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The Trump Bomber

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Active member
True to a degree, antifa, but you guys really took the prize on this one.

There's going to be a price for this in the voting booths. Ironic, this guy was a major league trumpie and he caused more damage than the hookers or any of the other clusterfucks.

Don't try to imply that me or any rational person is like this nut. I never compared you to any of the nut job violent fucks on the extremist left.


Well-known member

That van is a mystery because the stickers do look new. They also cover all the windows. People get pulled over all the time for heavily tinted windows. How did the cops never pull this guy over? ...

that is a good point, a very obscured field of view


ICMag Donor
Don't try to imply that me or any rational person is like this nut. I never compared you to any of the nut job violent fucks on the extremist left.

Never did.
Just saying the red team has more nuts that are more extreme. Nothing personal about you.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Someone like Joe Rogan or/and Dana White should put together a 'melee' fight card between the far righty's and the far lefty's - no guns allowed - and no other weapons - EXCEPT - large Halibut fish - and let 'em have at it - on pay-per-view TV.

I'd pay to watch these nut-jobs whack the crap out of each other with fresh fish - any day of the week.

Never did.
Just saying the red team has more nuts that are more extreme. Nothing personal about you.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Firstly - take into account what I actually said Rob - 'Its not a good time in history to be a white male' - and its not been for me - with all these claims of white privilege I hear constantly - after spending 30 months locked up without trial or warrant for any offence at all in the Philippines - and while I was there I was subject to much verbal and some physical abuse from other inmates - and one of the guards upon my return from an attempted kidnapping - because of my colour - Yes it is possible that white people are subjected to racism in this day and age - and that is what I experienced.

When finally I was allowed to return to the UK - I went to visit an old friend in Luton - and got much of the same - from a bunch of South Asians - who told me to 'Fuck-off out of Luton', because it was a Pakistani Sharia area - and I was not welcome there - and I have heard this same thing happening to many other Englishmen, in their own country - I wasn't the first - and its getting worse - much worse.

If you don't believe me - come over for a visit - I will even pay ya bus fair to Luton or Bradford or areas of Birmingham, or several other places where its been happening - on a regular basis.

As for what this all means: 'Soon, you will be telling us the white hats have joined forces w Hillary to rape all the fake god children in white christiandom and it's all being funded by those anarchist Satanists that removed the Confederate statues from the seat of the civil war- Portland Oregon.' - Well - you must be tripping balls to put all that gobbledygook together - since it sounds like you have been watching that loon Alex Jones again.

....as for 'being a pussy' - walk a mile in my shoes, before you start calling me names.
First, I did take into account what you said. And I still take issue with it. Nothing you said convinces me it is any tougher being a white man than it is being any other race. Not a thing. You are one man among billions. Your road has been a hard one. I would not want to walk it. And you are still here, that speaks volumes. Here in America, we are the undisputed undefeated heavyweight champions of incarceration. And violence. And with no intention of downplaying the dispicable, horrendous actions that were taken against you, and without the ability to do so, even if I were to attempt, because these particular things have not happened to me, this country is chock full of citizens whose own government has done worse, and more, to. We KILL muthrfukrs, known to be innocent, in our system(shout out to texas! Whatwhaaaat) I do not say that with pride or bluster, it is something so shameful that Americans won't be able to deal with it for a generation or two.
The reason I don't call out white racism in individuals from other countries is because, you guessed it, I'm American. We may not have invented it, but we goooood at it. I would go toe to toe with you on it, and believe that our relative infancy as a country and culture has not stopped us from making a run at the title of "all time greatest", but a headstart of a few thousand years is hard to overcome. I mean, you dudes were burning bitches just for knowing shit before we were even shitting in our hands and wiping it on our faces! Respec!!
White privilege and white guilt...my ears are pummeled with it everyday, same as you. In my old age I've come to realize that when a culture, or cultures, start discussing new ideas, or at least expressing them for the first time, or just in a way not done before, it's loudest at the beginning, and more ......expansive(?) then it should be, or will be. Do I believe that white privilege exists, to a degree? Again, I'm coming to you from America, so fuck ya I do. Do I believe it's institutional in my country? FucknA. Do I believe that white privilege is wrapped around every caucasian in my country at all times, preventing harm or poverty or injustice, protection from the American justice system or police? No. It's fucking ridiculous. It's insulting. Not as a white man, but as a man who understands both statistics and the art of overstatement. But it will pass. And things will get better. Unless those crazy libtards attack white santa again this year.


ICMag Donor
It's a sad day when the game becomes real and reality disappears.

Someone like Joe Rogan or/and Dana White should put together a 'melee' fight card between the far righty's and the far lefty's - no guns allowed - and no other weapons - EXCEPT - large Halibut fish - and let 'em have at it - on pay-per-view TV.

I'd pay to watch these nut-jobs whack the crap out of each other with fresh fish - any day of the week.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
The bomber is the loon bag, duh.

Oddly enough, that makes me feel better. Haaha

So youre betting the prime motivation was to start a civil war? I acknowledge this as a possibility. That would be some second or third level thinking kinda shit! I, however, have a higher faith, when it comes to americans,(ESPECIALLY Americans who put even a SINGLE bumper sticker on their car) in first level thinking. As in: threatening someone in different degrees, to make an immediate impact and gaining emotional pleasure and or relief.
But I also believe in Americans' mental capacity to go to any measure necessary to fulfill any belief they hold, especially as it becomes, even subconsciously, increasingly untenable.


ICMag Donor
That said, I would probably pay to get blasted and watch some idiot get whacked with a sizable halibut too.:laughing:


Active member
Respect to all points of view in this thread. Everybody's passion points and argument is interesting and well stated. I still have a lot of questions about what exactly has gone down. I'm not one to rush to judgement without all the facts. Clearly though, Trump is a pivot point, an actor in the drama. Just a few days ago he was promoting body slamming journalists. Is it any surprise one of our millions of jut jobs would take him at his word and start something?

