choice..not directed by me in any way! Very smart kid! monkey5
I NEVER believed that malarkey! The "can harm now but not later" theory?! Put that in the bin w/the gateway drug theory.

I used to get wasted everyday of my senior year (age 16-17) in high school before 1st period physics. I got A's and A+'s in math and science that year, taking 2 classes of each (4 total: trigonometry, calculus, chemistry and physics). 15 years later, when I met Dr. O'Neal who had taught physics to me said I was one of the smartest and brightest students he's ever had! I swear this on my parent's graves it's true, not like some bimbo study out of left field. No I wasn't some Einstein before I smoked either.

I think in the centuries and millennia ahead, instead of Nobel prizes or Pulitzer prizes they should also hand out Jackass of the Century awards. Guess who gets nominated for the 20th century - THE FEDS AND FEDERAL JUDGES, with supporting cast from local and state authorities as well! Just look at prohibition and the lessons NOT learned, the supposed reasons and excuses why they still enforce it or ignore the realities of the matter, and it's counter-productiveness in just about all aspects of our society and economy.