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the two biggest lies my parents told me that still haunt


1) Marijuana is a dangerous drug.
2)Taking on debt for college is normal. Everyone does it. Go ahead and take loans out.

As it sits, marijuana has helped save my life, and I owe 43,000 dollars in student loans and 5 thousand dollars in credit cards from college.

Well intentioned parent fail.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I Was gonna spend 120 grand on an education for art, and decided not to. that turned out to be a good decision. All my friends that went to that really good school, now cant get a job, or sell art because the country is so fucked.


Patient Grower
Marijuana is a dangerous thing! It drives the sane mad, and causes them to put people in jail for possessing it!

Seriously, why are you crying about having a college degree? Get some life experience under your belt, and you'll understand just how valuable it is. You can make it without one, but it's a lot more difficult. Anyway, presuming you weren't an English or Social Sciences major.

You should forgive your parents for #1, they were lied to by people that should have been providing good information, not propaganda.

You should thank your parents for #2, they were right.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
Did you finish college? Maybe your folks would be willing to pay off your loans and carry the debt for you? Maybe you could at least avoid the interest, I mean they talked you into it...................


I did graduate, but with a liberal arts degree. I should add option three:

"It doesn't matter what you major in, just get the degree."

fail fail fail fail fail fail fail.

I can't even land an interview. Doing anything. I'm over-qualified for the general labor type stuff because of my degree, and under-qualified for anything professional. Those manager trainee programs that were everywhere for college grads even 5 years ago are gone. Vanished.


The best thing my liberal arts degree did for me was allow me the time to hone in on my cultivating skills. A semi-retarded monkey with mild downs syndrome could get a 4.0 as a political science major from Harvard, let's be real. It's honestly a scam. I learned more relevant, worldly information from blogs and interviews.

Oh well. I've still got a few thousand watts of glory that tend to be recession proof.


Patient Grower
The degree is a tool. If a semi-retarded monkey can get a degree with a 4.0, what does that say about the person who doesn't have a degree?

If you really want to work at a place that won't hire you because you have a degree, how about not mentioning it?

"The true test of a warrior is not without, it is within." Mr. Worf


Active member
in my country gollege education is free. dig that?

we'll everything else is just as fucked with you guys!



the loans are part of a controlling sequence over people, society has been washed with, "its normal to borrow money that doesnt exist"


Andinismo Hierbatero
oh come on paris... all you need to get your degree working for you is to see who do you know who can hook you up with a job...

that is reality right there... it is not really about what you know, but who you know... and if you do not know anyone that can hook you up, well, it sounds like you already hooked yourself up to them lamps.

also, I still remember when I was younger and thought I was a bad-ass and knew it all because I had studied Nietzsche hehehe...
I've had a more meaningful education from OG and ICmag. Fuck the scam that is college. Though I probably shouldn't give advice. I'm 26 and trying to move up from unemployed to shipyard apprentice. My stash keeps me sane though.

This makes me feel better about my situation. At least I'm not debt ridden.


m still pissed about them chopping off some of my cock meat before i was old enough for consent


Active member
"1) Marijuana is a dangerous drug.
2)Taking on debt for college is normal. Everyone does it. Go ahead and take loans out."

Same thing Paris, same thing.

My mother would always tell me when i was 11 - 12 : Nverever smoke weed - if u do u will get hooked from just one joint and then will have mad cravings all your life!!!
1) Marijuana is a dangerous drug.
2)Taking on debt for college is normal. Everyone does it. Go ahead and take loans out.

As it sits, marijuana has helped save my life, and I owe 43,000 dollars in student loans and 5 thousand dollars in credit cards from college.

Well intentioned parent fail.

Unless you were a child prodigy, you were >18 years old when you decided to go to college. Welcome to being an adult. Maybe your parents also failed to mention that adults are supposed to take responsibility for their choices?


I love my life
m still pissed about them chopping off some of my cock meat before i was old enough for consent

No shit on that one!

I am happy with my public graduate and post graduate education, but most education programs are a scam. $50K for an 18 month degree from ITT tech, Please.

But if you got a degree from Harvard for $50K count yourself lucky. By the way who wants to work for anyone else? Get your own thing going.

Peace, :joint:


i wonder to chicks dig the whole frilled lizard look??


does it flatten out like a Frisbee and guarantee the tailed ones get a good chance at success

but me batter still makes a cake or two so im a bit confused