I'm a veteran of 1960s activism. I thought the world was coming apart then. Seems a lot worse now.


Not like it hasn't happened before, or since.

i didnt say that you had never been banned. i know you were banned for a while. as far as i remember it was because you couldn't play nice in some political thread or another. but the point is, it wasn't me, i might have deleted insults, and asked you not to carry on with more insults, but i didnt threaten a ban and i didnt ban you. thats the plain and simple truth.

why are you even posting here, didnt you say you would stay out of these type of threads? it looks like you just came in to have a go at people/Gypsy/myself, or did i miss your post on the actual topic of the thread?


Active member
Oddly enough, that makes me feel better. Haaha

So youre betting the prime motivation was to start a civil war? I acknowledge this as a possibility. That would be some second or third level thinking kinda shit! I, however, have a higher faith, when it comes to americans, in first level thinking. As in: threatening someone in different degrees, to make an immediate impact and gaining emotional pleasure and or relief.
But I also believe in Americans' mental capacity to go to any measure necessary to fulfill any belief they hold, especially as it becomes, even subconsciously, increasingly untenable.

I didn't say it was done to start a civil war. This dude was obviously crazy, no telling his true motive. To be completely honest the media will use this to demonize every person with a non leftist ideology. It may be somewhat unintended by the MSM. I get the fact that millions of people want to be told the news with a hard left spin. Financially it is a great way to make money. Not so great for the country.

And before you start ranting about the evil fox news. Yes, fox news is undoubtedly biased.

The media will spend weeks covering this until non partisan Americans will be sick of it. It's just going to push the divide further, deeper.

The whole thing has a few to many similarities to the reichstag fire. The left has been weaponizing every issue, with the help of the media. I won't venture a firm opinion either way until more information comes out.

DRM Ranch

I find it funny, how no one mentioned that several prominent republicans were sent ricin last week. Also, no one blamed Bernie Sanders, when one of his supporters shot a Republican congressman.

Violence is never a solution to a political disagreement.

I think violence has historically been the final answer to most political disagreements. At least historically speaking.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Read my words again rob: 'Its not a good time in history to be a white male'....I wasn't trying to convince you that its any tougher to be a white man, than any other colour of man - which you conveniently seem not to have noticed - all I was communicating to you was that from my limited perspective as an individual - within my experience - over the last 6 years or so - it hasn't been fortuitous at all being a white male for me - I've not seen any 'privilege' being white, quite the contrary -

First, I did take into account what you said. And I still take issue with it. Nothing you said convinces me it is any tougher being a white man than it is being any other race. Not a thing.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
i didnt say that you had never been banned. i know you were banned for a while. as far as i remember it was because you couldn't play nice in some political thread or another. but the point is, it wasn't me, i might have deleted insults, and asked you not to carry on with more insults, but i didnt threaten a ban and i didnt ban you. thats the plain and simple truth.

why are you even posting here, didnt you say you would stay out of these type of threads? it looks like you just came in to have a go at people/Gypsy/myself, or did i miss your post on the actual topic of the thread?
I've been banned a few times.
Once, a dude created a little drama on sdf2 or 3. He posted a members personal info. When I reported it to a mod, he took action not by deleting said post, but by closing thread w the promise to clean it up the next day. Thinking that was a ridiculous response, I started a new thread w the same title. The active thread members moved to that one and attention was diverted. Next day I opened the moderators ban message to me that started w the words: How dare you start a new thread when I closed it? Knee jerk reaction on my part was "what a self important douche", maybe an overreaction, but the impression has stuck w me. And yes, I FULLY realize I'm a self important douche, but I don't ban people, I do my best to ignore.
My desire to stay away from these threads was neither a requirement to come back, nor something you in anyway shape or form put forth. You thought I'd been banned that time for selling shit, which was out of nowhere as I have NEVER. It was merely a personal desire and goal. And one I have, AMAZINGLY, fulfilled for the most part. And on this rare occasion that I haven't, I don't feel like I have acquitted myself poorly.
I may have taken a shot at gypsy w the pussy remark. I was trying to say when white dudes bitch about how tough it is being white, it makes the whole white race look like pussies.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Read my words again rob: 'Its not a good time in history to be a white male'....I wasn't trying to convince you that its any tougher to be a white man, than any other colour of man - which you conveniently seem not to have noticed - all I was communicating to you was that from my limited perspective as an individual - within my experience - over the last 6 years or so - it hasn't been fortuitous at all being a white male for me - I've not seen any 'privilege' being white, quite the contrary -

Look man, this was the fifth post on a thread that had nothing to do with race. Not. One. Single. Thing. None of the four posts prior mentioned or even implied a racial component. And with one sentence, you appeared to move it in that direction. Revise, justify, rearrange, deflect, but don't tell me I don't understand.


Well-known member
True to a degree, antifa, but you guys really took the prize on this one.

There's going to be a price for this in the voting booths. Ironic, this guy was a major league trumpie and he caused more damage than the hookers or any of the other clusterfucks.

So a crazy mails out 12 or so packages and doesn't hurt anyone but could have hurt or killed them and other innocent bystanders. How does he win the prize over a crazy that took an assault rifle to a baseball game and critically injured one person and could have hurt or killed 100s of people at a game" I want to see you scoring system. How many points for a bullet? How many for a bomb?

I don't know what crazy person is crazier and you don't either. You just don't want to let it rest. You have to blame someone or put the blame on one side or the other.

You just want to fan the flames of hate. Congrats!
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