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The Venus Project Plans to Bring Humanity to the Next Stage of Social Evolution


Well-known member
"In a Resource Based Economy all goods and services are available to all people without the need for means of exchange such as money, credits, barter or any other means. For this to be achieved all resources must be declared as the common heritage of all Earth’s inhabitants. Equipped with the latest scientific and technological marvels mankind could reach extremely high productivity levels and create abundance of resources."

And it will be derided as Socialism by people that could not tell you the difference between Socialism and Fascism, or give a reasonable explanation of the tenets of either.

The problem is people do not see other people as equal. We profile each other without even thinking of it. And we automatically assign those we perceive as beneath us to a lower caste.

You would have to overcome thousands of years of this behavior, everyone would have to be systematically drugged and brainwashed.

Sorry, but it can't work. We don't play well together, and don't share our toys. Just read the Jeff Sessions thread for proof.


Active member
WD people do not see each other as equal because we are not all equal,far from it.Even if by some miracle we were all born equally in intelligence and drive one day,explain to the person that busts his ass and commits himself to bettering the world why he should share equally to the person that's a slacker and doesn't really give a fuck about bettering himself or the world as a whole.Thats why socialism is doomed from the start.In the real world we are all far from equal in just about any way you can think of,it's not our fault it's just the way people are."Imagine all the people" is a great lyric for a song,but has no real basis in reality.Unfortunately


Well-known member
Weather equality is perceived or factual isn't my point. You are correct there will always be doers and slackers. But if the slacker tricks the doer into doing the work, then who is really superior, the doer or the slacker? Again, not my point, just an observation.

Socialism only works on a very small scale where people agree on who does what and sticks to it. Even then, it eventually falls apart because someone eventually decides they do more work than someone else, thus deserving a larger share. And others feel their contribution is just as valid, deserving an equal share. But that isn't my point.

I only mentioned Socialism because that's what this experiment will be called. It matters not one bit if it isn't socialism, that's what it will be perceived as. It won't be well received because of that perception. I shouldn't say that, there are some advocates of Socialism. But that's another discussion.

My main point is we just don't play well together. Put a bunch of people on a floating island, and even when the food and resources are free and distributed equally, there will still be conflict. It won't work.

Dog Star

Active member
Think that socialism is great and i have experience about socialism cause our country was one in a time communist country.. think that people that never experienced socialism dont know what they are talking about.. cause you really need to live in one to know how to proper judge some systhem.

In socialism there was lot more job,good living,more laughs and people was not so different in amount of goods they possest.. as they are now in capitalism.. and there is now less jobs,not good living,lot more drugs,less laughs,people dive in garbage
to collect plastic bottles.. etc.. things that you could not sees in communism as this systhem was give better dignity to people thru work and frequent payment.

So if a history reapeating i belive we are on a good road to become again
communist land cause people remember what systhem was better one..


Active member
Dog Star if it was such a fair good system,why did they change it where you were at?There are certain things I believe should be socialized,medical care for one because that is a basic human right in my opinion and should not be bargained for.A full on socialist economy though?You say it worked but apparently for some reason it doesn't exist anymore

Dog Star

Active member
There is no systhem that is perfect.. am not for communism.. but if you look history
you can encounter that communism is a answer to capitalism..

capitalism as a force have fascism as protector.. and cause of that you need to have
opposition that is inside communism.. both of systhems are not good for people but
if you look good you will found out that people dont know better and they always search
for criminal systhems like those two are.. right or left..,position or oposition.. there is no middle or uniting between them..

no matter that is a same nation involved and they all have same common problems..

spliting and ruling over folks.. so by hard capitalism and our history a normal conclusion
is that we are on a road to communism again.. only like conclusion i think.. and i belive
that people are sick of capitalism as i sees mine country fellows tangled in this new systhem.. as they say that capitalism eat his own people..

Am totaly apolitic.. dont stand right or left.. dont play their game.. never was in some party.. but some toughts i have that people after they are filled enough with capitalism then they go natural in communism.. that is if i judge hystory,like its a natural process.

If its not right.. then we go left..


