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The very first children's book about Marijuana!


Yea I'm not saying lie at all.. I just ment that I don't see it being a big deal until they ask a question.. But since your kid is young then things are much different.. I was talking about the 10-14 age range.. For some reason when people say "my kid" I always think they are teenagers haha.. Take it easy!


Kids are a touchy subject when it comes to canabis and when to tell them. The laws hold us back from letting them know we are not doing anything wrong. As we have to fear that they may tell the wrong person and then we will face criminal charges. I have a daughter that turns 6 this month. And I was given the school scheduel for the courses and was shocked when i seen DARE program on a 1st grade scheduel.

I sent a letter into the school, politely letting them know I was all for the knowledge of drugs and the laws. But was strongly against the teachings of the wrongs of the use of pot. I did not want to tackle this with my daughter at such a young age, but the school left me no choice. I will not have my daughter thinking her parents are bad people and brake the law using drugs becuase we smoke the occasional pot and her mother uses it for medicinal reasons.

They sent me home some papers about the courses that would be touched on in the dare program regauding marijuana. They made claims that users of pot supported terrorism and just a shit load of pure false info that i will not let them teach my daughter. So I replied letting them know that i would be keeping my child out of school for those days if they could not offer some other means of a way to exclude my child from those courses.

They were very polite about being rude. They contacted me and let me know that even though they didnt agree with my choices, that since the DARE program was not required or graded that they could keep my child out of it and place her in another class room on her days of having it so that she wouldnt have to miss the whole days for it. So I agreed to that offer.

But after that my and the mother of my child was notified through mail that we were no longer allowed to go on the field trips or participate in the PTA programs or other school events. We are in the process of fighting this. But the problem is, we are trying to go about it in a way were it doesnt draw too much un-wanted attention on us. So as to not risk legal problems because of this.

It is a shame that we live in such a policed state nazi fashist country that we must go through such obsticles to let our children know that were are not criminals. I have this book and have now read it to my daughter along with some other literature about pot. I try to let her know a little at a time. She is still to young in my eyes. I believe that the power of choice is part of the freedom we should have in life. And im trying to give that to her instead of forcing my beliefs on her. So im taking it slow and letting her decide how she feels about it. But she is still so young so doesnt know what she thinks about it. She understands about it though and doesnt look down upon me or her mother for our use of it. And it is never around her, she has never seen it in real life or even smelled it for that matter. We keep it out of the main house so we dont face legal problems with Child protective services if they were to ever come around.

This is a great thread and thanks for posting it, this type of thing should be brought to peoples attention more often. It is a large problem in the US still. we are getting closer but still so far from the end of all this meyham they call the war on drugs, that for some reason for the last few decades has spent millions fighting against canabis....

Lil 'o Me

Farm hand
But after that my and the mother of my child was notified through mail that we were no longer allowed to go on the field trips or participate in the PTA programs or other school events. We are in the process of fighting this. But the problem is, we are trying to go about it in a way were it doesnt draw too much un-wanted attention on us. So as to not risk legal problems because of this.

Wow. This right here is absolutely discusting! They have no right to disclude you from other school events like this.

Its a tough situation you are in right now with this. How frusrating! I would approach this with alot of caution as well. Mabey try to make them understand that its not so much that you advocate the use of drugs, but that you would rather teach your child about drugs and sex (bring up other personal topics) etc... than have the school system teach it. Because there are so many different personal beliefs out there, on so many personal topics,the school system has to alow parents to choose to teach thier own children on certain topics.

I would be outraged! I feel for ya bro. Please keep me updated with your progress on this. Good luck man!


Hey Lil, I seen a update when i signed in today from you. I clicked on my PM folder to answer a private message i had from some one and lost the conversation you started. Sorry about that. And you hit the nail right on the head. Im tryin to push it in a way to were it looks as if id rather teach my daughter myself other than make it look as if im simply a drug user and want my child to know nothing about drug abuse. I have no intentions of not letting my daughter learn of the dangers of drugs(meth, opiates and such) when abused. But i just dont want my daughter being taught that maijuana is awful and her growing up thinking that her mother is a criminal for using it for medicinal reasons and that it cant be used other wise in moderation. I want her to know the positive things it brings to this world and the fact that it is not a gate way drug and that it has never once been the cause of an overdose or death. There is just so much they will not teach her about it that should be taught. They will simply focus on the negative false statements and lies they feel our children should know.

Its a tough situation, as she is still so young and i dont wish to go over the whole thing with her this young and did not think i would have to. So im just taking it slowly and one step at a time. Doing what i know is right for my child and not what they THINK is right..
thanks for the book thread lilome. I have two wonderful and smart little girls. And i have decided not to hide it from them. At one time i had an extra bedroom as my flower room and everymornig when everybody was still asleep my oldest would wake up and join me with daddys flowers and talk about them. she knows this is good but we keep it our little secret and dont talk to anybody outside of the house about it. LOL! It has been over a year since ive had that room. and about a month ago my oldest and I were at Barnes n Noble looking up books on corn breeding. It happend to be in the same section of where the cannabis books were. She picked one out and fliped through it and brought me down to her level and wisberd in my ear. "Daddy these are the same flowers we grow."


my son is too young now. I'll tell him when he asks what daddy is growing, smoking. No way I'll lie to my son.
he and weed are too important to lie about.


Active member
This is a touchy subject indeed. I had a thread about this going about a year ago in the Old Stoners Pad forum. I have a 9 year old (son) who I believe is at a good age to discuss this with as. I understand the implications of disclosing the truth to him (him snitching etc.), but the truth of things is a very important thing to me.

I have mentioned medical use of MJ in conversation before, how it is a plant/drug that is not legal in all states etc. but not everyone or every state thinks that way. I honestly think that because it is legal in some states now (and becoming legal in more every day) would help make my point more legitimate.

As stated here it is not a black and white issue. There are benefits and downsides with each approach.

The learning capacity of children from birth to 6yrs old is so enourmous, we couldnt even learn in 20 yrs what they take in, those 6yrs little yrs. They are like little sponges taking in everything. And we are there fossets for them to absurb. If you teach them from the door that it is only a flower, then it is only a flower. Its up to the parents to decide not the goverment.


Hows about telling them the truth. Kids know when you are sb-ing them. Thats why the war on drugs is such a failure. No one explains it factually, instead they add morality where it is not needed, and ignore morality when its essential.
When she is old enough I'll let her know that her smoking could get me in very serious trouble. That if she wants me to stay out of jail she will keep it clean.:noway:

Just two of you have something to say about this? Theres like 35 people that have read this thread so far. Ok, I'll ask a question then...

For thoes of you with children or who plan on having children, are you willing to be up front and honest with your kids about your marijuana use? What do you plan on telling them, if so? If not, why...... and what if they find out anyway?


Freedom Fighter
I am going to order multiple copies of both these books...some for gifts...and the rest for when talking about MMJ, ppl come up with, "What about the Children?!"...I will hand them a copy!!
K+ on this Thread!!