Active member
Dog star facism never was and never will be any kind of protection of the free economy in this country,I don't know how you can come even remotely close to that conclusion,as it's so totally false it hardly deserves a response.I don't know how we went from socialism in the European sense to all out communism,defending any communist system of the last century defies reality,people were happy and prosperous under communist rule?Stalin killed at least as many people as Hitler did,while under a free economy and guaranteed freedoms from our constitution,people prospered and built the largest middle class of citizens in all of history.Not to say inequity is fair at all,but nothing is forced upon the individual like in communist nations.Comparing the two has me scratching my head wondering why any person of any intelligence at all could even compare the two,and I really don't mean that as a cut on you DS,I just can't come close to understanding the reasoning.With your own eyes you can see the difference between the Korea's,one chose communism and the other capitalism,the ending results are all too clear.Like you said any system will have it's faults,the most important thing in my eyes are the guaranteed freedoms afforded the citizens.With communism there are none and never have been,defending that kind of political and social system is just plain crazy to me.Again no offense intended bro

Dog Star

Active member
Depends where you are from... its not same rule for every country..

maybe your country play on ISIS card,islamistic fascism in some way playing for free economy as we can sees today in a World..,terrorizing people and playing for politic elites..

capitalism and fascism goes together.. am sorry if you are not awared of hystory..

also most of fascistic tangled countries are today true capitalist states..

hope i dont need to mention examples..

Depends also what type of communism you comment.. its not same Russian communism
and Yugoslavian communism.. there was a lot of differences in between,you needed to experince both of them to understand what i wish to tell you.

By the way your praised free World and free economy killed as Hitler and Stalin all together so i dont know about what "free economy" you talking about.. to me it doesnt look free at all..

We can sees today what are results of that fake free economy,Syria,Lybia,Afghanistan,
half of Africa.. millions of dead,irradiated by depleted uran munition,drones in a air that
look for next victim,wistleblowers that need to run.. etc.. you name it and you will
find it.. that is what gives free World and free economy..


Are you really belive you are free?


Active member
DS as per usual,you and sooo many others want to put the blame squarely on the shoulders of one country,namely the United States.Blaming an economic system for so much perceived havoc and mayhem in the world is a new one to me lol.It's usually the political system that is blamed.How in the world can you say the free world and a free economy has ended up killing more people than Hitler and Stalin combined?Do you even realize how many people Stalin killed?I seriously doubt it when you make a statement like that.I've heard many ridiculous statements on the worlds mighty interweb but man that one is way up there on the total nonsense scale!Defending communism as a political system isn't in vogue anymore bro,haven't you heard?Holdouts like Cuba for instance accomplish absolutely nothing but keeping their population in poverty and despair.My grandfather was Cuban and living in Florida I get to meet a whole lot of Cubans,especially being an UBER frequent customer lol!Out of the dozens I have been able to communicate with,how many do you think have a good word to say about Cuban life and their system of government.If you said zero that's a pretty good guess!They talk about heartache,despair,poverty and sadness living so close to a free land where their relatives have prospered because of our horrible economic system that kills so many innocent people lol!Just the statement has me shaking my head in wonderment..Are we even living on the same planet?Where you live do you have a truly free press?It makes me wonder because you sound so much like a typical proletariat straight out of the 60's!When the world suffers a major tragedy like sunamis or earthquakes which country on this planet rolls up its sleeves and contributes financially and otherwise more than all of the other countries put together?It aint North Korea or Cuba my friend although Cuba does have a commendable Doctors with no borders type program I freely admit.Like we both agree,no system is perfect and none will ever be,but to just make up shit out of thin air and ancient propaganda like the US is the worlds biggest killer of humans on the planet..It negates most everything you say that there's a grain of truth in..and that aint much my friend not much at all!

Dog Star

Active member
Hehehehehehe... you swalowed a hook and sinker.. i told you am apolitic..

am not proleteriat from 60ies.. LOL

Here where i live there is no free press but such thing also dont exist in your country..

dont be decived by your naivness..

Mine reply was as i was comment all this types of society i was live and still living..

and our history is a bit different than yours there.. so last time in WW2 when they pushed heavy capitalism here a communist was get a power.. just that..

a fact what happened here last time.. that was mine comment..

how you get i am proleteriat from 60ies... how do you sees commies bro??

Typical West paranoya.. Russians will get you,etc.... ;) LOL


Senior member
I know a story, the communists provide free ice cream to children, but other stories tell the communists eat children, that ice cream make the meat more good?

Dog Star

Active member
Yep.. its true.. commies are beasts.. capitalists are milk and honey.. we all know how story goes... nothing to doubt there..

there is also old prophecy that USA and England will be proleteriat countries in a future..

first they need to go thru capitalism and after they will be sick of him then they will exchange it with pure communism..

people simple dont know better.. left or right.. but never in a middle..


Active member
I'd like to know what your idea of "in the middle" is?When it comes to conservatism or liberalism I am very in the middle.There are good and bad things with each.The one thing they both share though that is absent in communist countries is freedom.Freedom to speak,freedom to assemble,freedom to have actual fair elections.Although it's hard for me to understand how Trump got elected,none of his competitors were killed outright like in Putins communist Russia.Being of Cuban descent you would think I would be happy about the changes Obama tried to make between our two countries.I would if it were for the benefit of the Cuban people.Unfortunately that isn't the case at all,the gov't and the military come out smelling like roses,while the average Cubano comes out smelling like a turd.This isn't what the U.S gov't has been feeding me,it's what I hear from everyday ham'n'egger Cubano's on my excursions around central Fla.Nothing has changed in Cuba since Fidel passed,nothing at all.The liberals here in our system will say otherwise,but I know firsthand what the facts are.Comparing communist idealogy and democratic institutions is like comparing night and day,and you can see which has survived and which is relegated to the asheap of history!

Dog Star

Active member
Dont worry yourself.. it was never planned for you and me that we will win in this perfid game and that we will have great lifes.. somebody choose for us and we cant do nothing there..

also dont take for bad mine words from previouss replys.. it a bit humoristic conclusions
that i wished to reflect thru mine history that actually happends here.

Today communism dont exist,even Russia or China are hard capitalist states.. so all
this paranoya on commies is pretty funny for me.. and maybe i am a perfect
provocateur cause i know both sides of same medal.. so i know what buttons
to press to provoce somebody... ;) LOL

Those in a middle that i talking about is maybe future of politics,they will compose systhem that have quality of both capitalism and communism to get every election
and dont miss a power.. it was always about ego and power.. not about you and me..

that is what made me totaly apolitic for any systhem that exists..

here last days in media they struggle to buy for some ill kids teraphy for cancer
and they(capitalist goverment) need to give about million and half of euros to pay it..

wouldn you think there wasnt any problem for this parents of sick children??

Capitalists have hard time to pay for this kids.. they are all about money.. maybe
this kind of moves shaped mine thoughts to provoce a bit..


Active member
Hmm..I never felt provoked at all but if it makes you feel good to think you have played me,hook line and sinker than so be it.Unfortunately there are two communist countries that basically practice Stalinism that may slightly disagree with your assessment.No reason to mention them I have been all over that.Nothing to win here,nothing to lose either just a clash of views,which challenges me and is a good thing.I'll occasionally learn a thing or two also which is just a bonus,nothing new here though..


Active member
im astonished many of you havent seen the Zeitgeist movies,
otherwise you would have know of the Venus Project.
I personally would propose everyone here to take the time to watch them,
sure they are old now and a lot that gets discussed is already out there and people are aware of... BUT many not and even if, its good to refresh your memory..
Im not affiliated in any way with them, im just wanting people to be open minded and look at the big picture!
Society needs a make over, projects like this are a step in the right direction,
thats for sure...
without doing any research about this its naive to say these things that have been mentioned at the beginning!
The main idea behind this is to try and achieve a more conscious, enlightened & caring future for mankind, if you think the world we live in now is better than theres something not right with you, or you are brainwashed..
take the time and watch them... or a shorter version:


Andinismo Hierbatero
Why does icmag attracts all the tin-foil peeps? Those zeitgest movies are actually used in schools to teach you about the phenomenom of 'fake documentaries'. If you care, look up the debunking of the first part of the first movie where they try to explain the origin of religions, it is pretty wild people are still falling for it.

You want a better world? Follow the so-called golden rule: do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.


Active member
Why does icmag attracts all the tin-foil peeps? Those zeitgest movies are actually used in schools to teach you about the phenomenom of 'fake documentaries'. If you care, look up the debunking of the first part of the first movie where they try to explain the origin of religions, it is pretty wild people are still falling for it.

You want a better world? Follow the so-called golden rule: do unto others as you would like others to do unto you.

so, you didnt understand the point of my message..
even when i said it pretty clear...
i was asking people to be open minded,
its pretty clear from the comments in the first pages that people are quick to dismiss something "different" without doing any REAL research...
just look at the posts, its clear to see people dont give the OP a chance...
Of course they would be used in schools to twist the facts and story.... very simple to see through!
To think that whats thought in schools are the only truth or reality, is very naive..
i have followed this exact rule for over 30 yrs since i was a teenager..
theres more we have to do than just follow this rule, even though its a good start


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor
The main idea behind this is to try and achieve a more conscious, enlightened & caring future for mankind, if you think the world we live in now is better than theres something not right with you, or you are brainwashed..

screw zeitgeist, and you too mr. enlightened.

zeitgeist threads have been binned on ICMag for ages, that would sorta tell you how well it's received around here.

You are so enlightened and we're all still runnin' around chucking spears @ food and living in caves. :nono:

Wanna see the health & wealth of the world we live in today & the preceding 200 years???
THIS YouTube video is based on FACT not fiction.......

Hans Rosling's 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 Minutes


and this video will take up only 4:47 of your life.

zeitgeist is video diarrhea.

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